
The school goddess and her 2 devils

Judith is a strange girl. As beautiful as a goddess, the body of a succubus, the wit of a philosopher, but with the strength of a hundred men, and as cruel as a demon. However, despite these anomalies, she wanted to live a normal life. She hide her beauty and abilities just to live an ordinary live. But, that came all crashing down when some retarded dumba** decided to raze her highschool down to the ground. Then, after being tricked by her old hag, 16-year old Judith finds herself stuck as a transfer student inside the worlds biggest school for girls, Minerva Girls Academy. Housing over hundred of thousand Amazonian girls, secluded inside a glamorous island, what could go wrong? Maybe, a lot. Like when she discovered a HUGE GRAVEYARD or discovering an army of MECHA-TECH AMAZONIAN army. Or when she walked in onto 2 Greek goddess making out, who happen to be the supposed dorm-leaders that hate each other's ? Secrets, hidden plots, battle, blood...and things about her dead-mother!? Join us on the adventure of a life as Judith accidentally uncovers a plot that could destroy the world itself...And spend the night with one of those muscular goddess....Or both

Yuna_fantasia · LGBT+
10 Chs

First day of school(Hell)

"Wake the f*ck up b*tch!!!!!! it's time for another day of school!!"

I snap my eyes open to the sound of my alarm. It absurdly loud, impossible to ignore as it bounces off the walls. I get up looking at the time. 5:25, the clock read. The morning sun half in the sky- half behind a cloud. It's still pretty early but she needs to get ready.

She walks to her dresser, pulling out a blow-dryer and a bag. A make-up bag, as she heads to the bathroom. She quickly gets into the shower. The steam clouded up the mirror when she get out. She dried herself, wiping the mirror, reflecting herself in a towel and her hair in a separate towel. She opens the make-up bag, laying out a variety of things. She first, began with a foundation adjusted her complexion to a darker, less rosy tone. 

Following that, a touch of lipstick-concealer was applied, making her lips look less plumper than they actually are. And finally, a stroke of eyeliner gave her eyebrows a bushier appearance than usual 

She removed the towel from her head, instead blow-drying it. Once fully dry, she put it into to tight pig-tails. She exited the bathroom, located her uniform in the drawer. It's a royal purple blazer with a black knee-length shirt. The shirt was optional, but that old hag picked it for her.

Before she put in the uniform, she went to the other drawer, taking out her sharp baby(the dagger).

She pulls on her black shorts, tying her baby(dagger) on her thigh. Putting the purple skirt on top. Her purple blazer perfectly fitting her upper body. Before joining the academy they take your measurements to make sure the uniform fits just right. That old hag must have sent her measurements, since she didn't. Grumbling, she puts on a pair of white socks, before heading to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she checks herself. Although she still looks fantastic, it pales in comparison from earlier. Making her pleased.

Now, why she does this?

You see, she just too beautiful. With the face of a angel and the body of a succubus, she basically the incarnation of Aphrodite. A beauty that a bewitch both men and women. Someone like that would get too much attention, no matter where they are. Especially, since she stuck in a school full of rugged, muscular women. Someone as gorgeous as her would get a lot of attention right? So in order for that not to happen, she need to hide her beauty as much as she can.

Walking out the bathroom once again, she put on her large, one-way glasses, picking up her bag, putting on her watch and heads out. She walks down the long hallway, walking down the staircase, heading to the kitchen. Once she arrives at the large door, she easily pushes it open. She turns, walking towards the kitchen, prepare to make something.

 In less than 15 minutes, she made herself a tasty-looking pancake with syrup drizzled all over. She devours her breakfast like a staving beast. She cleaned up after that, exiting the dinning hallway. She starts to hear some groaning sound, looks like the others are starting to wake-up. She headed to the door.

With a light push, the door opened, reveal the sight of the sun behind the cloud, the sky turning into a soft blue. She looked down at her watch, tapping it. A hologram popped up in front of her. 

6:20 a.m

The hologram read. School starts at 7:45. All of the students are already on campus, all they have to do is get up, get ready and head to the station. They don't have to wake up that early. She turned it off, not brothering to even use the 'Map' icon. She doesn't need it anyways.

As I walked down the street, I saw a few people here any there. Look like there early birds, huh~

It took me a short amount of time to reach the station, already a few people where there. Yesterday, during dinner, the girls explained at little to me. Apparently, the building was shaped like a wide paint brush with two wings of the building reaching out and a line of the building connecting them. The music department is nearby on the first floor, with many smaller rooms for lessons and a big orchestra theatre. 

Everyone is free to go wherever they like, but the houses are divided by departments which is why the areas are too. That way it's easier to keep track of everyone, and the trains can be aligned better. Where their house is, is an area called "purple central". It's like the capital for the purple department, which also the reason is why the leader has to live there. 

Then there are areas like "purple village", "Macaroon" and "Grape vine". All of them has something to do with the color purple so it's quite easy to remember. They mention that train number seven goes from the train station to all purple areas, train number 5 goes back and fourth from the main building and train station to the purple department school building. Train number 3 goes from the outside world to the main building. There are 10 different train lines in total, but when I asked where the other trains go, they won't tell me for some reason

As she was immerse in her thought the train arrive.


"The doors will be closing soon. Please get on immediately"

"The doors will be closing soon. Please get on immediately"

"The doors will be closing soon. Please get on immediately"

She ran inside before anyone could entering. She quickly sat in the nearest seat before anyone could take it. After that, people started to pour into the train like water. It wasn't exactly full, but it wasn't empty either.

The train slowly started to move, taking them to their next stop. They arrived at the central park 

Surprisingly, there were a lot of people. All of them seemed to be whispering something and she could guess why.

"(It's from yesterday, right?)" She giggled a little at her handwork 

Alas, she couldn't stay for any longer. Just as she was about to walk when, she came to an abrupt stop!

She snapped her head to the one of the rooftop. But, there was no one. After staring for a few movements, she reluctantly turned around. 

My imagination...right?