
The Second Chance Was Given: Lawrence. The Origin.

This story recounts the past life of Lawrence Hans (Arthur Saron), starting from the Origins of His Family and ending with the achievement of His Desires: The Targan a capital city, where Noble Families had served the crown for countless generations, Arthur Saron grew up blissfully unaware of the tragic fate awaiting his family. The Saron family, known for their pride and unwavering loyalty to the crown, were brutally betrayed by a coalition of four other noble houses, each hungry to bolster their influence at the royal court. This conspiracy, crafted in the shadows of the throne, led to the downfall of Arthur Saron's family when he was just a child. The narrative begins with an elaborate depiction of the Sarons' lives before Arthur's birth: their heroic feats on the battlefield, and their delicate maneuverings at court balls and gatherings. It then transitions to a meticulous account of the betrayal that deeply affected young Arthur, condemning him to a life of exile. As Arthur matures, Determination to restore His family's honor only grows stronger. Arthur's journeys through various kingdoms expose Him to treachery, honor, and loyalty. Arthur encounters both steadfast allies and deceitful enemies, each with their secrets, contributing to his long quest for redemption and revenge. Through extraordinary trials, profound losses, and invaluable lessons, Arthur discovers that true Wisdom and Strength lie in the ability to Forgive and the Power to alter one's fate. This realization empowers Him to change not only his destiny but also the history of the entire kingdom.

KraftNovels · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Legacy of Honor: Courage & Compassion.

At the age of six, Arthur's inquisitive nature seemed boundless. His vibrant energy and unquenchable curiosity made him stand out among his peers, constantly seeking to unravel the mysteries of the world around him. His parents watched with a mix of pride and wonder as their son grew more independent and confident each day.

One evening, as Arthur's father Harald sat by the fire, he turned to his wife Marie. — "It's time," he said thoughtfully, — "Arthur needs proper training to harness his potential."

Marie nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with determination. — "He has the spirit of a warrior. Let's visit my father, Edward Lorraine. He is the best mentor Arthur could have."

And so, the decision was made. The next morning, they set out on a journey to the Lorraine estate, a place known for its tranquil beauty and rich history. Along the way, Harald and Arthur discussed the upcoming training, their bond deepening with each shared story of heroism and bravery.

The Lorraine estate lay nestled in a serene valley, surrounded by lush forests and towering, snow-capped mountains. As they approached, the beauty of the scenery seemed to mirror the significance of their journey.

At the entrance, they were met by Edward Lorraine, a figure of imposing stature with silver hair tied neatly back. His eyes, sharp and wise, sparkled with a warmth that belied his formidable reputation. Dressed in simple yet elegant attire, Edward radiated a quiet strength and nobility.

— "Welcome, Harald. And young Arthur," Edward said with a smile, extending a hand to the boy.

Arthur stepped forward, his eyes wide with admiration. — "Grandfather, it's an honor to meet you," he said, his voice steady but filled with excitement.

Harald bowed respectfully. — "Sir Edward, I have come with an important request. Your wisdom and skill are unmatched. I hope you will take Arthur under your wing and train him to become a knight as honorable as yourself."

Edward looked at Arthur, his gaze piercing yet kind. — "Is our Arthur ready for such a challenge?" he asked, his tone both serious and encouraging.

— "I am ready, Grandfather," Arthur replied confidently. — "I want to become as great a knight as you and Father."

Edward's stern expression softened into a smile. — "Very well, then. Tomorrow at dawn, we begin."

The following day, Edward led Arthur to the training grounds, a spacious area surrounded by verdant fields and ancient, towering trees. The air was fresh with the scent of new grass and a gentle summer breeze. Various training equipment, from wooden dummies to archery targets, stood ready for use.

Edward handed Arthur a finely crafted wooden sword, the weight of it unfamiliar yet exciting in the boy's hands. — "The first step to becoming a skilled knight, Arthur, is discipline," Edward began, his tone firm but encouraging. — "You must learn to control not only your movements but also your emotions. A true knight remains focused and confident in all actions."

