
The Second Chances of Thomas Rath

You know the drill, truck-chan meets person; person meets deity; deity conscripts person for some existential threat to the multiverse; person asks for too much, wait, that’s interesting, I wonder what consequences that may have.

Gurder_Guile · วิดีโอเกม
19 Chs

3. Thomas

Thomas almost had a heart-attack on the spot. After all he never told Shirone what world he wanted to resurrect in.

Scrambling up from the lying-down position he was in he quickly surveyed his surroundings to see if what he just heard was true.

Wagon- check

3 other people in the wagon - check

Morning sky... not check?

Now that he thinks about it, this wagon is moving Fast. Like, break-neck horse-gallop fast.

Dark silhouettes of trees rushed past under the canopy of a blood-red sunset night.

'Hmm, not quite Skyrim-like' he thought.

Turning his interest back to the people with him in the wagon he began to notice a pattern to all this madness. In one corner of the wagon was a cleric reading her bible peacefully, with a green hooded-cloak. She had a literal mace, Thomas realizes, holstered to her hip. Not the sort of thing a prisoner, much less an executionee would be allowed to carry.

Next, directly across from him in the wagon, sat a gruff looking man. He had jet-black hair, severe eyes, and a dark red bandanna over his mouth. Once again, Thomas notices this guy is armed, he has a flintlock pistol sitting on his hip.

Finally, sitting near the cleric, except across the wagon from her, sat a fully-armored (European armor) knight with an emblem of a blazing sun on his breastplate. He sat stoically with a long sword planted in the wagon in front of him, possibly listening intently to the priestess's quiet prayers.

The grizzled man audibly cleared his throat, causing Thomas to jump and the man to laugh.

"My you're a jumpy recruit, better get that out of your system fast."

A chill of dread runs down Thomas's spine as he starts to get an idea of just what world he has been reincarnated in.

"Um, excuse the stupid question, but what were we recruited to do again?"

The man waved a dismissive hand "bah, we'll find out when we get there, something about cleansing the area of evil, restoring his ancestor's manor, blah blah blah, in essence do housework and get paid handsomely." At that thought the man lit up with a grin.

Once more Thomas looks over the edge of the wagon at his surroundings. Sure enough,

In the distance he can see a great and imposing shadow of a gothic manor against the horizon.

Realizing what this means Thomas immediately hit the floor.

"Hold tight!"

Predictably the horses squealed as the carriage hit the mother of all bumps. The driver immediately whip-lashed forward and was thrown right underneath the wagon itself. The front wheel immediately shattered, throwing all the riders out of the wagon painfully onto the ground.

Wood planks flew about and unfortunately, skewered the driver with broken spikes from the wheel.

'There is no doubt in my mind now that I am in the world of the Darkest Dungeon.'

Groaning, Thomas picked himself up off the ground and immediately met a long sword pointed at his forehead centimeters away.

The Knight was on his feet in an aggressive stance, pointing the sword at Thomas's face.

With a determined and very masculine voice the knight finally spoke.

"Explain yourself."

Thomas, now very nervous as a result of the weapon in his face, gave his stammering response. "I-I.....in my w-sorry, town, we know of this place as the Darkest Dungeon, every carriage that passed through has crashed."

The knight, even more suspicious, leaned into his sword stance. "And you didn't tell us earlier?"

"Dude, I was dea-asleep the whole time we were traveling, I just figured out for myself where we were heading."

This response seemed to satisfy the knight as he sheathed his blade in the ground once more and offered a hand.

"My apologies sir, my name is Helraugh, warrior of light."

'What a typical crusader class.'

"Thomas...I'm Thomas"

"Nice to meet you. Is everyone else ok?"

Immediately this snapped Thomas back to reality.

'Right, we did just crash, what injuries have we sustained already?'

Surveying his surroundings Thomas took note of his party as they responded to his question.

"I've seen better days, but I'm fine." Stated the gruff highwayman was he stood up.

It seems he only suffered some scratches and bruises.

'Interesting, I'm assuming HP isn't a factor when you're living the game instead of playing it.'

The carriage driver was dead in the corner, but Thomas already expected that since Darkest Dungeon only had the party and the narrator in the beginning.

"I'm completely fine, I was protected by the grace of God himself!" Announced the cleric (vestal).

Thomas heard a very audible scoff from the direction of the highwayman.

'Lovely, already got a clear case of the faithless quirk, gonna make it all the more fun to de-stress him later.'

"But I'm not sure she is fine."

Now this Thomas didn't expect, and followed the vestal's pointed finger to another body on the ground.

With two wooden axel spokes lodged in her midsection a very familiar goddess lie writhing in anguish on the ground, in a pool of blood.