
The Scourge of Altasia

Altasia is a huge plane in the universe where many species coexist. Nobody knows the true size of Altasia. A universal system came into existence and the race to choose the Monarch of Altasia started. Many members of different species like Demon, Dragons, Elves, Angles, Giants, etc. Start fighting to get to the throne of Monarch. 7 overlords needed to be selected for the final war to select the Monarch. To select these overlords cycles of world war started to happen one after another 24 times already. 6/7 of these overlord positions are already filled. It's time for the 25th cycle. Everyone is desperate to get the last seat of the overlord for themselves. Alliance form and break every few years. People betray each other. These things become common among every species. Join the 25th cycle of World war to see if this time Altasia selects its 7th overlord or not. Who will get the final seat of Monarch? WORLD WAR: The war between millions and billions of creatures, The place where thousand of behemoths like Giants, Dragons, Giamon, and monsters destroys. The place where many small but powerful creature shows their dominance like Elves, Humans, and Orcs. The place where vile creatures create chaos like Demon and Devil. The place where celestial creatures shine like Angles, and Fairy. This is the place where life has very little value, This is the place of Dreams. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WORLD WAR OF ALTASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################## Note: Starting 20 chapters will have less detail. These chapters contain MC preparation before the main action start. I hope you will give this try for 30 chapters. WARNING: Not for below 17, There will be dark and gore stuff in the novel. ======================= English is not my first language. I hope if you find some problems let me know in the chapter comments. =======================

Champsing · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Start as Mortal

Eric remains silently sitting in his room. Now that Eric decides to train the path of seven sins, he has to make a proper plan regarding that.

First Eric decided to take a tour of the village. Getting outside his house he sees many houses made from wood and mud. The house he was in is near the border of the village. At the border of the village, there is a wooden fence which may not help the village to keep bigger animals away but it is sufficient for protection from many small animals.

Small mud roads are there between the houses. The whole village is in the shape of a circle. In the middle of the village is a place where the chief house is present. The overall village is not too big but about a few hundred people live in this place. Eric travels the whole village to gather as much information as he can. He tries to scout many mature women for his training.

He finds that most of the day only women remain in the village. Men go out hunting and paroling the village. After moving around the village he reaches the center of the village. This is where only a few houses are present.

Now Eric is standing in front of the chief house. Knocking the door, a beautiful 18 -19 year beautiful girl opens the house. Standing in front of the door Eric stares at the girl in front of the door.

Watching Eric girl also stares at him for a few seconds then shyly looks down. Blush formed on her face. Eric composes himself and ask

"Is chief present in the house"

Nodding her head girl enters the house. A voice call from inside the house.

"Nina, who is at the door"

A middle age man with a bulky build and large mustache comes to the door.

Eric calmly greets him.

"Hello, sir my name is Eric."

"Oh, you must be the young man who arrives tomorrow at our village door."

"Yes, sir that's me."

"Mm, OK come inside the house."

Eric enters the house and sits on a chair present in the living room. In front of him sits the village chief and Nina goes into some other room.

"So young man what are you doing inside the forest alone."

Hearing this question Eric starts telling a fake sad story to the chief. He tells the story of how his parents were merchants. They came to the forest for trade in some village and how they got attacked and his whole family died.

In between the story Eric sometimes cries and sometimes curses at the forest beast. There is so much emotion in his voice that even the village chief feels pity for him. He sees Nina who is pepping from the door also crying.

After ending the story, he asks the village chief to let him stay in the village for some time to which he happily agrees. Eric has some doubts as to how easily the village chief agrees to let him stay in the village. But for now, Eric plans to spend his 2-3 years in this village doing training and living life as a playboy.

From today Eric's life starts as a mortal in an unknown forest village.


From the day Eric start living in the village, it's been 20 days. Life in the village is quite simple. Women have their housework and men have to go hunting and patrolling the village.

Now Eric understands why the chief easily accept him in the village as extra men mean more guard to protect the village. Well, it is not a big problem for Eric. He has become quite used to surviving alone. Form hunters, he learns many techniques to catch prey.

