
The Secrets of a Luna

"How dare you try to reject her, you fucking freak! You hurt my friend, so I am going to hurt you." She threatened powerfully, grabbing him by his throat. "You will try to like her, and at least give her a damn chance. I am Alpha Hudson's mate. Get over it." She dropped him to the ground, her long hair swaying in the breeze. Claws grew from his hands, choosing to swipe at her ankle. Noticing his attack, she grabbed his arm. Getting down to his level, the crack of his bone snapping in half echoed in the morning air. An ivory tip stuck out of his arm, my inner wolf howling for her. "I don't love her." He declared desperately, reaching for her with her other hand. "I love you, and did when we dated." Her fists clenched tightly, blood dripping onto the ground. Shaking her head, she stood up. Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, a broken smile shattering my heart. "You broke up with me, remember?" She snapped icily, trying to fight the tears. "You left me the day my parents died, and told me that you couldn't handle the baggage. So fuck you! Treat her well or I will kill you if she gets hurt more." She was trying to unlock her car, Grayson towered over her. A silver blade shimmered in his hand, her foot knocking it out of his hand. "Your parents were right about you." He taunted cruelly, his gray eyes darkening. "They were right to call you a loser, and a failure all of the time. They paired me with you to improve yourself, and learn obedience like the good dog you should be." Enough was enough, her body collapsing to her knees.

Yvette_Francaise · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Chapter Eight: The Army Unites


Silver bullets whizzed by our head, the supposed tour guide aiming at us. Rage boiled in my vein, I just wanted a damn honeymoon to fuck my wife senseless. Devin charged at him, knocking him down to the ground, his red hair flew around his face. The sharp crack of his neck echoed in the hall, my feet skidding to a stop. Rushing back to the room, she hopped off of my back. Packing our bags, we dragged them down the hall. Three more hunters chased us out of the resort, a black armored vehicle squealing up next to us. Bullets rained down on us, the resort growing smaller in the distance. A dark tenseness poisoned the air, Devin looking sullen next to us. Tears welled up in his eyes, hurt mixing with raw rage.

"What's wrong?" Evie queried gently, taking his hand. "What happened? We can't thank you en-" A growl rumbled in my throat, his hand slapping her away. A snarl curled on his lips, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"They killed them all last night." He wept uncontrollably, burying his face into his palms. "The damn hunters killed him all, and burned down my village. I hate myself for not being able to protect them. I was on a date with a pretty blonde girl, and she must have drugged my drink. I am an awful leader." Guilt dimmed his eyes, Evie clearing her throat.

"You can live with us." She offered, angering me slightly. "We need to find the other clans." Gazing lovingly at me, she took my hand. Concern flashed in her eyes, the hunters never causing such bad damage before. Her wheels in her head turned as the plane landed, a black armor car waited for us. Everyone piled in, exhaustion heavy on her eyes. No one said anything the whole way home, her fingers dialing a couple of numbers. Tossing her suitcase by the door, she went right for the grand hall. Everyone in our clan was gathered waiting for her words, Devin standing awkwardly next to her.

"You will accept him as one of our own. Hunters killed every single one of his clan." She announced bitterly, her lips pressing together. "I will be trying to contact all of the other clans in the area so we can team up and destroy the threat of the hunters. I will need to meet all of your outside friends, and while you groan I don't want to lose any one of you. Let him be a lesson to you all." Grumbling rumbled through the crowd, her hand falling to her bare stomach. Stepping off of the stage, James took all of the questions. Rushing up to the office, she pulled out an old black contact book. Flipping through, her finger traced the page. Stopping at one, the beeps of her phone dialing a number irritated me. Clenching my fists, blood dripped onto the ground. Walking around the office, she nodded as a weak smile dimmed her face. Hanging up the phone, she turned to me.

"We need to go to the diner." She stammered nervously, sliding her phone into her pocket. "We have a few people to meet." Tossing me my motorcycle keys, confusion twisted my face. Bitter words sat on the tip of my tongue, rage seething in my eyes. Grabbing her wrists, a snarl curled on her lips.

"What exactly are you planning to do!" I snapped hotly, her hand slapping mine away. "What happened to him sucked, but didn't he try to hurt you earlier!" Standing on her toes, fury darkened her eyes.

"He saved us when we needed it!" She blurted out venomously, glaring into my eyes. "I was the person everyone tried to kill, so I am going to save all of the werewolves even if it kills me. If you refuse to drive me, then I drive myself. This will save us too, you know!" My face softened, her chest huffing up and down. She looked really cute pissed off, her eyebrow cocking. Attempting to take her hand, she turned her back on me.

"I am sorry." I apologized horribly, my tone still rather bitter. "I just don't want to lose you." Spinning back around, she brushed past me. Coldness darkened her eyes, her fingers wrapping around her brand new helmet sitting on her desk.

"Are you coming or what!" She demanded angrily, stomping towards the garage. "If you are going to question any of my moves, then we don't belong together. I am going to do anything possible to remedy the problem. The hunters are up to something, collecting monsters the way they are. I can't piece it together just sitting here and waiting." Wrapping my arms around her waist, her expression softened. Saying nothing, she sat behind me on my bike. Something was eating at her, the trees flashing by us. Tires squealed to a stop in front of the local diner, all three other alphas sitting at the bar. The bell rang as we walked in, all three of them looking at us. Alpha Evan shot me a death glare, running his hand through his gray slicked back hair. His gray eyes twinkled in Evie's direction, his gray t-shirt clung to his muscular chest. Jealousy flashed in my eyes, her touch calming me down. Alpha Blake winked at her, his short black hair hanging over his golden eyes. Wanting to charge him, her lips pressed against mine lustfully. Shaking his head, his black business suit stood out against us all. Alpha Lucien popped up on the other side of me, his straight red hair cascading down to his shoulders. He was the most chill of them all, his white t-shirt and cargo shorts telling me just that. Excitement twinkled in his green eyes, his shoulder nudging against mine. Shooting him a death glare, he cowered back. Smiling warmly in their direction, they all softened at the sight of her. Clearing her throat, she sat down at the biggest silver booth. Following suit, they all sat down across from us, fifties music popping away in the background.

