
The Scoundrel

The cold breeze of december hit his bare skin, making him shiver. Sheepishly, he wish, silently, upon the stars to ease the pain. Darkness fill the place and he embraced it, almost like how the darkness gave him the comfort he needs. He fears many things but not the night, he love the darkness and the peace it gives to his soul: a nyctophile. Kiari Gray is a tall, moreno, scoundrel — a title given to him by the many. People call him many names including 'Bastard'. In school, everybody keeps a distance from him. Stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. But at home, inside his room, when nobody's there to judge him but him alone introspecting. He was 10 when he witnessed men in black killed his family — brutally. News broke after, thanks to the newspapers and tabloids which put the massacre on their headline. little did he know, Saynel Zyne faked the article: Kiari survived from the hands of the murderer. Yet all of the stories, with the big help of Saynel, in different pages and articles revealed the whole family died. Saynel adopted him and later on Kiari, eventually, called him Dad. He Kiari and prepared him ready to avenge. He mercilessly killed everybody that stood his way, bringing them no rest in peace at the end of the day.

petrichormusic · แอคชั่น
29 Chs

Chapter 3

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was stunned at what I saw and got up. I roamed around the big house, and I saw the men in black that kidnapped me. I walked slowly to avoid making noise from him trying to get myself out of this house like heaven that surrounded gold and silver.

"Trying to run away kid?" he asked still sitting in facing the bookshelves. How did he know I'm here?

"Let go of me ugly old." I said loud trying to show him I'm not scared." You do kidnapping and it's unlawful you know! I'm going to report this to the police station what happened!" I shouted at him but he stared at me blankly. He's not scared to be in jail? Really?

He laughed and face me.

"Go kid report the kidnapping I've done to you. To a 10 years old boy, do you think they believe in you? Law is a useless kid, the law is unfair." He said seriously.

"Just let me go ugly old. And I find justice on my own." I said trying to persuade him.

"No. You're not safe outside. You'll have a hard time to find justice if you rely on the law that the government had set." He said. He's concerned with me? but he killed my family. Stupid he can't wash my brain.

"Tss. Ugly old what do you mean huh?" I said walking to his direction.

"shut up." He said in his cold deep dark voice. I felt my foot becomes jelly that voice scared me.

" Are you going to kill me? why don't you do it now?" I said to him. hostile and scared face.

"I'm not going to kill you kid." He said. Not looking at me.

"But why?" I asked now I'm crying. I'm an elementary student yet my life sucks.

"Because I need you for my plan." He said and that's enlightened. My mind is like a puzzle that slowly fixed and settled and formed and got ya!

"Use me ugly old, to your plan but promise me one thing," I said. I'm not born to be someone servant. I'm a unique dude. Unique to be your flunkey.

"What is it, kid?" He asked crossing his arm and looking at me with his brow arched through the horizon.

"I help you with your stupid plan and you help me to find justice for my parents. But don't make me your flunkey, too precious for that." I said and he smiles shooking his head.

"You're really one of the stupid." He said still smiling and now he chuckled.

Oh poor kid I thought he gonna say you're one of a kind. But hey! kid, you're not kind so, instead, he said stupidly.

I rolled my eyes and do the same gesture as he's. I sit and cross my legs. He laughed again.

He's an idiot

"So what? deal or no deal?" I asked like gangster kiddo.

"Deal kid," he said still laughed like crazy.

You better deal with that ugly old or you'll lose me.

I nodded and raise my thumbs.

"Good," I said and my stomach growling.

"Melisa!" He shouted and the lady came.

"Yes, Master?" She asked and throw glances on me.

"Feed this kid and fix his room." He said to the lady and the lady nodded. He comes close to me and grabbed my hand slowly.

"Hi, kid!" The lady greeted me. He was smiling at me and I smiled back. While eating a spoonful of rice and whatever they called to this dished. "Take it slowly Kid." She said and rubbed my back. I just nodded and take a spoonful of yellow porridge with berries.

I had a good life in Mansion. He gave me everything I want and need. He always took good care of me. And The kitchen lady Melisa, she treated me liked I'm her Son thankful for that.

After one week there's an article published. News broke after And the rumors spread to the whole city. Which put the massacre on their headline.

"The whole family murdered." I read the article furrowed my eyebrowed and dropped it at the table, confused. "Why the whole family?" I asked Saynel with grimace looked and eyebrowed raised through the last stories of his mansion.

"Because I said so. I faked it. I want the whole city to think that the whole family died. Listen Kiari, If they know that you're alive that you survived from the hands of the murderer they will chase you until they cut your neck and leave you breathless. You don't have freedom if that will happen, you'll spend your life hiding from them." He said with a serious tone and darkly cold.

"I get it," I said nodded.

"Especially you've witnessed the crime scene." He said casually.

