

Clara Diana refused King Alves' orders to stay at the Lake of the Kingdom of Eternity. She rejected eternal life in the Lake of Eternity. Even if only for a moment, while learning the magic inherited from King Alves. A moment in the lake of eternity is equal to hundreds of years of human life. As a human, Clara Diana only wants to live in the human world, as usual. King Alves was very angry. When everyone wanted to get the secret of the science of eternal life, Clara Diana refused. King Alves banished Clara Diana, and threw her into the world. Not returning to her parents, but throwing the girl into the Middle Ages, the era of slavery. When Clara Diana realized she was in a strange place, Prince Lexius mistook Clara Diana for Princess Darlene, crown princess of the Alexis Kingdom. In the Alexis kingdom there is chaos, the rebels want to kill King Alphard, Princess Darlene's father. It is said that under Alexis's palace is kept the secret key to the door to the Lake of Eternity, a place which is the secret of eternal life. King Alexis must be defeated, his palace must be captured. The problem is that King Alphard is very strong, he cannot be defeated. King Alphard's weakness is his daughter Darlene. Prince Lexius, the rebel's son sells Clara Diana to slave traders. Then Clara Diana was sold again to Constantine's kingdom as a galley slave. Clara Diana carries a secret key object that the rebels are looking for. Everyone doesn't know that the real princess Darlene has died... what's the next story

Meri_Sajja · แฟนตาซี
74 Chs

This Ugly Woman...She's a Witch!"

Clara Diana was stunned," What? slave?! They called me a slave?! That's rude!"_ Clara Diana was angry.

Clara Diana was stunned," What? slave?! They called me a slave?! That's rude!"_

Clara Diana wanted to be angry with the man holding the whip. However, when the men argued with each other, Clara chose to leave the place. Those people might not be good people.

"Are they robbers? I don't care!"_

Clara ran, ran fast, ran as far as possible, she didn't want to get involved with them,

If they were criminals, they had to be avoided. Why deal with them? Huh. Just a waste of time! I'd better go look for food. Oh my stomach is so hungry. Ah, there's an apple tree over there!"

Clara Diana is not afraid of criminals. With their martial arts skills, they were no match for Clara. "Ah... I forgot, King Alves has taken my magic!"

Clara Diana's sharp eyes saw the apple orchard, there, one kilometer from this place. "OK!" Clara sped off, running fast as if she was chased by a demon.

Clara Diana frowned, she thought she could run fast like before, like when she was powerful, running as fast as lightning, in fact, she ran no faster than a goat.

The men stopped making a fuss, they were stunned to see their quarry trying to escape. They laughed bitterly, finding it funny that the girl could run away when she won.

Their leader glared, furious at the stupidity of his subordinates,

"What are you waiting for? Catch the girl!"

"Ready boss! ready to execute!"

"Stupid!" the leader was angry.

This male member of his group underestimated this woman, even though she had killed two of his members. But he could only hold back his anger, those men were big, but in fact they were stupid.

The man with the whip hit his horse's back, the horse ran after Clara. His friends followed, in their hearts they were annoyed, the man with the whip irritated them, because of him, the boss became angry.

"You sycophant!"_ they said to themselves

Twenty men on horseback surrounded Clara Diana. Each of them took out a whip, and stomped the whip in the air making a terrifying booming sound.

Clara looked at them calmly, not the slightest emotion on her face. Even though Clara's magic has been revoked, that doesn't mean she doesn't have the ability to defend herself. These twenty men, small for Clara, she could paralyze in an instant. Moreover, Clara had measured these people's combat abilities. They might be cruel criminals who were used to robbing and killing, but these people were ordinary people, not demons or magical genies, they were not Clara's opponents.

The men looked shocked, at first they stared in disgust at the ugly woman in front of them, but seeing the woman's condescending and dismissive attitude, the men became emotional.

"Damn it! This ugly woman dares to challenge us!"

"Yeah. I hate seeing those disdainful eyes, I can't wait to whip him!" said another man while shaking the whip in the air. He was sick of seeing that ugly woman with a muddy face. The smell of mud disturbed his sense of smell.

"That dirty disease made her crazy. After killing our friend, huh, she can kill us too?"

Another man slammed his whip onto the ground, and said with burning eyes, "Come here you ugly slave… I'll make him mincemeat!" he said with an angry face. He was hurt, this woman had killed his brother.

"Damn it! She's not afraid at all, she's looking down on us!" said the other man.

"I want to quickly kill her!"

"Yes. Kill her!"

"Kill her!"

This man possessed, vengeful, ugly and considered a weak woman managed to kill two of them.

