
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · สมจริง
81 Chs

Chapter 24

(A/N Notes: Foreshadowing or something like that)


It was already around two weeks since Takeru was coerced to join the student council by Yuriko as the new secretary, and so far nothing significant has happened so far. The closest thing was his classroom getting surprised that he was the one got picked to be the new stucco secretary, though most of them felt it was fitting to him since he was the best home economics student in the classroom, and also because everyone in the classroom treated him like the classroom pet, because of how similar he was to a cat for the other students there

And today, he was helping in the student council room as it became usual for him

"Here are the documents you asked me to get, Yuriko"

"Thanks, Takeru"

Yuriko looked at the documents Takeru handed to her, and then she looked at him and kept looking at his face, more specifically his lips


"…? I-Is there something on my face?"

"Ah! No… There's nothing… Well, can you make me some coffee, Takeru?"


" " "…" " "

As the two interacted, Chiyoko, Takane, and Masami both looked at them, knowing very well what was going on

<She was looking at his lips, wasn't she?>

<Yep, she was>

<She has been looking at his lips like that for quite a while already>

<I feel like that Yuriko-sama's feelings for Takeru-san getting stronger>

<Should we give them a little push?>

<I think we should give them a little push>

The three were talking with each other through their eyes, with Yuriko not noticing their silent conversation as she worked through the paperwork, while Takeru noticed it, but he couldn't really understand what they were doing as they looked at each other with serious faces


Some time later


After working on a good amount of paperwork, everyone in the stucco room decided to take a small break before continuing with their paperwork, so they began having small talks with everyone, Chiyoko, Takane, and Masami were talking about a new movie that was finally available in DVD, that they all had watched on cinema

"That movie? Yeah, it was great, the director did a great job at giving it the right atmosphere"

"I know, but it was also thanks to the actors' perfect performance that they transmitted the exact feelings they wanted the audience to see"

"And the writers *chef kiss* Nailed at making a great movie with no plot holes"

While the three were talking about that, Yuriko and Takeru were having their usual meaningless talk, then when the three saw Yuriko once again making the face of someone in love as she stared at Takeru. They decided to put their plan into action

So Masami, when he saw the chance, he entered into their conversation

"Hey, Takeru. Do you like horror films?"

"Hm? Horror films?… Well, I don't particularly like them"

"I see, I see. What about you, Yuriko-sama? Do you like them?"

"Me? Well… I never watched one, haha…"

Yuriko made a troubled laugh as she said that. Chiyoko hearing that made her move

"Is that true, Yuriko-sama? Then would like to watch one?"

"Well, I would like to, but I don't really go to cinemas, and I don't think they're running any horror films at the moment"

"That's no problem! Because I bought my favorite horror film!"

And Chiyoko took out a DVD case from her bag, and seeing the movie Takeru noticed what movie it was

"Ah! That movie…"

"Hm? Did you watch it, Takeru?"

"… Yeah, I did… But I didn't really like it"

Takeru had a troubled face as he said, and Chiyoko thought that he found it too scary for him, which was what the three wanted to happen, but in reality…

"…" <I found that movie kinda boring, aside from the killer killing all those loud teenagers>

He just didn't have the patience for those kinds of movies. As he thought that to himself, Chiyoko handed the DVD case to Yuriko

"Thanks, I'll try to watch it today or tomorrow, since it'll be the weekend"

And then it was finally Takane's turn

"Is that so? Then why don't you watch it together with Takeru? Some reviews found the film really scary, even though I personally didn't feel all that scared"

"Is that so?…"

Yuriko looked at the DVD case and then at Takeru, as he tilted his head to the side as he looked back at her

"Would you mind watching this movie with me tonight, Takeru?"

"No… Because I… Enjoy spending time with you… Yuriko"

"I see!"

