
Chapter 1

( Warning: this is Alternate Universe of HSDXD, some changes will be happened be it attitude and etc.)

- In the outskirts of Akihabara -

* Clink!!**clink!!!**clang!!!!*

In the certain dark alley of the building, there are two metals was clashing each other uponto look closer to them, you can see the two silhouette on this. The first one is a young man in mid teens, wearing a black Excorcist coat hiding the combat clothes inside it, he has a short ash grey blonde hair and red eyes, currently he was gripping a large double edge sword with vibrant colors. The pommel is a gold cone-like shape with the addition of a triangle attached to the pommel, the triangle is missing the base and the middle of it because of the pommel and the handle is colored with a mix of red and purple. The crossguard is a rectangular bar colored black, with gold symbols etched onto it a brown X-mark in the middle, and features a red semi-circle protrusion on both sides of the crossguard.

While the second one was young man in early twenties, he has a long black and red eyes along with a long sharp ear his clothes covered by black robe with detailed accessories, beside his long sharp ears he has also a five pairs of black wings on his back. He was dodging and parrying the attacks with his light-based sword, although at first he was not take seriously the attacks from the young man with red double edge sword.

But until later on he got received some wound in this and that, but the young man's was no less than him. Even so it irks him that some fake human was to cornered him, as he don't want to remember the humiliation that got from the pesky human in Second World War which started to lose his patience.

" How can someone like you manage to injured me!!" the young man with long sharp ear named Kokabiel shouted at the young man in front of him, without hesitation he summon a bunch of light spear and fired towards the young.

"..." the young man didn't speak as he dodge the light spear but some of them was lodged on his body, without hesitation he called out his Sacred Gear which it was a red gauntlet with two pairs of spikes.

[Boost] a deep masculine voice could be heard from the gauntlet

" Heh, just a Twice Critical, you think you can defeat with such a weakest Sacred Gear!" Kokabiel rushed towards the young man unimaginable speed which suddenly he appeared in front him preparing to stabbed, but the latter narrowly and slashed his sword at the side of Kokabiel which caused the former to staggered due to a deep gashes near on his left rib where that heart resides, but unfortunately it didn't even managed to harm it.

" Damn it! damn it !damn it all!! it's dangerous for someone like you to be left alive!" he said while pointing the light-based sword at the young man who use his both hands to hold the sword as green light shown from the red gauntlet.

[Boost] a same voice again as it doubled the power of the young man, the latter use his all of his strength in his final attack.

"Hmph!" Kokabiel did the same as he released his power that can par against Satan-class.

*Puchii!!!*( slash sfx )

*Shroookkk!!!!*( stab sfx )

" Kughk!!" " Guha!!!" They simultaneously groan in pain.

Kokabiel has another deep gash in his another side but more deeper as his right lung was almost cut in a half. While the young man has large gapping holes in his chest although almost fall down, he didn't even let go his weapon while his Sacred Gear was went back to his soul.

" Tsk! although I hate to use the item that created by detestable devils, I will reluctantly use it as I don't want to delay my plan." Kokabiel said without care as he look at the young man lying on the ground with his face greet the floor first.

" You, you fake human what is your name?" he arrogantly said as he tap his light-based sword to the young man cheek.

"....Sigurd..." the young man named Sigurd was finally talk.

" Now it explains why, True Descendant of Sigurd Experiment isn't? tsk! although I hate Father I hate most those hyprocritical human who using the church for their greed by using the father's name! phew ..well farewell fake human." Kokabiel said as he flew away leaving Sigurd who was in brink of death, as Sigurd will die anyway he didn't bother to strike him again.

As Kokabiel said Sigurd was died but unfortunately a soul that covered in light who just got out from another dimension but got sucked into the Sigurd's dead body, which slowly restored the gapping hole in the body. But the most surprisingly is the Sacred Gear appeared on its own as its starting to morph, as the length was increased and it gains a side spikes, the finger part was covered by dragonic claws and there was complicated runes on it but afterwards it also vanished.

[ Final Requirements has been achieved : Boosted Gear has been officially unsealed ] A voice that different from the earlier, this time it was voice of robotics being.

