
The Second Chance at Life

In ' The Second Chance at Life,' follow the remarkable journey of a 70-year-old man who seemingly had it all - talent, wealth, athleticism, intelligence, and a taste for adventure. Yet, despite his achievements, he lived a lonely existence as he approached the twilight of his life. Upon his passing, he experiences a startling revelation about his surroundings, realizing that he has been reborn as a baby with the knowledge of his past life. This extraordinary tale explores themes of reincarnation, self-discovery, and the pursuit of fulfillment across two vastly different lifetimes.

Keanu_F_Marquez · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Chapter 3 : Sense of Adventure

Second Chance at Life Chapter 3 : Sense of Adventure

After a week had passed, Clark decided to embark on a journey of self-improvement, starting with a rather unconventional approach: training his muscles by repeatedly opening and closing his tiny hands.

"AW!!! YOU ARE SO CUTE!!" exclaimed his parents in unison. The adoration from both Carlarlia and Khlieo overwhelmed them as they watched him.

Clark soon extended his efforts to his legs, determined to strengthen them gradually. While he diligently trained, his father couldn't help but reminisce about his own past.

Khlieo chuckled and said, "You could become a formidable warrior when you grow up. I used to live by the sword, embracing adventure at every turn. I'll never forget the time your mother asked me for some spare gold back then, HAHAHA," Khlieo recalled.

But then, he shifted to a more intense memory, saying, "It was a trap!" Khlieo's voice raised with alarm. "He jumped at me with a knife and said, 'Give me all your gold, or I'll gut you like a pig.' I was shocked, but I knew your mom was terrified. So, I calmly disarmed her and offered to help. And that's what I did," Khlieo explained.

Clark, still a baby, looked up at Khlieo with curious eyes, silently listening as Khlieo continued his story. He knew his past, yet his infant body limited him to being a passive observer.

After Khlieo put Clark to bed, Carlarlia couldn't help but comment, "He was such a good listener, wasn't he?"

Khlieo agreed with a warm smile, and they gently closed the door.

An hour later, Clark woke up and attempted to crawl, well aware of his physical limitations. Despite the challenge, he persevered, determined to reach the door. As he pushed on the door, a sharp cracking sound echoed, and he stumbled.

Carlarlia, who was on the other side, hastily opened the door, noticing Clark on the floor. Worried, she scooped him up.

"Oh no, my baby! Are you alright?" she fretted, relieved when Clark didn't cry.

Clark's resilience surprised her. She apologized, "I'm sorry! Let me get you something to ease the pain."

Rushing to the kitchen, Carlarlia grabbed a bottle and applied its contents to Clark's forehead. To her amazement, the swelling disappeared, and the pain subsided quickly.

Khlieo returned home and found Clark sipping a Healing Potion. Concerned, he inquired, "What happened to my little soldier?"

Carlarlia explained, tears in her eyes, "It's my fault. When I opened the door, Clark was behind it, and the door slammed into him. I'm really sorry."

Khlieo reassured her, "Well, I think Clark is alright. He didn't even cry. Look at him; he's perfectly fine now."

He gently carried Clark outside to show him what he'd been doing. The view left Clark in awe, as he'd never seen such a place except in books. Their home was modest but spacious, with a small farm and a training ground. Five people were practicing in the fields.

"Look at them, Clark. I've been teaching them to become world-class swordsmen, so they can protect themselves and others. I'm also working hard to become a strong fighter to protect both of you," Khlieo proudly explained.

Clark admired his father's dedication, noticing the calluses and bruises earned from sword practice and heavy lifting.

A swordsman named Shion, a Tier 3 Swordsman, greeted them. "Is that your kid, Khlieo?"

Khlieo affirmed, "Yes, this is Clark. He's just a week old, but he's quite resilient."

Shion chuckled, sharing an amusing story, "Oh really! I guess you've got your dad's genes, Clark. Did you know your father once nearly defeated a Lion Tier swordsman, even though he only knows one style? HAHA! That guy must be embarrassed by his title."

Clark's thoughts raced as he absorbed this newfound knowledge. He realized that his father was quite the formidable warrior, at least on par with a Lion Tier Swordsman. A sense of excitement and nostalgia washed over him. He remembered a childhood dream of becoming a hero and defeating villains. With a smile, he realized that this second chance at life held the promise of happiness and adventure.

"You see, Shion," Khlieo began, "swordsmen are classified into different tiers based on their skill and mastery of various combat styles. It's a system that helps us understand each other's abilities and strengths."

Khlieo went on to explain the tiers in more detail:

"Tier 1 is the lowest rank among the Tiers. Those at this level have just started their training and are still learning the basics of swordsmanship."

"Tier 6 is the next level, and it's a significant milestone. To reach this tier, a swordsman must master at least three to five different combat styles. It's not an easy feat, but it's achievable with dedication and hard work."

"But the journey doesn't end at Tier 6," Khlieo continued. "There are four more tiers beyond that, each representing a higher level of skill and expertise."

Khlieo outlined the higher tiers:

"First, there's the Lion Tier. Swordsmen at this level have honed their abilities to a point where they can take on formidable opponents with confidence."

"Then comes the Dragon Tier. Those who attain this tier are considered truly exceptional. Their combat skills are unmatched, and they can face even more challenging adversaries."

"The Demon Tier is the penultimate level. Swordsmen in this tier have reached a level of mastery that borders on the extraordinary. They are feared and respected by all who encounter them."

"And finally, there's the God Tier swordsman, the highest tier of them all. Rumors say that only three individuals have ever achieved this status, but their whereabouts remain a mystery. Many consider the existence of God Tier swordsmen to be more myth than reality."

Khlieo paused for a moment, reflecting on the significance of these tiers. "So, Shion," he concluded, "while I may have once faced a Lion Tier swordsman with just one style, it was a challenging battle, and I nearly lost an arm in the process. The path to becoming a swordsman is fraught with challenges and surprises, but it's a journey filled with growth and discovery."

Clark's thoughts raced as he absorbed this newfound knowledge. He realized that his father was quite the formidable warrior, at least on par with a Lion Tier Swordsman. A sense of excitement and nostalgia washed over him. He remembered a childhood dream of becoming a hero and defeating villains. With a smile, he realized that this second chance at life held the promise of happiness and adventure.

End of Chapter 3.