

Hello and welcome to the Scribe, your information index for all that is the Floating Continent of Laputa. If you are reading this then you must be interested in the KTM: Project. This book's contents will only unlock it's contents once you find the keys. The keys will be unlocked in the tweets of the author's Twitter. Each tweet can be decoded by identifying the words that may relate to a certain character or an event. However there is a catch. The words that are being used as the locks to find the keys have similarities and could be paired up by the name of a character, a spell, an event, or even one of the creatures and monsters that can be found at Laputa.

Follow the creators to give it a shot:



The phrase used to unlock this message: My days are over

Extra: An additional Clue was given to find the plot of the 1st arc: (1)Rule of 2, (2)In What?