
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · สมจริง
81 Chs

Chapter 75

The sound of a door being unlocked and then opened could be heard, followed right after by the sound of steps coming inside the room, and the click of a light switch being turned on.


"Make yourselves at home"

"Thank you, Nanami-san"

"Pardon the intrusion… Fuwaaaahh…"

The first one to enter was Takeru, who didn't say anything due to his combination of still being a bit annoyed at Ichiro and Yuriko while also feeling tired from having to spend a good amount of time under the scorching weather. This feeling was also shared with Sakurako who was already yawning as she took off her shoes.

"Takkun, if you want to take a nap, you can do so while I make lunch"

"… Hm *Tiredly nods*"

"Kogane-san, you can also take a nap if you want to"

"Nn *Nods while wobbling from side to side*"

With Yuriko's approval, Takeru and Sakurako both sat at each end of the sofa and quickly fell asleep, leaving only Yuriko and Ichiro awake.

"Nanami-san, do you mind if I give you a hand?"

"Of course not, Hirano-san"

"Thank you"

Having received Yuriko's permission, Ichiro stepped into the kitchen to wash his hands.

"So what will we be making?"

"Hm… How about hamburgers?"

"Fine by me, and I'm sure Sakurako-san will like it as well"

"That's great to hear!"

And so, the two divided the tasks between themselves, with Yuriko first dealing with bringing the necessary ingredients and utensils, while Ichiro handled them for now. The two showed very good coordination even though this was their first time cooking together, but at the same time, Ichiro felt that there was something off about how Yuriko knew where everything would be, after all… He knew that this was Takeru's apartment.

"Nanami-san can I ask you a question regarding your relationship with Takkun?"


"Thank you. So, have you two been living together lately?"


Without taking his eyes off the knife as he continued to cut the ingredients, Ichiro asked such a question to Yuriko, causing her to show a rather astonished expression, before answering it truthfully.

"Yes, we have. Ever since I and Takkun began going out, we've been sharing the apartment every day"

"… And how long have you two been dating?"

"Hmmm… About two months, I think"


Hearing that answer from Yuriko caused Ichiro's hands to come to a stop as he looked at her with his usual smile but with a confused atmosphere around him. After all, Ichiro could still remember the talk/interrogation that he, his cousin Yasu, and his aunt Kimiko, had with Takeru about the girl he was interested in, and who also had kissed him, whom Takeru had said it was Yuriko, the same one who Ichiro was helping in making lunch.

However, the problem was that the last time that Ichiro was able to see Takeru, was around 3 months ago… A full month before Takeru and Yuriko began going out, and from what Ichiro knew, Yuriko was already overly close to Takeru to be able to hug and kiss him on the cheek after a date before they had yet to start dating.

"… Erm… Hirano-san? Is there something on my face?"

Seeing Ichiro stare at her with his usual fake smile, Yuriko couldn't help but feel worried about his behavior, and ask as such.

"Ah! It's nothing, Nanami-san… I was just surprised at how… Fast you and Takkun have been progressing in your relationship"

"*Tilts head to the side*? I think Takkun and I have been progressing quite normally though"

"Well… If you say so, Nanami-san" <… I can't bring myself to say that I've been going out with Sakurako-san for a bit more than three months… And we've only kissed once… kiss came after month or so… because the atmosphere allowed it happen…>

"… *Looks away* … *Looks in another direction*… *Looks down*" <Huh? Now that I think about it… Haven't started to spend more time in Takkun's apartment than on my own ever since we made up for incident? And after Takkun confessed me… … Huh? When was the last slept apartment?>

As the two went back on cooking, they both began thinking about matters related to what they had just talked about. And so, the two would finish preparing the hamburgers and then go on to wait until the rice had finished cooking, by talking a bit more with each, which could be resumed as, bragging about their partners, and in the case of Ichiro sharing some of Takeru's embarrassing memories to Yuriko.




About half an hour later

"… … … Hm?" *Rubbing his eyes*

"Mmmmm… … … *Yawns* Haa… Hm"

Takeru and Sakurako both woke up at the same time as they could sense a nice scent coming from the kitchen, they groggily looked in that direction, where they could see Yuriko and Ichiro both working together to make lunch.

"Ah! Good afternoon! Did you two sleep well?"

Yuriko who was the first one to notice the two looking in their direction, greeted Takeru and Sakurako with a bright smile, as they both could only nod in agreement to her words due to their sleepiness.

"That's great! Now please go wash your faces, and then sit around the table so that we can all eat together"

Obeying her orders, the two got up from the sofa and slowly made their way to the bathroom, with Taker guiding Sakurako.


"Yes, Hirano-san?"

"You sounded like a mom just now"

"I did?… Fufu! I'll take that as a compliment since I really want to have kids with Takkun"

"… Isn't it too soon for that, Nanami-san?"

"Perhaps, but don't you also feel like being the father of Kogane-san's child as soon as possible, Hirano-san?"

"Well… I can't deny, that it's an enticing thought… And even a goal down the line, but I do think we should save those activities for after we're officially married"

"That's very romantic and thoughtful of you, Hirano-san. "

"Thank you, Nanami-san"

After a short while, Takeru and Sakurako returned with their faces and hands washed, then they sat down around the table as they faced each other. Only for Yuriko and Ichiro to both bring everyone's plates to the table as they sat down beside their partners.

" " " "Itadakimasu" " " "

And the four began to eat their meals, like a peaceful sea before a storm.