
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · สมจริง
81 Chs

Chapter 3

(A/N Notes: It's time for more mental damage on Daichi! Because that's becoming the main gag here lol)

Takeru who had finished getting ready for school unlocked his front door and opened it


"Good morning, Tanaka-san"

"Huh? Ah… Yes, good morning, Nanami-san"

And the first thing that happened after he opened was Yuriko greeting him with a fresh and gentle smile on her face, different from who still had a sleepy face

"I guess, you aren't a morning person, right?"


After he closed and locked his front door, they both went down the stairs, side by side

"…Do you want to sleep more?"



Yuriko seeing Takeru answer everything like that, thought of a little mischief that she wanted to try with him, when they left the apartment and were right in front of the building's main entrance, she tried her little mischief

"Do you… Want me to give you a hug?"


"Fufu, if you say"


And with Takeru answering the way she expected, Yuriko gave him a hug, which surprised him. After a few seconds he also hugged Yuriko back, they hugged each other for a few seconds before letting go of each other

"Sorry, sorry. But I couldn't help myself from doing that"

"No… It's fine…"

Takeru's face was completely red due to his embarrassment, but then he noticed that… Yuriko's face was also red

"Hm? You are blushing, Nanami-san"

"Huh! I-is that so?… A-anyways, I need to go to the school early to check some documents so… See you later, Tanaka-san"

After quickly bowing down to Takeru, Yuriko turned and hurriedly left, quickly leaving him behind

"…" <Aaaaahhhh! That was too bold of me and I didn't expect him to hug me back>

After some time, she stopped running, she looked behind her to see if Takeru was right behind her, seeing that he wasn't, she sighed with relief, but then she noticed her reflection in a shop window. Her cheeks and ears were still somewhat red


She closed her eyes and put her hands on her cheeks, as she deeply breathed in and out

"… So this is was feeling embarrassed feels like… Maybe I should go easier on Tanaka-san next time… … … But his expressions are so cute and amusing to see… Haa…"

Having calmed herself down, she continued making her way to the school, this time walking, but still feeling a little embarrassed from earlier



Takeru was going in the same direction as Yuriko, but at a slower pace than usual, as he couldn't stop thinking about something

"… Nanami-san hug was warm and soft…"

And every time he thought about that, it would make him feel more embarrassed, which also made him pout even more as he tried to hide his embarrassment

Some time later

"Hnnnnggg! Whew! This should be all for now"

Yuriko was stretching herself after she had finished checking and organizing most of the documents, and dealing with the love letters as always, but this time instead of having a dejected face at seeing the number of love letters in the suggestion box…


She had a refreshed smile as she looked at the suggestion letter, that Takeru had written yesterday, on her desk

"I should see with the principal if we can implement Tanaka-san's suggestion… Hmmm?… Now that I think about it… I only met him yesterday, but I've been thinking about him a lot already"

Yuriko only said that out loud because she was alone in the student council room because she was the only member who went that early to the school

"… … … *Sigh* I can't wait to have lunch break with Tanaka-san today…"



Takeru was already in his classroom, as he read a light novel as he sat on his seat when he sneezed

<… Is someone talking about me?… Maybe it's those guys>

He thought that it was his weirdo friends from his previous school, that were talking about him

<… Or perhaps it was Nanami-senpai?… … … No… Maybe?… … … I better stop thinking about this>

Takeru went back to reading to keep his mind busy on something else

Some time later

<Shit! Shit! Shit! I woke up late because I kept doing that until late!>

Daichi was making his way to school as he desperately ran, to at least arrive in the nick of time

<I can already see the entrance!>

He kept running at full speed until he entered the school grounds, where he stopped to catch his breath

"Vice president Daichi-san, is this the time for a member of the student council to be arriving at?"


When he heard the familiar female voice with a reprimanding tone, he felt a cold chill running down his back, and when he turned his head to look at her, when he saw that she was smiling but her closed eyes were not, alongside a shadow cast over her eyes, which made him feel cold

"Y-Yuriko-san! S-sorry, I ended up oversleeping because… Because… Of my studies for my future!"

"Is that true?"

"Y-y-yes, it is!"

No, it wasn't



Yuriko stared in silence at Daichi as he held his breath trying to his desperation. After seconds, that felt like hours, Yuriko's intimidating atmosphere was switched to her usual gentle and happy atmosphere

"I see, then I'll let you off the hook this time. But I expect you to be at school at a more proper hour next time"

"T-thank you, Yuriko-san"

"And make sure to sleep on time today as well, and go wash your face because those dark circles of yours are pretty bad. We cannot set a bad example for the rest of the school"

"Yeah, I will. Thanks"


And Yuriko went back to the rest of the student council members and the teacher who were also checking the students that arrived. Daichi with a sense of defeat after being reprimanded by Yuriko went to one of the school's water tap area

Once he arrived at the place, he saw that there someone else had also come there as well, an underclassman

"Good morning"

"Huh? Ah, yes. Good morning"

Daichi took off his serious-looking glasses and began washing his face. While the boy beside him removed his contact lenses and put them in a plastic box and put it to the right of Daichi's glasses that were on the wall ledge, which Daichi didn't notice it

<This much should be enough>

When he went to pick up his glasses, he accidentally ended up pushing something light out of the ledge to the outside


"Huh? Where's my contact lenses?"

