
Not satisfied

His eyes flicked up to hers at the mention of next time. He thought she liked that, the way her eyes lit up. If she could come for him like that every time, there would be a lot of next times.

"I need to be inside of you, now," Richard said in a soft tone.

He shoved his dick into her. She felt taut, sure strength in his hips as he pressed into her, forcing her to press back. With his hips, he pulled her along to the edge of sensation and started thrusting in and out of her so gently, back and forth, back and forth, that she felt as if she were getting ready for a dive. She was tighter than she had expected and she came right before he did. And they started catching their breath. 

Richard kissed her cheek and began thrusting in and out of her faster and faster, and she pushed him deeper inside as he reached the climax and gave in, moaning loudly, before stopping and resting his head on her neck.

She wanted more. She wasn’t satisfied.

"Richard." She called.

"Hmm." He mumbled.

"Just fuck me more." She muttered and his eyes widened. He was tired and she wanted more.

"Babe, you have started to become a sex freak. We just had sex." He lamented pulling away from her. And she held his hand.

"Just fuck me like a dog." She pleaded. She grips a pillow with her fist and he breathes behind her, sending hot air down her back, which is starting to sweat and slip on his stomach. She didn’t want him to see her face anymore because it was blowing up inside, red and furious. She is grimacing at the place. The white wall is cool when she put her hand on it to help her push back into him. He got his cock filled up with her body until there was nothing left inside of her but a dick.

Their moans fill the air as he cummed, thrusting in and out of her. And he released inside of her and landed on the bed like an anvil, slowly catching his breath. She removed her hand from the wall and turned to him. She was furious because she wasn’t satisfied with his performance.

"Babe, I think we should break up." She stated bluntly, looking at him on the bed, and his eyes widened. He was stunned.

"Are you for real, babe, we just had sex?" He muttered angrily.

"I have been trying over the years to be with you, but, you don’t know how to have sex." She mumbled, and he sat up looking at her.

"What do you mean by I don’t know how to have sex? We just had sex and you loved it. What are you saying now, tell me it’s a joke." He stated, looking keenly at her.

"It’s not a joke, I think that’s our goodbye sex. I don’t love you anymore." She stated that he screwed up his face and held her hand.

"Babe, tell me you are joking." He said this with tears in his eyes threatening to come out.

                                     Author's note

Will she really break up with him? Stay tuned to find out.

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