Arthur gripped the hilt tightly, his eyes wide with determination. He watched closely as Edward demonstrated a series of basic strikes, each movement precise and controlled. Arthur's initial attempts were clumsy, his strikes lacking the fluidity of his grandfather's. But with each swing, his resolve only grew stronger.

— "Let's start with the basic strike," Edward instructed, moving with deliberate precision. — "Pay close attention to the details and aim for perfection. Try to mirror my movements."

Arthur mimicked his grandfather, his face set in concentration. Despite the initial awkwardness, he persevered, driven by a desire to improve. Edward made subtle adjustments to his posture and technique, offering encouragement and guidance.

— "Good effort," Edward remarked, nodding in approval. — "Remember, it's not only about strength; precision is just as important. Now, try it again, but this time, slower. Focus on each movement."

Arthur's brow furrowed in concentration as he repeated the exercise, each attempt bringing him closer to the level of skill he aspired to. His determination shone through every motion, a testament to his unwavering commitment to becoming a knight.

Harald made it a point to visit the training sessions regularly, standing on the sidelines with a proud smile as he watched his son's progress. Meanwhile, Marie eagerly awaited each new letter that detailed Arthur's training and achievements. Each letter brought her joy and reassurance, knowing that her son was taking important steps toward realizing his dream.

One afternoon, during a particularly intense training session, Edward paused and looked towards the forest edge with a furrowed brow. — "Harald," he called, — "I need to talk to you."

Harald approached, sensing the urgency in Edward's tone. — "What is it, Edward?"

— "I received troubling news," Edward began, lowering his voice. — "There have been reports of bandit activity in the nearby villages. They are becoming bolder, attacking travelers and even small estates. We need to be vigilant."

Arthur overheard the conversation and stepped forward, his young face set with determination. — "Grandfather, let me help. I want to protect our home and people."

Edward placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder, his expression serious. — "Your training is not yet complete, Arthur. But this will be a good lesson in understanding the responsibilities of a knight. We will prepare and stay alert."

The news of bandit activity added a new layer of urgency to Arthur's training. Each swing of the sword, each lesson in discipline and strategy, now carried the weight of real-world consequences. Arthur's progress became more than just personal growth; it was preparation for the challenges that lay ahead.

As dusk fell, Edward and Harald discussed their plans to fortify the estate and protect their family. Arthur listened intently, absorbing every detail, his resolve to become a capable and honorable knight growing stronger with each passing day.

After saying goodbye to Arthur and Edward, Harald departed from the estate to attend to important political affairs at the king's castle. Before leaving, he made sure to tighten the security around the estate, instructing the guards to be vigilant and prepared for any unexpected events.

As Edward resumed Arthur's training, the sense of urgency lingered in the air. — "The first step to becoming a skilled knight, Arthur, is discipline," Edward said, handing him a finely crafted wooden sword. — "You must learn to control not only your movements but also your emotions. A true knight remains focused and confident in all actions."

Arthur gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, his determination intensified by the recent news. Each strike, each movement now carried the weight of his newfound responsibilities. His initial clumsy attempts began to refine as he absorbed Edward's teachings with renewed fervor.

Edward noticed the change in Arthur's demeanor. — "Good, Arthur. Channel your determination, but remember to stay calm and precise. Strength alone won't win battles."

Days turned into weeks as Arthur's training continued under Edward's watchful eye. The threat of bandits loomed ever-present, adding a sharp edge to every lesson. One evening, as they sat by the fire after a particularly grueling session, Edward shared more than just training techniques.

— "Arthur," Edward began, his voice low and serious, — "a knight's duty extends beyond the battlefield. We must protect the innocent and uphold justice, no matter the cost. There will be times when you'll face impossible choices, and it's in those moments that your true character will be revealed."

Arthur listened intently, the weight of his grandfather's words sinking in. — "I understand, Grandfather. I want to be a knight who protects those who cannot protect themselves."

Edward smiled, pride evident in his eyes. — "And you will be, Arthur. I see great potential in you. Remember, every challenge you face is a step towards becoming the knight you aspire to be."

