
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · สมจริง
81 Chs

Chapter 25

(A/N Notes: I didn't update last week because I was without my computer since it was repairing the battery, so to compensate, today will be a double release for the stories I had time to write some chapters

And yes, this chapter is still only diabetes-inducing fluffy stuff, because this is all this story is about! And because I like fluffy stuff! And nobody gonna stop me! Unless that nobody is me or my brain! )

"*Happily humming*"


Yuriko was happily humming as she gave Takeru a lap pillow while patting his head, with Takeru feeling embarrassed from being pampered by Yuriko since early morning. The two have been clinging to each other since yesterday night after they both confessed their feelings to each other, Takeru was enjoying his time with Yuriko but he was still feeling a little annoyed about something

"Is there something wrong, Takeru?"


"Then why are you making that face?"


"You're lying~"

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are and I'll make you tell me what you're hiding~"

"Huh? !?"

Then without any warning, Yuriko pulled Takeru up and kissed him on the lips, it was a short but passionate kiss, enough to make Takeru turn beet red again, then after giving him the kiss, Yuriko asked him again

"So?… Are you going to tell me what you're hiding?"


Takeru still refused to say what he was hiding as he looked away

"I see, then I'll have to punish you some more until you tell me"

Yuriko went on to fill Takeru with even more passionate kisses as she tightly hugged him, while Takeru simply hugged her back and let Yuriko kiss him without a fight

The two only stopped kissing after quite some time had passed, but they kept hugging each other and without any signs that they would the other go anytime soon

"So are you gonna tell me now?"

"… … … No…"

"Fufu, if you tell me what you're hiding, I'll sleep with you again tonight"

"… … … Fine…"

"That's more like it" *Patting Takeru's head* "So what are you hiding from me?"


Takeru remained silent as his embarrassment was impeding him from saying it, so instead, he let go of hugging Yuriko, which she did as well as she noticed that he wanted to get off. Then he sat in a straight position, and happen on his lap

"L-lay your h-head h-here…"

"… Eh?"

Yuriko seeing Takeru gesture for her to lay down on his lap, felt confused but she still rested her head on his lap as he asked her to. Then once she did that, Takeru began patting her head, as he said…

"T-there… there…"

With an embarrassed face, Yuriko kept quiet with a surprised confused face that was slowly turning red, as she felt both happy and embarrassed from being pampered by Takeru

"…" <So this is how he felt!? This is truly embarrassing… But I don't want him to stoooooop!> "Hehehe…"

Yuriko's face quickly broke into a happy stupid smile, then she rolled up and looked directly towards Takeru



"I love you"

"! I-I love you… Too…"

Yuriko's words took Takeru by surprise, but he still answered her back, even if that made him turn even redder


Seeing him like that, made Yuriko extend her hands towards him and gently held his head and pulled his face closer to hers, then she gave him a long kiss on the lips. After breaking off the kiss, Yuriko got up from Takeru's lap which made him a little dissatisfied, but then Yuriko turned towards him and spread out her arms, asking for a hug

"Takeru, even though I loved being pampered by you, I also love pampering you, so let me give you a hug"


Takeru didn't say anything as he went to hug Yuriko and bury his face in her chest. Yuriko didn't mind his little naughty side, so she just let him feel the softness of her chest as she caressed his hair as she hugged him

The two continued hugging and kissing each other until half an hour before lunchtime since they decided to have a lunch date, so Yuriko went back to her apartment to change her clothes

"Hmmm… This one? Or this one?… I wonder which one Takeru will like more…"

Yuriko was struggling with which clothes to pick since she wanted to look very good in front of Takeru

"Cool style or cute style? Hmmm…"

Yuriko then pondering on her two choices, simulated in her head the possible reactions of Takeru, then after a lengthy consideration, Yuriko made her choice


A few minutes later


Yuriko opened the door of her apartment, then as she left the apartment she saw Takeru waiting for her in the hallway. He was wearing brown cargo shorts and a red shirt, very similar to what he wore on their first date, but fitting for the cool weather, but Yuriko thought that he was looking pretty good. She then closed the door, locked it, and approached Takeru

"Sorry for the wait, Takeru"

"It's okay, you didn't take that long"

"That's good. So? How do I look?"

"Ah!… Y-you look… Very good"

Takeru looked away with his cheek slightly red as he praised her, and seeing him react like that put a smug smile on Yuriko's face since he responded the way she thought he would. Yuriko was wearing blue jeans and a sleeveless black jacket with a white T-shirt underneath it

that combination gave Yuriko a cool feeling around her when combined with her naturally beautiful appearance made it very hard for others to look at her without blushing, and Takeru who loved her quite a lot was unable to properly look at her without feeling bashful

"Nee, Takeru. Repeat what you just said but while facing me?"


Yuriko who was feeling quite bold decided to make Takeru look more embarrassed by trying to have him face her

"Please, Takeru. I'll even give you a reward"

"… *Sigh* Fine… … … You lo- Mmmhmm!?"

Then right when Takeru turned his head to face Yuriko, she gave him a kiss on the lips. The kiss was very short, but the surprise was enough to make Takeru turn so red that even his ears turned red from the embarrassment

"Just kidding~"

"!!!… Yuriko-baka!"


And just like that, his tsundere side came out, and he walked away to the elevators with an embarrassed-angry face, Yuriko followed after him as she giggled. Yuriko apologized to him by giving Takeru a hug and caressing his hair, but he still remained angry and embarrassed for quite a while as they went on with their date