"Why did you save me?" I asked him I'm still confused since the day he let me stay here in the mansion.

"Because I want to." He said cold and walked away.

That's stupid Saynel keeping secret from me.

"Hey, Kid. Master Saynel ordered me. You have to get ready." She said and I followed. This was the start of a new life.

We migrated to London, Master Saynel told me to finished my study in London far away from my city the safer for me he said.

I studied hard to impressed him. When I'm in college he trained me to become like him.

First, Trust. Do not trust the government and other people that manipulate the government. And do not trust the people around you.

Second, be observant. Alway observed the people around you silently. Used your senses and vision to observed.

Third, Be strong and independent. If you're not strong apparently you're not independent. You'll depend on people who are stronger than you. Hide your weakness they will use it against you. Show them that you're not afraid to face the demon and they will afraid of you. He taught me everything like that kind of stuff.

He prepared me to face the enemy without fear.

"Why you hated the government and the law?" I asked him. He's cleaning his guns that we used in firing.

"Because the government manipulates everyone around them. They manipulate people depends on what they want. Hide pieces of evidence that could bring them down and Kill people that know their secrets to make them looked good. They trapped us and some fell on their set trapped." He said. With is undeniably mad. And making his intense gesture noticeable. But I find it cool when someone was under the control of everything.

"That's all Saynel?" I asked him bored. While drinking my coffee. He looked that me with a dead serious face.

"I told you not to call me that idiot." He said with a deep dark voice yet, there's still a presence of coldness.

"Fine. What do you want me to call you then? Men? Master? Sir? Your highness? King? kong? bro? dude?! What?" I asked jokingly. I'm not scared of him anymore. He raised me like this Fearless.

"Daddy." He said and good thing I'm not drinking my coffee or else I'll blow chunks. Then I laughed at him placing my hand on my stomach as I suffocate myself from laughing.

"You old man why do you want me to call you Dad?!" I asked still laughed infelicity. He was annoyed onto mu idiotic Behaviour.

"Because everyone knows you're my son and my future successor. So act more formal and decent." He said the usual.

"Okay, Daddy! Hahaha"I said joking "now tell me what government has done to you?" I asked looking at him seriously and I saw him darkly smirked.

"I have a wife she's a government employee before. She's the city certified accountant, She managed the entries with a big amount of money. She has done her work detailed and cleared. But one day she was arrested by officers they had their warrant and they handcuff her. She was accused of stealing money which she didn't do. Someone ruined her records that the police found no evidence. for her to make herself clear. They have someone manipulate them and my wife put in prison and sentenced lifetime imprisonment which is unlawful. I tried to do an investigation all by myself and I found the real journal of all accounts. And showed it to our lawyer but freaking asshole he never showed up that day taking all the shreds of evidence with him. He was controlled by Austin Kim. The city mayor who runs the entire city." He took a deep breath and he looked at me.

Well, idiot, I was hurt but my appearance didn't show it. Hell ain't weak you know!

He smirked at me, I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're good at hiding emotions kiddo." He said and looking at me full of sarcasm.

"Don't call me that!" I hate it when he called me kiddo. I gave him a deadly glare. Then he chuckled.

I'm a man, idiot!

I stood up and get the gun. I place the headset and began pulling the trigger, hitting the Man stands 8 meters away.

When I'm done. I headed back to my room and studied for my exam.

I heard a few knocks at the door.

"Come in," I said seriously cold.

"Young Master, Your dad looking for you. He's in the office." The maid said. I just nodded since I didn't give many words to them.

I proceeded to his office and he stood up. Getting the books on its shelves and pressing the hidden button and it unlocks the wall. He gently pushed the wall and we entered them. We had a secret part of the house where we hide pieces of evidence and guns.

"What is this?" I asked pointing the picture on the wall.

"That's the enemy." He said looking at the picture.

"Introduce them," I said grueling and I did a single nodded.

"This is John Kim the right hand of Milbert Damon." Pointing at his picture. "He was there when your family got murdered and this one is Parker Lim the right hand of Cris Hopes. He was also at the crime scene..." He introduced me to all the pictures. "And I found out that Milbert, Crist, Blaze, Simon, and Shibro are working under Cop. Finance. They are the people related to your family's death. And their leader is Timothy Cristos. Your Dad best friend and business partner." He said and I puzzled. Many questions raced through my mind.

"Why did he killed them?" I asked Cold and deep dark voice.

"Because of business and that's what you're going to find out. Kiari.." He said seriously. I looked at him, he looked tense. "It's time to go home Kiari. It's been 20 years." He said serious and the usual deeply dark voice. He tapped my should and smiled a little.

Maybe he's right it's time for me to face the enemies and truth. It's payback time. No government, no law should be involved with this stuff just me Kiari Zyne.