
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · สมจริง
81 Chs

Chapter 18

(A/N Notes: Just diabetus in this chapter, because I just felt like writing a diabetus chapter when I wrote it weeks ago)


It was the morning of a Saturday, and Yuriko was in front of Takeru's apartment as she had just pressed the doorbell. She waited for a little while before the door was opened by Takeru, who still had a sleepy face



When Yuriko saw him and heard him calling her by her name without honorifics, Yuriko felt really happy and immediately went to hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Now you, Takeru"


Takeru felt hesitant, but he still did as promised, he hugged Yuriko and gave her a kiss on the cheek. That, alongside the embarrassment he felt from Yuriko kissing him, and from the soft feeling of Yuriko's chest on his face, made him turn completely red

"Y-Yuriko… Can you let go of me now?"

"… Hmm… Nope! Today, I decided that I'll hug you all day long, and maybe even take you on a date with me"

"What about my opinion!?"

"You get none, and also… You're enjoying the soft feeling of my chest, aren't you?"

"… Yes…"

"Fufu, I will let you enjoy it for as long as you let me have my way with you today"

Yuriko who was really missing interacting with Takeru, made such an offer to him as she had a playful smile, as she wanted to spend as much time with him today

"… … … Okay…"

Takeru being driven by his immediate desires, which also included spending time with Yuriko, ended up agreeing to her offer. Seeing him agree, Yuriko couldn't help but say

"Fufu, a naughty Takeru isn't bad once in a while… Now, how about we go back to bed?"

"T-there's no need to…"

"You sure? You looked pretty sleepy to me"

"W-well… Yeah…"

"Then let's go back to bed, didn't you just agree to let me have my way with you today?"

"… Yes…"

Takeru having lost all willpower to argue with Yuriko because of the warmth and soft feeling of her hug, decided to take her to his room, which only then Yuriko stopped from hugging him. Once they were both inside his bedroom, they both laid down on the tatami, and Yuriko went back on happily hugging Takeru

Takeru without much else, that he could do hugged Yuriko back and enjoyed the soft feeling of her chest on his face, even if it made him feel really embarrassed. Because of the soft feeling and warmth of Yuriko, Takeru quickly fell back asleep

"Fufu… Such a cute sleeping face"

Yuriko who was still awake enjoyed seeing Takeru's sleeping face, then she closed her eyes and just enjoyed her time with him, eventually also falling asleep


Some time later


"Nnn?… *Yawns*…!"

After sleeping soundly for some hours, Takeru woke up once again, when he opened his eyes the first thing that filled his view was Yuriko's chest and then her face that were close enough for him to clearly see without his glasses. And seeing her sleeping while hugging him made him blush


His face frowned a little as he made a slightly upset embarrassed face as he also enjoyed his situation

"… … … I love you… *Mumbling* I wish I could say that when she is awake…"

Takeru immediately after mumbling that, turned even redder and without any other place to hide his face, he ended up burying his face on Yuriko's chest, which only backfired as it made him even more embarrassed, and since now his sleepiness was gone, he had to endure his situation for quite some time as Yuriko appeared to be enjoying her sleep


Some more minutes later


"*Yawns*… Hnnnggggrrr…? What's wrong, Takeru?"

Yuriko who just woke up sat up and stretched herself, then she noticed Takeru looking away with a red embarrassed face

"W-what do you think it is… Yuriko baka…"

"Fufu, is that so? Well, what time is it then, Takeru?"

"Just some minutes past midday"

"I see, then come here"

Yuriko stretched her arms towards Takeru, obviously gesturing for him to hug her, Takeru looked at her with a slightly upset and embarrassed face, but he still did as she asked

"… Fine…"


The two hugged each other, with Yuriko feeling a good amount of ecstasy from it

"Aren't you forgetting something, Takeru?"


Takeru didn't say anything, and after a few seconds, he looked at Yuriko and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then he went to look away with a beet-red embarrassed face, which Yuriko took advantage of, to give him a kiss on the cheek as well, the two kept hugging each other for some time

"Should we go have lunch, Takeru?"


"Then we need to get up"

"… Just… A few more minutes…"

This time it was Takeru who was acting selfish as he embarrassedly asked Yuriko to let him hug her a little more

"… Of course!"

And when she saw him acting like that, she happily agreed and tightly hugged him back with a lot of affection, and the two kept hugging just as before

"So, Takeru? Do you want to make lunch with me or go to a restaurant?"

"… Go to a restaurant…"

"Can I ask you why?"

"… Because it'll be a date like that…"


After hearing that Yuriko stayed silent as a very delighted and embarrassed smile formed on her face her cheeks also turned red, and she felt like she was going to die from Takeru's cuteness

"…" <How can you be this cute and say even cuter things!?!?!?> "I see, then I'll go change my clothes, and then we can go have lunch at a restaurant"


The two stopped hugging, and Takeru who had been burying his face in Yuriko's chest all this time kept looking away from his feeling of shame and embarrassment. Seeing him act like this made Yuriko feel like tightly hugging him again, but she refrained from doing so, only because she also wanted to go on a date with him

"Then see you in a few minutes, Takeru"

"Mm *Nods*"

And Yuriko left his room, and then his apartment, then she entered her apartment


Then she ran towards her room and quickly searched for good clothes for a date, she changed clothes in a short span of time and picked everything that she would need, all within the span of a few minutes. Then she left her apartment and saw Takeru already waiting for her while wearing decent clothes for going out

"Sorry for the wait, Takeru. Shall we get going?"


And the two went to have lunch, after that they enjoyed their time together by going to various locations until it turned evening, so they had dinner at another restaurant before returning home

"Thank you for spending your time with me today, Takeru"

"Don't worry, I… Liked it… As well…"

"Fufu, I'm glad that you also enjoyed it, do you perhaps want to do the same as today or tomorrow?"

"… Sure"

"Great! Then see you tomorrow, Takeru"

"See you, Yuriko"

"Ah! That's right"

Before Yuriko started moving, she turned back to Takeru and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then Takeru returned it with a kiss on her cheek, which still made him feel embarrassed again. After that, Yuriko finally went back to her apartment, once there, she spent her time by herself before going to sleep


Yuriko was lying on her bed as she hugged her white body pillow while making a pensive expression

"… … … *Nods* I prefer sleeping while hugging Takeru more… Fufu, I guess I'll just have another nap with Takeru tomorrow"

With a satisfied and happy feeling, Yuriko had a good sleep that night


(A/N Notes: Diabetus chapters are nice, even if you end up in a sugar-induced coma afterwards)