- A few minutes later -

* Step!**step!**step!!*

There was a hurried footsteps could be heard near at the dark alley where the Sigurd lying on the ground. The first one young woman in mid teens with a long crimson hair that reached till the back of her knees, she has a blue eyes and most of all, her body figure can put the succubus to shame.

The second was young woman with a long black that almost reach to her feet tied by orange ribbon, she has a dark purple eye, just like the first one, her body figure was the crimson haired woman. The third one is young girl in earlier teens with a middle short silver white hair the almost reached to her shoulders, she has a golden amber eyes but unlike the first two, her body figure was petite.

And the last one is a young man in mid teens but a bit younger than the first two, he has a short blonde hair and teel colored eyes, and has a medium build physique. Four of them was wearing a casual clothes, fortunately they didn't witness the strange happening to the Sacred Gear.

All for found the body of Sigurd but the most surprisingly them was a crimson sword that tightly gripped by Sigurd, the crimson haired woman walked towards the body of Sigurd as she held him in his shoulder and to carefully rotate his body to make sure that his back was lying on the ground.

Although she was surprised when she saw a large hole in the clothes but find nothing at his body, she concluded that Sigurd has absurd amount of regenerative factor. After giving him look, the young man in front of her was looks like stronger than her, thought she was willing to try to reincarnate him, but she decided postpone it now. She may be desperately trying for strong candidates to become a member of her peerage to get rid the engagement with Phenix's third son.

But she wants him to decide on his own, even he was not part of peerage, at least the Alliance can be make.

- A few minutes earlier-

- Rias POV -

Currently we went to vacation here in Akihabara before the start of school in Kuoh Academy as a Second year student, because they needed to implement the Coed System in the Kuoh Academy because that school was prestigious all-girl which is also forbidden to bring the male peerage members if I recruit another besides Yuuto. We are waiting for at least two weeks.

Although it can resolve by mind manipulation, it will be nothing but a short term plan that's why Serafall Leviathan took the role as a negotiator after all her little sister which is childhood friend of mine, Sona Sitri wants to become a student council president to learn how to make the school run properly as her dream to build a Rating Game School for those low to mid class devil. But her dream was brutality rejected by those old devil of the Devil Council which is also the main reason for my suffering through political marriage against my will.

Me and my peerage separately to Sona and her peerage to travel as she wants to go towards Kyoto, while me wants to go in Akihabara due to the new release of Fate Series, Fate/Alternative the plot of this series centered towards the twin brother of Illyasviel von Einzbern as the protagonist which shocked the Fate Series fans due towards unexpected new character and even those Fandom users was frantically searching the lore in case that if the website updated the lore of its series but unfortunately there's none.

When I manage to get one cd of Fate/Alternative, I hear a sounds of clashing metals. I thought they are doing a Cosplay, but later on the clash metals was gotten stronger and the presence of Fallen Angel, not just an ordinary one but a stronger that can contend against the two of four Satan level, I use my phone to contact my peerage who went their own pace.

I wait for a few minutes until the presence of the Fallen Angelsm was vanished at same time, the three magic circle with a crest of Gremory Household lit up and three silhouettes appeared, which is my peerage. For sure the who managed to repel that Fallen Angel with a strength of Cadre was strong one, maybe I can request to him/her to join my peerage.

When we arrived at the dark alley, we found a young man with a same age as Yuuto wearing a black Exorcist coat he was tightly gripping a crimson sword called Gram, the strongest Demon Sword with another name of Demonic Emperor Sword, which is the sword of Legendary Dragon Slayer Sigurd. Upon looking closer apparently there was a large hole that pierced through his body but it already healed.

I walked towards him carefully flipped his body that his back was lying on the ground. I debating in my mind if I reincarnated to my peerage or personally recruiting him if he has consciousness. But I choose the second option, because there was a higher chance that will rebel and not care if he become a Stray Devil, on the other hand even he didn't join but at least becoming his ally was enough.

" Yuuto can you carry this young man on your back?" I asked my knight nodded his head and went towards the young man, after that all of us teleported towards the Hotel that we staying.

- To be Continued -