Takeru's cheeks turned red as he said that, while Yuriko happily smiled really brightly after hearing that. Which made the three feel purified in seeing Yuriko smile like that, and also feel like throwing out from sugar overdose


Later that night


*Doorbell ringing*

"Coming… Coming…"

Takeru went to the front door, and after unlocking the door, he opened it, revealing Yuriko in her casual indoor clothes, standing in front of him, as she held the DVD case in her hands while looking quite excited

"Takeru… You know already, right?"

"… Yes…"

Takeru let her inside his apartment, then they both faced each other again, and hugged, followed by they each giving each other a kiss on the cheeks, with Takeru feeling embarrassed after doing that

"Fufu! Now let's go have our movie session?"


Yuriko handed the DVD case to Takeru as she went to sit down on the sofa, while Takeru put the dice in his game console, turned off the lights, and then he sat on the sofa as well right beside Yuriko, and then pressed play to start the movie, just as he did that, it began to rain outside as it had been forecasted it would

When the movie was in the opening act, Yuriko was looking pretty excited, while Takeru had a blank expression. But as the movie progressed, Yuriko lost her excited atmosphere but still kept her happy smiling face, while Takeru kept the same face, then as the movie reached the scariest parts, Yuriko still keeping her smile, began to occasionally shudder whenever a scary scene happened, as she pinched Takeru's clothes with one of her hands, while Takeru wasn't feeling anything at those scenes, and instead was almost falling asleep

And then after around one hour and a half, as the movie credits were close to ending, the black screen with small white letters, made the living room turn almost pitch black

"I'll go turn on the lights"

When Takeru said that as he got up…


A thunder happened really close by, immediately causing a power outage, and surprising both Yuriko and Takeru, but Yuriko who was already on the edge of her nerves because of the movie, at hearing the thunder she ended up overreacting


Because she was still pinching his clothes, Yuriko knew exactly where Takeru was, so in her desperation, she tried to get up to hug him, but at the same time she also ended up pulling him as she grabbed his clothes wherever she could


And because of that and the darkness of the room, Takeru lost his balance and fell on the sofa right on top of Yuriko. Knowing that Takeru was on top of her, Yuriko tightly hugged him as she screamed his name and cried in desperation and fear



While Takeru stayed silent, as he was feeling embarrassed from the soft feeling of Yuriko's chest on his face and from her tight hug, but hearing her desperately scream like that, kept him away from getting completely tsuntsun though not by much, but it was also just enough to make him start saying stuff that he would usually refrain from saying because of how embarrassed it would make him feel

"*Hic hic hic* Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh… *Hic*… Takeru…"

"… … … Hmmm… Yuriko…"

"Huh? *Hic* W-What i-is it, T-Takeru?…"

Yuriko who had loosened her hug by now, allowed Takeru to look to the side with the now bright silver no-signal tv screen allowing Yuriko to somewhat see his face which was bright red

"… I-I… I… … …"

As Takeru kept feeling even more embarrassed as he tried to say what he wanted, the rest of his tsundere-ness began to kick in, and when he found himself unable to say it he started to pout as he wrapped his arms around Yuriko, then he…

"I … … I… I love you, so just go out with me already!… Ah!…"


In his usual self-destruction whenever he got too embarrassed and tsundere, he ended up saying exactly what he was thinking. And as expected, when he noticed that he said it, his face and ears became crimson from embarrassment as he also began to tear up from the embarrassment

Meanwhile, Yuriko, who was until now making a tearful face, now had a surprised look having completely lost her fear, from the surprise caused by Takeru's words, as she processed what she had just heard

"Huh? Eh? T-Takeru… W-What d-did you say?"

"… … … I… I Said that I love you… And that… I want to go out with you… Yuriko-baka"

Takeru said that in a low, tearful, and slightly annoyed tone, hearing that, Yuriko's face began to heat up as her cheeks also began to turn red, as she finally began to understand what she had been feeling for Takeru until now

"Eh? Huh? Eh? Eeeeeeeehhhhhh!?" <I-I-I-I'm in love w-with Takeru as well!?!?!?>


(A/N Notes: This came sooner than expected)