
The sea’s ruler

just read it

cozomrh · แอคชั่น
8 Chs


A young boy stares at the sea. He had never seen it before, he noticed something in the water, so he reached in and picked it up. It felt weird, it was somewhat oval-shaped and had ridges on its top. He wished to know what this thing was called. He went to find his friends, but they were gone. He looked for anyone he knew but no one was there. A man who he did not know approached him.

Man: hello young one, are you lost?

Boy: yes, can you help me find my friends? I came here with them but they disappeared.

Man: All alright, I will help you, but first tell me your name.

Boy: I'm Aqua, let's check over here!

Aqua brought the man to the places where he thought his friends may be. They weren't there, not a single place he checked had them. The man brought him to some places he thought people might be, but no one was there. Not a signal soul was at the beach that day, this was different then when Aqua got here. The beach was full before he found the weird thing he was holding, but now everyone was gone.

Aqua: sir, do you know what this thing is called? I've never seen something like it.

Man: that is a shell, I am surprised you have never seen one before. Is this your first time here?

Aqua: ya, my parents never brought me here, they said it was a bad place, they said that the god of this place was evil. They only think that because of some old stories though.  

Man: do you believe in these stories?

Aqua: no, I don't think the stories are meant to be real. All the stories teach you things and are meant as lessons.

Man: Not what I expected from a five-year-old, but those stories are real.

Aqua: you believe them too? Why do you think they are real?

Man: I believe the stories are real because they are about me. Everything the stories say I did, I did.

Aqua: your lying right? You look like just a regular guy but most of the stories are at least a hundred years old.

Man: I assure you I am telling the truth. I can show you something to prove it if you follow me.

Aqua: what does assure mean?

Man: come along.

Aqua followed the man back to the parking lot. Everyone's cars were still there so they had not left. He wondered where the man was bringing him. They approached one of the vehicles. It was a big white van. The man opened the back of the, and Aqua saw his friends inside of it, they had all been tied up.

Aqua: why do you have them? Why are they tied up?

Man: get in the van. Once you're in I will take you and your friends to a nice place about an hour from here. If you choose not to get in then I will kill all of your friends right here.

Aqua got in the van and sat down. All of his friends were unconscious so he sat there in silence for an hour until they arrived at their destination. 

Man: time to get out. We also need to wake up your friends, I don't feel like carrying them. 

Aqua helped the man wake up all 6 of his friends. They were all confused and scared. They were told to follow the man if they wanted to go home.

Eren: Aqua what's happening? You were the first one awake so do you know who he is?

Aqua: he claims to be a god, you don't need to worry, I don't think he will hurt us.

Eren: are you sure? I'm scared, I want to go home.

Aqua: just make it through this, he seems nice so he won't do anything to us.

They continued down a hallway, at the end of the hallway there was a big blue room. There was glass on the left side of the room, Aqua and Eren approached the glass and looked into a giant cage below. The cage held four lions who looked to be incredibly hungry.

Aqua: hey sir why are we looking at lions?

Man: I wanted to show you something, Eren can watch it too if he wants to. Just know that I'm doing this because of you Aqua.

Aqua: doing what?

the man grabbed the other four children

Eren: why did you grab them?

Child: put me down! I wanna go home!

Man: Aqua, Eren, pay attention now

The man opened a door that led to stairs to the cage below. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him so Aqua and Eren didn't go after him. He took the four children and put one in front of each of the lions. The lions ate the children well Aqua and Eren watched, they both wondered why the man had done this. The man came back up the stairs, opened the door and spoke to them.

Man: Did you enjoy the show?

Aqua: why?

Man: for you of course. Why else would I have killed them?

Eren: Aqua this is your fault? Why? Did you cause their deaths? Why would you do that?

Aqua: no I didn't do-

Eren: why would you do that? Why? What did they do?

Eren's mind was in shambles after watching his friends get eaten by lions, so his brain took the words that the man said in a different way than it was intended. This caused Eren to grow a hatred for both the man and Aqua.

The man knocked the two unconscious and gave them both a note. Aqua's note said, "My name is Luck, I was the one who killed your friends, don't forget it". Everything Luck had done caused Aqua to grow a hatred for Luck. He cared more about killing Luck than his own life and well-being.

Eren's note said, "My name is Luck, me and Aqua killed your friends, don't forget" This caused Eren to grow just as big of a hatred towards Luck as Aqua had, and he grew the same hatred for Aqua.

In the days after his Aqua's parents were killed he lived with his aunt. She was killed a few months later. Aqua did not want to rely on anyone else, so he didn't live with anyone after the death of his aunt. He lived on the street, stealing money so he and his brother could survive. Once Shane was old enough Aqua sent him to school. he searched for a house, he found an abandoned building and turned it into a home using money he stole. The two brothers have lived there since then.


Aqua: satisfied with the story?  Do you need anything else explained?

Shane: damn, maybe fighting this guy is a bad idea. I know you devoted your whole life to this and you have a pretty good reason, but did you ever think that maybe you should try living a normal life?

Aqua: no, I will kill him even if I die to do it. As long as he's dead my life was worth it.

Shane: alright well I want no part of it, I prefer living.

Aqua: you don't get a choice. Once Luck has decided someone will join they join. If not then he kills even more people they care for until they join.

Shane: alright then, anything else I need to know?

Aqua: you need to meet some more people. They should be arriving soon.

*knock knock*

Aqua: Perfect timing

I ain’t making this to be good, I’m just having fun

cozomrhcreators' thoughts