
CHAPTER 65: Why Don't You Trust Me A Bit?

The white fluffy cotton cloud scattered all over the sky made Touma crave for one big pink cotton candy. And it is necessary when he wanted to calm himself from the woman beside him. He knew he fucked up the moment he saw Kahina and he needed to think for another plan. He never expected her to tag along and now, there is no way he can chase her away. They were on a freaking plane! And he had no one under his command in this instant. It is supposed to be a solo mission, so he can just finish as fast as he could and back to Japan in no time.

And talked about the emotions meltdown he had just now! He must be ways out of his sanity for him to hug and beg her like that. 'Arghh!!! This is so embarrassing!'

He pinched between the eyebrows to hide the embarrassment that creeping up to his face. If he can disappear, he would vanish long ago. At least his beard did half of the job covered the flushed.

Touma was deep inside his mind and totally ignored the woman sitting beside him. Kahina really enjoyed all the drama on Touma's face, and this was a rare sight of him. They let the silence filled between them while drowning deep with their feelings.

Suddenly, a poke in his arm brought him back to reality. He directed his gaze to the owner of the naughty hand and a smile met his eyes.

"Here! You said you needed it." Kahina opened a yellow box and fed him a piece of small round chocolate. It happens so fast, he had no time to process what happened when the taste of bittersweet dark chocolate spread in his mouth. His eyes turned to bright stars as he nodded satisfied with it.

"Another one?" She stretched her hand to feed him again but he caught her wrist and brought it to her mouth. She ate the chocolate with a euphoric heart to the thought Touma fed her the chocolate even though it differs completely from the real event. She fed herself while guided by Touma. It wasn't direct feeding like she did to Touma.

"Are you done distracting me?" Touma back to his emotionless face like usual, but he took the yellow box from Kahina and enjoyed himself with it.

Kahina laughed and she knew the meaning behind the question. Of course, she not supposed to abandon everything and pestering him right now but what choice does she have? This man's thick skull needed to be knocked hard and it is difficult to do that if he is beyond her reach.

"Not yet, but will you let me continue?"

"No. I need you to go back."

"Huh! Say the boy that begged me a moment ago not to leave him. You are so full of yourself. I'm not going anywhere."


"Mr Anzo... I'll be in your care!" She ate the chocolate from Touma's hand before he could feed himself with it.

"Don't be ridiculous! It is going to be dangerous! I'm not on vacation for god sake!" he stressed his voice but hushed it down so no one will listen on their conversation. The surrounding darkens with temperature dropped rapidly but Kahina leisurely indulged the chocolate like it was nothing.

"Sweetheart, don't pull danger card with me while expecting me not to worry about you to death. If you think it would be dangerous for me, then protect me while I'm beside you. If not, don't decide for me. I once said I'll protect you. Why don't you trust me a bit?"

In one breathe she spewed everything she feels to him. No smile. No tease. Deadly serious.

She looked at wooden face he had but nothing changed.

'Did he hear me or not?'

Suddenly he pushed the remote and the chair lowered down but he is still not saying a word. He took out the eye mask and wore it and he lay down and totally ignored Kahina.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Kahina slapped his tight but he just brushed her off.

Kahina pouted but it is a fruitless effort. He wasn't even looking at her anymore.

Touma doesn't know how to reply to Kahina's words since whatever he said will just fly through her ears. He decided to make her stopped by ignoring her. If she wanted to come then it is his job to protect her. He knew Kahina capabilities because he had seen her fight when they went to their so-called 'blowing steam off' kind of activities.

Kahina loves to move her body and the skills she had, can't be denied. She never asked him to girly kind of date and she always had different perspective to show cast her charms. Touma believed all the skills she acquired aren't out of the hobby she enjoys but it was essential for their environment.

"Sleep. I need you at your best tomorrow."

It is eight hours flight and the first thing they need to do tomorrow wasn't walking in the park. It is going to be bloody if it is not going well as he intended to.

"Yeah! We are going to have so much fun." Kahina clapped with a wide smile pasted to her face.

Then she adds, "Sweetheart, are we going incognito? Should I call for back up?"

"Yes and no. Now sleep. I tell you everything later."

He pushed the button on the remote control to fix a comfortable position for Kahina and signalled the stewardess to help him then he tucked her and kissed her forehead. Before he could go back to his seat, Kahina pulled his hand.

"Good night, love. I love you..." then she let go and closed her eyes before drifting to the dreamland.

'I love you too...' that is what he wanted to say but the four words refused to come out. One day, he promised that four precious words will be dancing through his mouth for Kahina. One day!