As the days passed, the atmosphere grew tense. Reports of bandit activity became more frequent, and the guards at the Lorraine estate remained on high alert. One fateful night, the alarm was raised. A group of bandits had been spotted approaching the estate under the cover of darkness.

Edward and Arthur sprang into action. — "Stay close to me, Arthur," Edward commanded, his voice steady. — "This is your first real test."

Arthur's heart pounded in his chest, but he steeled himself, ready to face the danger head-on. The training he had undergone now had a real purpose, and he was determined not to let his grandfather or his family down.

The bandits, a rough and unruly group, underestimated the preparedness of the Lorraine estate. As they clashed with the estate's defenders, Arthur found himself amid the fray, his wooden sword replaced with a real blade. He fought with a mix of fear and resolve, every lesson Edward had taught him flashing through his mind.

In the heat of battle, Arthur saw a bandit sneaking up behind Edward. With a shout, he rushed forward, parrying the attack and giving his grandfather a chance to turn and defeat the assailant. The fight was intense, but the defenders prevailed, driving the bandits away.

After the skirmish, Edward clapped a hand on Arthur's shoulder. — "You did well, Arthur. You fought bravely and with honor. This was but the first of many challenges you'll face, but you've shown that you're ready."

Arthur nodded, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but his eyes shone with pride and determination. — "Thank you, Grandfather. I will continue to train hard and protect our home."

One cool evening, as Edward and Arthur were finishing another training session, a servant brought an urgent message from the king. Edward, with a serious expression, unrolled the parchment and carefully read its contents. The letter summoned Edward to the capital immediately to undertake an important mission. Edward understood that his duty to the kingdom could not be delayed.

Realizing that Arthur's training should not be interrupted, Edward decided to seek help from his old friend and comrade-in-arms, Sir Alden Crysley. He knew that Alden possessed unparalleled skill and experience that would help Arthur continue to develop in his absence.

Edward sat at his desk and began to write a letter to Alden. He chose his words carefully, describing the situation and his request for assistance:

"Dear friend Alden Crysley,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. The king has called me to an urgent mission, and I cannot disregard his command. However, I cannot leave Arthur without a mentor during this crucial period of his training. I am asking you to take on this responsibility. Your knowledge and experience will be invaluable to him.

Arthur shows great determination and perseverance, and I am confident that under your guidance he will become a worthy knight. I ask you to come to Lorraine Estate as soon as possible.

With respect and hope for a quick meeting,

Edward Lorraine"

The letter was sent with the fastest courier. Upon receiving the message, Alden read it carefully and immediately decided to respond to his old friend's request. He understood the importance of this task and knew he could not let Edward down.

A few days later, on a clear morning, Alden arrived at the gates of Lorraine Estate. His strong figure and stern gaze immediately caught the attention of the servants, and he was promptly led to Edward and Arthur. Edward greeted his friend with a smile, but his eyes reflected the seriousness of the upcoming conversation.

— "Alden, thank you for responding so quickly," said Edward, shaking his friend's hand.

— "I am glad to help, Sir Edward. Well, introduce me to your grandson," Alden replied, looking around.

Edward turned to Arthur, who was watching the conversation intently. — "Arthur, this is Sir Alden. He has been my comrade and friend for many years. In my absence, he will be your mentor."

Arthur stepped forward and bowed respectfully. — "Sir Alden, it is a great honor to learn from you."

Alden nodded, looking approvingly at the young knight. — "I see determination in your eyes, Arthur. We will continue your training, and I will help you reach the heights you aspire to."

Edward placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder. — "I am confident that you will succeed, my boy. I leave you in good hands. Now I must depart."

Edward said goodbye to his grandson and Alden Crysley, leaving Arthur under Alden's guidance with confidence. He mounted his horse and headed to the castle, knowing that his mission in the capital was important, but his heart was at ease about Arthur's future.

The events of that night solidified Arthur's resolve and marked a significant step in his journey towards knighthood. The bond between him and Edward grew stronger, forged in the fires of real battle. As the days turned into months, Arthur's skills and confidence continued to grow, preparing him for the even greater challenges that lay ahead.