In the past few days, Eric has been secretly courting many girls in the village with Nina being one of them. Training of lust path has to wait. For the past 20 days, Eric is trying to save as much food as he can. Everything going according to his plans for now.

Today is the day he will start the first cycle for the Gluttony path. After finishing his patrol duty, he walks back home. During his walk, many girls try to talk to him. Shamelessly talking with many girls, he walks back into his room.

His room looks more like a store room than a simple room. Everywhere his eyes can scan it is filled with something to eat. He closes the door and walks to his bed.

Sitting at the corner of his bed he places many different kinds of fruits in front of him. Behind those are some hard grains of bread and a lot of meat from the beasts. Some of the meat also start smelling little showing signs of decomposition. Ignoring all that Eric composes himself and starts controlling his fast-moving heartbeat. Today will start his first cycle of hell.

Saying that he is not afraid today will be a lie. Letting go of all the thoughts aside he sits down and starts eating.

Well rather than eating he is swallowing. Eric keeps swallowing sometimes meat or sometimes wheat.

After like 1-2 hr he even lost his mind. In his mind, all that mattered is that the more he swallowed faster he becomes stronger.

This is the Way Eric motivates himself. His stomach has a huge bulge. If someone sees Eric now they will believe that Eric will die if he eats a little bit more.

After 4hr of eating Eric got fainted. Even in his sleep, his body tries to eat something. Eric finishes more than 3 / 4th of the food present in the room.

His stomach looks almost like it is about to burst at any movement. He survives this part but his body will take time to regain back to muscular form.

.... Next morning.

Eric woke up with stomach pain.

The first thing he wants to do in the morning is to vomit. It takes his whole willpower to not vomit.

He is rolling on the bed. Try to ignore the pain but once he tries to sit his spine shiver from never wrecking pain. That whole day Eric does nothing but lay on his bed and try to control himself.

Eric realizes a new problem in his training path. If he starts training on the path of lust then he has to do sex in this condition.

That realization struck him again and made him realize the craziness of this training. This is still manageable but how can he do sex when he is starving from food? This is not training but experiencing Abyss.

The path of seven sins is nothing but the path of seven hell. You have to survive this hell then only you can control your emotions.

All this makes Eric more determined to finish this hell and reap the benefit. As saying goes more bitter the medicine better the result. After experiencing pain for a few days, Eric goes back to his normal life waiting for starvation to take place.

1-month passed…..

For the past 1 month, Eric did not eat anything. He is currently in his room almost to the point of unconsciousness.

Last month he only survives with drinking water. He knows that once he becomes unconscious, he will die.

At last, after one month of torture, Eric once again eats the food before darkness took place for him. Even if the food is plain meat but he still cries in happiness after filling his stomach.

His room is once again filled with food. Tomorrow, he has to drown himself in an endless amount of food till he will died. But he does not think about it and only enjoys today's happiness.

One round of hell is finished but the next round is about to swallow him again in this endless cycle of 4 years of torture, he put himself in.

This is the true path of hell. The path of seven sins.



Name: Eric Rustom

Power status: Mortal

Legacy: Max legacy (??rank)

War partition: regional level (Apprentice Soldier)- 1, --, --, -

Note: Due to the Warrior regressing to the mortal level you have to regain your power before the 2nd regional war.

Plenty: If fail to regain Apprentice soldier level before the 2nd regional mortal war from today then will be rejected to become a Warrior for your whole life.

Time left for the next war – 2 years 2 months 10 days.

Total time left - 5 years 2 months 10 days



Training Path of seven sins:

Pride: --

Greed: --

Wrath: --

Envy: --

Sloth: --

Lust: Sex maniac.

Gluttony: Eat and starve.

Task 1: Sex maniac.


· You have to do sex with multiple women.

* Time: every day.

· Each week you have to with a new woman.

*Time: at least 1 time a week.

· Each month You have sex with multiple women at the same time. As time increase you have to increase the women you have sex with.

*Time: At least 1 time a month.

*Month: not started No of women: --


Task 2: Eat and Starve.


· You have to eat till you almost die.

· You have to starve till you almost die.


TOTAL TIME: 3 YEARS and 8 months 10 days.


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