
The sea’s ruler

just read it

cozomrh · แอคชั่น
8 Chs


"Shane get up" said Aqua.

Shane is a 14 year old boy who was raised mostly by his brother Aqua Sarin. Shane had bright brown hair and eyes that resembeld an apples colour. He was on the taller side and was quite muscular. Aqua had trained him to the bone when he was younger for reasons he never knew.

After their parents died their aunt took them in, 5 months later she was dead. She died the same way their parents did and seemingly by the same hand. From then on Aqua raised him, he did the best he could but was unable to teach him some very important things. In result Shane is not the smartest person and doesn't have much common sense.

"Why do I have to get up?" Shane said in a tired tone.

"Its monday idiot, you still need to go to school" said Aqua in a slightly annoyed tone.

Aqua is a 17 year old boy who at the ripe age of 5 was forced to suffer by lucks hand and then watched both his parents die. He has little regard for human life outside of people he cares for. He has silver hair and the same apple coloured eyes as his brother. He is a little bit shorter than his brother and is skinnier but stronger than him. He also has a gaint scar on his face. From the top right to the bottom left. How he gained said scar is unknown to everyone except him and the one who gave it to him.

"Why do I have to go? You never once went to school so why must I?" Said Shane in a annoyed tone

"Cause I need you out of the house so I can work. Now get ready" said Aqua

"Are you gonna tell me your job yet?" Said Shane

"You'll find out when you need to, now get ready" said Aqua

"Fine" said Shane

Shane got ready in about 10 minutes and left for school. Once he arrives he meets with his friend Pete. They had only met recently but they had grown to be very good friends.

"Yo Pete you remember what class we got first" said Shane in a friendly tone

"I think its science" Said Pete

Pete is a little older than Shane. He has black hair and orange eyes. He is on the smaller side but he's not so small that people make fun of him for it. Shane knows nothing about his family or where he came from.

"After school ya wanna come to the mall with me,Sky and Toji? Were just gonna walk around but that shouldn't stop you from joining" said Shane

"Alright i'll come with you guys, maybe we'll find something cool like a new store." Said Pete

"Sweet, anyways do you know what were doing in class?" Said Shane

"I think we have a test on…. I forget" said Pete

"Well I'm screwed, I didn't even know we had one so obviously I didn't study. Ima gamble on it" said Shane

"You gotta start paying attention, or at least try" said Pete

"Hey you don't even know what its on so you can't lecture me on paying attention" Said Shane

"Ya I guess your right, where are you going class is right here?" Said Pete

"Ah I guess I missed it, I still haven't figured out where all my classes are" said Shane

"How its the last week, you should have figured it out by now" said Pete

"A little to late for that" said Shane

*ring ring ring*

"Ah thats the bell, get in here" said Pete

They entered the room and sat down

"Good morning class, I hope you all remembered to study"

Shane's head: This shit better be multiple choice

"This will be a mostly multiple choice exam…

Shane's head: I'm not listening to her anymore, I can gamble on this so I'll just pass.

The teacher hands out the tests

Shane's head: damn I know none of these, first ones… C than….. damn gambling is the best choice

"You will all have an hour to compl-

Shane's head: why did she just stop talking? Ahh who cares

"Hey where did the teacher go?" Said Pete

"Huh, oh shit she's gone" said Shane

Shane's head: how did she just disappear, i've only ever seen Aqua do that. Wait there's something behind her desk.

Some kids walked up to her desk after noticing something. The second they reached it they disappeared. Others started to disappear until after a minute everyone was gone except me and Pete

"I didn't know disappearing was such a common skill, but why is everyone doing it now?" Said Shane

"What are you talking about? You've seen this?"said Pete

Shane's head: Why does Pete sound so scared? Has he not seen this before?

"Ya I thought it was a regular thing, my brother does it all the time" said Shane

"If they are disappearing than whats in that pile" said Pete

"What pile, oh that one" said Shane

Shane was staring at a pile of lifeless corpses

"Hello their boys" said a voice behind them

Their was a man standing behind them. He looked to be about 30. He had black hair and multi coloured eyes, one was orange while the other was blue.

"Shane, i've had my eye on you for a while. I have something to give you" said the mysterious man

He grabbed Shane hand and sent a shock through his whole boddy. It felt like he was being boiled alive for 6 seconds.

"What the fuck was that!?" Said Shane

"I gave you something, your brother Aqua will know what it is. For the other one, I believe your name is Pete. You shall die here and now" said the man

"Huh what are you gonna do to me" said Pete

His voice was trembling. He was terrified

"I just told you, you shall die here and now" said the man

He grabbed Pete and threw him through the wall.

"PETE" said Shane

The man walked over to him and beat him until his face was unrecognizable. He was dead.

Shane sat there, to scared to move.

"Why?" Said shane. He was on the brink of tears

"He had no use just like everyone else in this room, but you, you can be strong. Tell Aqua that you met Luck and what I did. I hope you will give me a good fight when we meet again. Don't disappoint.

Then the man who's named was Luck left

Shane was petrified, all he could think was how much he wanted to kill that man. He wondered what Aqua knew about him.

He walked over to Pete's corpse

"I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I couldn't even move.