
Chapter 252: Sacrifices

"Thank you, mommy." He beamed, running outside the restaurant.

"Wait for me." She muttered and looked at Mr Yan.

"I have to go now, see you tomorrow." She beamed and ran after Ryan.

Daisy hired a taxi, and they both hopped in as Ryan rested in her arms and slowly closed his eyes. She started stroking his hair, lost in thought.

"I wonder how I am going to manage the birthday party, I am going to use all the money I made this month for it." She groaned, putting her hand in her face.

Ryan was sound asleep, snoring in her arms as her phone started ringing. She took her phone out of her bag and realized it was Gwen calling. She picked up the call.

"Hello, how are you? Are you back?" Daisy asked.

"I just called and you are bombarding me with questions." She complained.

"Sorry, so where are you?" Daisy inquired.

"I was on my way to your house when I got hit by a car. I am at the hospital." Gwen grumbled.

"Are you serious?" Daisy inquired.

"Yes, and my head hurts a lot." She mumbled.

"Sorry, which hospital are you at? I will come to see you tomorrow."

"No need for that, it’s just a minor injury, I will get discharged tomorrow and come and see you." Gwen beamed.

"When?" Daisy inquired.

"In the evening," she replied.

"That’s good." Daisy muttered and hung up as the taxi stopped. She carried Ryan into the house.

Raymond was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper with his glasses on when Mrs Kingston joined him on the couch. He stole a glance at her.

"Don’t utter a word, or less, I ask you to." he declared.

"I won’t disturb you carry on." She muttered and grabbed the remote from the table, switching on the TV.

"I ask you not to say a word. I didn’t ask you to put on the TV, turn it off." He commanded.

"Please, my series is about to start." She pleaded.

"Hmm," he muttered.

"Thank you." She beamed and started changing the channel.

Raymond was focused on the newspaper when the TV got his attention.

"This couple has been married for 10 years with no children." The reporter stated.

"What do you think is the problem?" the reporter inquired, asking the woman.

"I don’t know, we have tried everything possible, but it’s not coming." The woman lamented, looking down.

"What do you think is the problem?" Mrs Kingston asked softly. He removed his glasses and stared at her.

"Why are you asking for my opinion on such a thing?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I just want to know." She muttered, battling her lashes. He sighed and covered his newspaper, placing it on the table.

"I think, they aren’t a good match; it’s either the fault is with the husband or the wife." He assumed.

"So what will you say about you and Sofia?" she asked. Raymond shook his head. He knew his mom was up to something.