A man with a mustache came in a hurry, he said to the people who locked Clara Diana,

"Hey all of you, calm down. Have you forgotten that the boss ordered to capture this woman, not kill her!" said the assistant boss.

"I don't care. This woman killed my brother. I have to kill her!" This man looked at Clara Diana with a face full of revenge. He raised his whip ready to direct Clara Diana's whip.

"If you dare kill that girl Then the boss himself will kill you!" The assistant boss said.

The man fell silent. His face was uncertain. The boss was very cruel, he did not hesitate to kill his subordinates. The man didn't want to die in vain.

Seeing this man hesitate, the assistant boss said again.

"That woman in the carriage, she's madame Butterfly, that woman bought that slave with four gold bars... if you want to get that gold, don't kill that woman!"

The men surrounding Clara Diana were shocked, they stared in disbelief, this woman who had a dirty disease was sold for a high price.


Clara Diana was confused by the men's conversation. "Who are these people? Why do they call me "slave"? and why do they accuse me of killing his friends? have those people sold me? Who bought it? Lady Butterfly?! "_

Clara Diana turned to the boss's assistant and asked with an annoyed face, "Who are you?! What do you want?"

The boss's assistant was shocked. This ugly woman was pretending to forget her memory.

"Hahaha… did you hear! this ugly woman asks who are we? She went crazy. She pretended to forget!" the man whose brother was killed shouted loudly.

"Ha ha ha. She's crazy!"

"Ohh... that's right. That dirty disease is driving her crazy!"


"The disease is contagious? Hiiiish!"

the men were excited, panicked, disgusted, afraid of being infected.

"Hey! Did I say, we kill this crazy woman?" said the man who was holding a grudge excitedly. He provoked his friends.

"SHUT UP!" The boss's assistant is angry. The vengeful man is crazy, he is a provocateur.

"Do you want to die! Catch that woman QUICK!!" the assistant boss ordered to the other man.

The men chose to obey the boss's assistant's orders.

They pulled their horses away, then advanced with lassoes in their hands, preparing to catch Clara Diana.

Clara Diana looked at the criminals angrily, they were talking nonsense, she was called crazy, had a dirty and contagious disease.

Clara Diana looked into the eyes of the animal the men were riding.


Xihciihihiiii!!! (Horse sound)

Horses soared high, knocking their riders down.

The horses went berserk. The animal lunged at its rider.

The men were shocked, confused as to why the horses suddenly went crazy and attacked them.

The animal fiercely chased its master. The people ran helter-skelter and left the place.

"What has happened?"

"The horses went wild... and attacked us!" the vengeful man said breathlessly.

Clara Diana smiled as the men ran to avoid attacks from the horses. Clara didn't have to do anything to the men, her anger was met by the horses.

The boss's assistant stared with his mouth agape. Then he fell to the ground trembling.

Previously, this man underestimated Clara Diana. Now he sat on the ground, frightened.

The boss's assistant was stunned for a moment, then he hit his own cheek until his lips bled.

"Fuck, I've been hypnotized!"_ this man cursed in his heart. "This ugly woman is really a witch!"_

Now he is convinced that Clara is a witch.

In this era, a wizard had a noble and special place in the kingdom.

The assistant boss was stunned, he was knocked down by his horse, but the horse did not attack him.


In the distance, the slave trader's chief boss looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"What's going on? Why are the horses crazy? Was__ the woman who subdued the horses?! Impossible! Something must be wrong! Hmm, if she's a witch...she can cure the disease herself!"_ The chief slave trader dismissed his doubts, not believing the ugly woman was a witch.

The leader of the slave traders came up to his assistant and slapped him hard. His assistant fell backwards, a grimace of pain stiffening his bleeding cheeks, the man awoke from hypnosis.

"Wake up! What are you doing here!"

"Boss! Oh boss...I'm sorry...!" The man approached his boss with a pale face. The man took the boss's hand, kissed the boss's hand full of regret.

The boss jerked his hand away violently, his assistant fell to the ground.


Sorry boss!" The assistant grabbed his boss's right hand again, kissed his boss's hand while crying. He was grateful to be saved from hypnosis. Had the boss not arrived on time, he might have been hypnotized into suicide by the female slave. The assistant shuddered, horrified.

The boss smiled coldly at Clara Diana in the distance.

"That woman may have magical abilities, but her low-level magic is no match for the magical knowledge I have?"_

Even though he was just a chief slave trader, the man had enough magic ability to protect himself.

"Go! Bring them back!"

"Yes Boss!" The assistant left obediently, walking around looking for his scattered friends.