The initial weeks under Sir Alden's guidance proved to be some of the most challenging of Arthur's training. His hands throbbed with pain after countless hours of practice, his muscles screamed with soreness, and his legs trembled under the weight of exhaustion. Despite the physical toll, Arthur remained resolute and never voiced a single complaint. He understood that these challenges were essential for his transformation into a valiant knight.

One evening, as they sat by the fire after an intense session, Sir Alden spoke, his voice carrying a mix of sternness and encouragement. — "Every great knight has endured this, Arthur. Pain and fatigue are valuable teachers. They will strengthen and fortify you for the challenges ahead."

Arthur nodded, absorbing Sir Alden's words. He had heard similar sentiments from his grandfather, and now, experiencing them firsthand, he understood their truth. — "I will push through, Sir Alden. I want to be ready for anything."

As the training intensified, Arthur found solace in the letters from his mother. Marie's words provided comfort and encouragement, reminding him of the love and support waiting for him at home. Her latest letter spoke of her pride in his progress and her hopes for his future.

"Dear Arthur,

Your grandfather writes of your remarkable progress. Each day you grow stronger and more capable. Remember, we believe in you and are proud of the knight you are becoming. Stay true to yourself and your values.

With all my love,


These letters became Arthur's source of strength, fueling his determination to succeed. He kept them close, often reading them before bed, drawing comfort from his mother's words.

Meanwhile, Edward's efforts at the castle were beginning to bear fruit. The king's strategies to combat the bandit threat were showing signs of success, and the unrest in the kingdom was slowly being quelled. Edward's thoughts frequently returned to Arthur, hoping his grandson was thriving under Sir Alden's tutelage.

Back at the estate, Arthur's training was reaching new heights. Sir Alden introduced more complex combat scenarios, pushing Arthur to think on his feet and adapt to ever-changing situations. One day, during a particularly grueling drill, Sir Alden paused to offer guidance.

— "Arthur, a knight must be more than just a skilled warrior. You must be a strategist, a leader, and a protector. Think ahead, anticipate your opponent's moves, and always be ready to adapt."

Arthur nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities. He realized that being a knight required not only physical prowess but also mental acuity. He began to approach his training with a new perspective, seeking to master both body and mind.

The bond between Arthur and Sir Alden grew stronger with each passing day. They shared stories of past battles, discussed strategies, and explored the philosophical aspects of knighthood. Sir Alden's guidance complemented the foundational teachings of Edward, providing Arthur with a well-rounded education in the ways of a knight.

As the months passed, Arthur's skills and confidence soared. He felt ready to face any challenge, his body hardened and his mind sharp. But he knew that his journey was far from over. There were still many lessons to learn and many battles to fight.

One evening, as Arthur stood by the river, reflecting on his journey, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The tranquil setting provided a moment of clarity, and he made a silent vow to himself.

— "I will become the knight my grandfather and Sir Alden believe I can be. I will protect my kingdom and uphold the values of honor, bravery, and compassion."

With this resolve, Arthur continued his training, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The challenges he had overcome had forged him into a formidable young knight, and he was determined to honor the legacy of those who had guided him.

As Arthur stood by the water's edge, he reflected on the valuable lessons he had learned during this period of intense training. Each throw of a stone into the river demonstrated his improved aim, as the stones created intricate patterns of ripples on the surface. He also noted his increased endurance, allowing him to wield his sword for longer periods without succumbing to fatigue.

His mind wandered back to a particularly memorable training session with his grandfather. Arthur vividly recalled the moment when he had successfully executed a complex combat move that had previously seemed insurmountable. Edward's eyes had sparkled with admiration as he spoke, — "You've come a long way, Arthur. You're ready for new challenges."

These words resonated deeply within Arthur, serving as a testament to his growth, both physically and mentally. He realized that his dedication and perseverance had not only strengthened his body but also enriched his wisdom. This realization filled him with a profound sense of accomplishment and pride, reaffirming his belief that every ounce of effort invested yields fruitful results.

One morning, as Arthur was practicing with Sir Alden, a rider approached the estate with urgent news. He bore a message from Edward, who was still at the castle. The kingdom was under threat from a powerful warlord gathering forces on its borders. The king needed every able knight and squire to prepare for an impending conflict.

