
Where is she?

It was a summery Friday night. The air was filled with mist. Me and Melanie were walking home from Ana's house party. We were walking in dead silence. Both of our phone flashlights were on. In addition to that the only light source was the shining full moon and the stars next to it what were millions and millions lightyears away from us.

Then I said something about the party. All I remember is that it was proboply stupid and provocetive because after that we started arguing and screaming at each other. Every little thought that came into our minds we said out loud. We were so mad at each other that we went separate ways. "It is her fault not mine, I just said what I thought, she was the one who started arguing" I thought to myself while walking home. I got home before her and went straight to sleep because it was almost morning.

When I woke up she still wasn't home. I wasn't worried yet because it had only passed two to three hours from the time that I got home. But as the day went by and there were still no signs of her I got more worried. There was this voice in my head that kept repeating "Where is she? Is she okay? Has something happened to her?".

I was so sick of worrying and just feeling useless so I decided to call all her friends and ask if she was staying with them or did they at least know anything but no. Nobody knew anything. I started thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened. Somebody could have kidnapped her and is now torturing her. Maybe she got lost and now doesn't know where to go.

It was all my fault. Why did I have to start insulting her. Why can't I just talk about make-up, dresses and boys like normal sisters talk about.

It was still light outside so I charged my phone and went looking for her. It is quite a small distance from Ana's place to ours so there aren't that many different places for her to go. But with no sucsess.

I got back home and as soon as I got to my room I started crying and screaming, I was so loud that probably the entire neighborhood heard me but I didn't care, I just cried and screamed and cried some more.

My mom came in and hugged me. We sat like that for at least five whole minutes. When I wasn't crying that much anymore she told me that we are going to the police office tomorrow and I should go to sleep to rest for tomorrow.

I went to bed but I couldn't sleep so I just layed there for at least 2 hours. When I finally fell asleep I could sleep only a couple of hours.

In the morning I hope that everything that happend was just a bad dream so i stormed into my sisters room but no. I started crying again.

I changed my clothes and put on some make-up really quick.

In the police office there was this friendly detective officer Reymonds, who took our report. He told us to go home and rest. He also said that it is good that we came so quickly and they will call us if they find something.

About four hours later our phone rang.