"I have gathered all of you here today, to see if we can form a treaty that would allow travel and protection to each clan." She explained happily, sliding a white paper into the middle of the table. "You can still keep your crowns, but we are all allies. Are we going to come to that conclusion today?" Alpha Evan's stern face melted to a joyous one, everyone but Evie gasping.

"I don't see why not." He mused playfully, tapping his chin. "All you guys had to ever do was ask. Your father, no offense Hudson, was never the foreign clan type. He would never have ever entertained the very thought of this conversation. Your Luna is quite wise. I will sign on one condition." Her head cocked to the right, a polite smile dimming her face. No feelings were hurt, my father clearly was not the man he claimed to be. A snarl curled on my lips, the thought of almost selling my mate ticking me off.

"What is Alpha Evan?" She asked warmly, pulling out the notes app on her phone. "I will take some notes." All of the alphas laughed heartily, confusion twisting our faces. Leaning back, Alpha Evan crossed his hands across his chest.

"We were already in a treaty, so you can join us if you wish." He announced proudly, the men sliding a much better contract in our direction. "I am sorry your old man sucked. Our current problem is getting the vampire clans to join us." Her lips parted to speak, Theros sauntering over to the table. Everyone except for Evie rolled their eyes, his black Victorian suit freaking us out.

"Leave that to me." He gloated gleefully, slamming his hands on the table. "I have valuable information on what is going on with the hunters. A couple of my covens have been wiped out. Alpha Evan, does the name James Dolan sound familiar to you?" The color drained out of his face, his fingers drumming impatiently on the red metal beneath us.

"Yes, my former Beta?" He answered in disbelief, terror flashing in his eyes. "What does he have to do with all of this?" A lump formed in Theros' throat, his next words destroying us all. Sitting down next to me, he pulled out a black folder from his jacket.

"He is the new leader of the hunters, and he is collecting specimens to transform into robotic monsters." He said numbly, pain hiding behind his eyes. "Sorry to inform you of that. I want to stop him as much as you, but all of his hunters are dead monsters or reanimated humans. Kill them all, they are all already dead. So we need a plan to find his tower, and then we will figure out how to storm it." Alpha Evan cracked his knuckles, a disappointed look flashing in his eyes.

"I wouldn't expect anything else." He growled through gritted teeth, his hand shaking slightly. "He asked for permission to leave after constantly nearly killing everyone with his ideas. He was nice in the beginning of his responsibilities, but then he went a little insane. I apologize on his behalf, and I will be the one to kill him since he is my problem." Oppressive silence poisoned the air, no one saying anything.

"How about we meet once a month?" I suggested oddly, everyone staring at me with confused looks. "I think if we gather what information that we can, then we can beat him together." Evie snuggled up against my shoulders. Attempting to smile, the of it hurt so bad. Evie cleared her throat, her lips kissing mine sweetly.

"If we play this right, there will be no casualties." She pointed out seriously, her smile fading. "First we have to find ways to fend everyone off, so we need the vampires to put silver spiked fences around our towns, and we need to put up solar lights around the vampires communities. Enough sad talk, let's talk about each other's lives or something. I have been howling to meet you all." Winking, everyone stifled laughter. Alpha Lucien sniffed the air, his gaze falling on us.

"Can it be possible that you are with a pup?" He inquired curiously, sliding us his card. "I know that your clan doesn't have a valid doctor, so feel free to come see me for check ups. I can't wait to see what the white and black wolf creates. Just let me take some blood, and I w-" Theros stopped him, a wide grin dancing across his face.

"I smell a pup growing in you." He announced proudly, her hands sliding down to her stomach. "You are going to make the most wonderful mother." Everyone chatted away over plates of hot food, the other alphas talking about their own children. Spacing out, my hands shook with anxiety. This was all too much, Evie sensing that.

"I am afraid I am exhausted." She explained sweetly, waving goodbye to everyone as she stood up. "Would you like to take me home, alpha?" Waving back to us, she signed our names on the treaty. Running out of the diner, she pulled me out of their view.

"I am so happy to finally be carrying your child, but you seemed uncomfortable." She uttered with concern in her voice. "You look like you are about to puke." She wasn't wrong, her hands cupping my face.

"I am scared." I admitted sheepishly, cupping her hands. "Of everything." Flashing me her real smile, she kissed my lips softly. My heart skipped a beat every time she touched me, the afternoon sun bathing her beauty. She was everything I dreamed about, the memory of me grabbing that fateful day when I was pretending to sleep. Of course, I took off my shirt that day on purpose to see what she would do. My feelings were hurt when she ran off, so I decided to go with her that day. Well, I guess it all paid off.

"How can you be sure?" I blurted out, covering my mouth. Running her hand up my thigh, she cupped my hard cock. Hopping onto the bike, she motioned for me to come. Following her in a daze, she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I just know." She said simply, relief washing over me. Only she could unite everyone, my beautiful Evie.