Sir Alden read the message aloud, his face grave. — "Arthur, it is time. You have trained hard, and now you must put your skills to the test. We are to join Edward at the castle and prepare for battle."

Arthur's heart raced. This was the moment he had been training for, but the reality of war loomed large and intimidating. — "I understand, Sir Alden. I am ready to do my duty."

The journey to the castle was filled with anticipation and reflection. As they approached the grand structure, Arthur felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. The castle was abuzz with activity, knights and squires preparing for the upcoming battle.

Edward greeted them upon their arrival, his expression a mix of pride and concern. — "Arthur, Sir Alden, I am glad you're here. The situation is dire, but together we will defend our kingdom."

The days that followed were a blur of preparation. Arthur trained alongside seasoned knights, learning the strategies and tactics necessary for large-scale combat. Edward and Sir Alden provided constant guidance, their combined experience invaluable.

On the eve of battle, Edward took Arthur aside. — "Remember, Arthur, a knight's strength lies not just in his sword but in his heart and mind. Stay true to your values, and you will prevail."

Arthur nodded, his resolve firm. — "I will, Grandfather. I won't let you down."

The battle that ensued was fierce and relentless. Arthur fought with all the skill and determination he had honed over months of training. He faced countless adversaries, each clash a test of his courage and resolve. Amidst the chaos, he remembered Edward's words and found strength in the lessons imparted by his mentors.

At one critical moment, Arthur saw a knight in distress, surrounded by enemy forces. Without hesitation, he charged forward, breaking through the line and coming to the knight's aid. Together, they fought off the attackers, their combined efforts turning the tide of the skirmish.

Edward watched from a distance, his heart swelling with pride. Arthur's bravery and skill were undeniable, a testament to the young knight he had become.

As the battle drew to a close, the kingdom's forces emerged victorious. The warlord's army was defeated, and peace was restored. Arthur stood amidst the aftermath, his body weary but his spirit unbroken. He had proven himself not only as a warrior but as a protector of his people.

In the days that followed, Arthur was hailed as a hero. His name became synonymous with bravery and honor, his actions inspiring others. Edward and Sir Alden looked on with pride, knowing that Arthur's journey had only just begun.

Arthur's experiences in the battle solidified his understanding of what it meant to be a knight. It was not just about fighting but about protecting, leading, and upholding the values of honor, bravery, and compassion. With his mentors by his side and his heart set on the path of knighthood, Arthur felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Arthur looked back on everything that had taken place, he felt a surge of pride and determination. The battle had tested him in ways he had never imagined, but it had also shown him the strength he possessed. Despite knowing that there was still much to learn and many challenges to face, he felt prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Standing up, he dusted off his clothes and made his way back to the castle, his mind filled with a strong resolve to persist in his training and to grow stronger with each day. The serene surroundings offered a moment of reflection, but the path ahead was clear.

— "I won't give up," he declared with determination, his voice echoing through the quiet halls of the castle. — "I will press on until I've reached my ultimate goal."

As he walked, Arthur was joined by Edward and Sir Alden. They walked in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared experiences hanging in the air. Finally, Edward spoke.

— "Arthur, you've proven yourself today. But remember, a knight's journey is never truly over. There will always be new challenges, new battles to fight, and new people to protect."

Arthur nodded, his eyes shining with determination. — "I understand, Grandfather. I am ready to face whatever comes next."

Sir Alden placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder. — "And we will be with you every step of the way. You have our support and our guidance."

With his mentors by his side and his heart set on the path of knighthood, Arthur felt a renewed sense of purpose. The experiences he had gained and the lessons he had learned would guide him as he continued to grow and evolve.

As the sun set over the castle, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Arthur stood tall, ready to embrace his destiny. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he also knew that he was not alone. With the support of his family and mentors, he felt confident in his ability to overcome any obstacle.

And so, with a heart full of resolve and a spirit unbroken, Arthur took his first steps into the future, ready to uphold the values of honor, bravery, and compassion that defined a true knight.