"…" <Ah shit>

When he heard the boy beside him, saying that he immediately noticed what happened, and so he did the only thing that he could do…

"Maybe it fell off the ledge"

And that was avoiding taking responsibility for the accident

"Can you see where it fell?"

"No, it probably fell outside because of the wind of something"

"Ah dang…"

"Anyways, I need to go back to my classroom, see ya"

"Huh? Ah! Wait… … … I guess, I'll just go pick my glasses in the bag"

Only being able to see a blurry someone wearing white and black with a dark blue head quickly leaving the scene, Takeru simply gave up and decided to simply get his glasses, that he brought as spares

Because of his bad vision, Takeru had to squint his eyes, which gave him a fairly angry looking face, and as he tried to make his way back to his classroom, he ended up stumbling on Yuriko

"Ah! Please watch out where you are going… Huh? Tanaka-san?"


Takeru kept staring at Yuriko with squinted eyes as all he could see was a blurry figure

"Tanaka-san? !?"

Then he put his hand on both sides of Yuriko's head and brought her face closer to his, which surprised Yuriko. Their faces were so close that their noses could almost touch, and then he was finally able to identify who we were staring at

"… Ah! Nanami-senpai! Sorry for doing that to you"

"No… It's alright, Tanaka-san. So… Can I ask why you did that just now?"

"Ah, that… Well, I lost my contact lenses, or rather they fell somewhere outside after I removed them because my eyes felt dry… And my vision is pretty bad so I did that to see who it was, sorry"

"It's fine…" <… That was bad for my heart… I'm glad he can't see my face right now>

Yuriko's cheeks were completely red as she blushed out of embarrassment and surprise, so when she heard that he couldn't see her face correctly she felt relieved, then noticing his situation, she quickly calmed herself down and soon after she stopped blushing

"Ahem… Do you want me to take you to your classroom?"

"Are you sure?"

"There's nothing wrong with helping a friend, is there?"

"Friend?… Yeah, yeah, you're right, there isn't"

"Then let me take you to your classroom, here take my hand so that you don't end up lost"

"… *Nods*"

"Oh right, do you mind telling me what's your classroom?"

"It's the 1-1"

"Got it"

And with that Yuriko took Takeru to his classroom as they held hands (A/N Notes: Lewd)

As they made their way to Takeru's classroom, they attracted a lot of attention, mainly due to the fact that Yuriko, the unobtainable school prince, was holding hands with a boy, and rumors were quickly starting to spread


Daichi was inside his classroom, looking at his phone, in it he was reading advice on how to talk with the girl you like for dummies when he started to notice that his classmates were becoming restless, so he turned to his most reliable source for school rumors, Yamada, that sat right behind him

"Hey, man. What's going on with everyone?"

"You didn't hear it?"

"About what?"

"That Nanami-san was holding hands with a boy here in the school"


"Everyone is saying that she likes the boy"


"And that apparently they dating"


Daichi at hearing all that had turned completely white, almost turning into dust, with an extremely desperate and hopeless face

"Easy there dude, those are all rumors, expect the part that she was holding hands with a boy"

"But she was still holding hands with a boy when I wasn't even able to even touch her on the shoulders yet!"

"Wow! You sure are a coward"

"Shut up!!!"

As those two argued, Yuriko had finally reached Takeru's classroom, making the two of them let go of each other hand

"Alright, we arrived at your classroom. So if you excuse me, I'll now return to my classroom

"*Nods* Thank you for your help, Nanami-senpai"

"No biggie"

Takeru bowed down as he thanked Yuriko, after she walked away, Takeru went to his seat, once he had sat down, he picked up his bag and took out his glasses case, and wore the pair of round glasses inside it

Now that he didn't need to squint his eyes anymore, it became possible to clearly see his heterochromia, now that he didn't have his contact lenses to hide it, because of that his dark brown right eye and dark brown hair, his hazel left eye alongside his long sidetail of dark red wine hair stood out like sore thumbs in the sea of dark brown

And because of that natural appearance of his, that was also found in his two older siblings but with small differences, he ended up attracting the attention of a lot of weirdos, also known as… People with chuunibyou syndrome

But right now, it wasn't his appearance that was attracting the attention of his classmates



When he suddenly saw someone slap his desk alongside with the loud sound, Takeru was so startled by it, that it appeared that cat ears appeared on his head

"Why were you holding hands with Nanami-sama???"


One of his classmates asked him that with a loud voice as he cried blood and made a face that said it was the end o the world


And Takeru stayed silent for a few seconds due to the surprise

(A/N Notes: If something bad happened… It's most likely Daichi's fault Hah!)