
The Sassy Billionaire

He's her bodyguard and driver. He got that features that made every girl drool. Raina Williams is a twenty three year old lady, who has everything she wants. She's what you'll call a grumpy and rude brat as she's popularly known in the Sunshine city. She was avoided like a plague not until she employed Jasper. Jasper also hated her for the fact that she's to rude. Not until he found our her darkest secret. What really changed her from the Angel she was to the demon she is today. Will Jasper be able to stay despite the harsh treatment from his grumpy boss? What do you think made her change?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · สมัยใหม่
153 Chs

Chapter 21

The aviary didn"t officially open to the public until 0010 beohsa, but Casina was expected to be to work by 009. She had no problem with that. She only had to work a few days a week, since Jupitarian law gave everyone in the galaxy only a four- or five-day work week out of their typical seven or more solarities, depending on whichever planet one lived on. The Altair had given strict instructions. So Casina was only allowed to work part time, about four to six hours a day, but she didn"t mind that either, although some days she could come in the afternoon to fulfill tour obligations, if she chose to.

A"lam was a very relaxed man and did not like to stress out his employees since any tension in the aviary would negatively affect the birds living there. He took exceptional care of them, considering them his babies. Anyone found mistreating any of them, he informed her, was quickly let go. Visitors doing the same were barred for life, which Casina found reasonable.

After her first week, Casina felt more relaxed and easily adjusted to the work schedule and her routine. When she returned home each afternoon, she found that her maid servant, La"ara, always had some hot merida or a refreshing drink and lunch or a snack awaiting her, and the house was scrubbed spotless. Yes, it was a pleasant situation, and she was so happy the Kaanig had allowed her even this much.

One evening a knock at the door startled Casina during evening repast, the high time of every Kathian"s day. Since La"ara was growing to be more of a friend than a servant, she allowed her privileges that other servants would never be allowed at TrCasinaar and was actually sitting at the table, with her and H"non, when the visitor arrived.

H"non rose from the table to see who was at the door, since it was growing dark. Casina rose to follow him.

"Commander!" Casina was truly surprised by his presence. "How nice to see you." He stepped inside, politely greeting everyone before responding. La"ara and H"non immediately cleared their dishes from the table and scrambled into the bake room, having no doubt as to their real place in Casina"s household.

"Just checking to see how things are going with you. With everything," he added. "Any problems or concerns?"

"Um, no," she responded nervously, almost having forgotten how much he affected her until now. As he was upon their first meeting, he was wearing all black, which cleaved tightly to every part of him. "But please, come in. Would you care for something to eat? A drink perhaps?"

"No, no," he said. "But please don"t let me interrupt your meal. We can talk while you eat."

Not knowing what else to say, she merely nodded and allowed him to follow her back to the table, where he quickly pulled out a chair. She reseated herself as he set the spare away from the table before straddling it, his legs spread nonchalantly on either side.

"So, how are things really?" he asked, studying her carefully, his arms resting atop the chair back.

She couldn"t hide her smile at the question. "Actually, it"s just wonderful. I love my job. Thank you so much for interceding with the Kaanig. Please thank him for me, will you?"

A strange glimmer appeared in his eyes at this, a slight smile curling his lips as he met her gaze.

"I will."

She took a sip of water, feeling nervous under his ardent perusal. Whatever sexy cologne he was wearing had set her senses on alert, making her flame and fidget inwardly. "What else do you want to know?"

"How is everyone treating you?"

She thought a moment. "Um...all right, I guess." She giggled. "Almost like I was royalty or something."

"What do you mean?" Concerned, he straightened in his chair.

"I don"t know. Um, it just seems that everyone treats me with kid gloves, if you understand that expression. It"s as though everyone is afraid of me. I thought I could make some friends, but no one wants to be around me much. They are way too..."


She pointed her eating utensil at him. "Yes, that"s it. That"s the word. Too respectful. I"m just not used to that." She grinned over at him. "It"s probably because of you. They knew I had just come from TrCasinaar."

"I"m sure that"s it," he agreed, sharing her grin.

They fell silent, but Casina knew he was watching her. Nervous, she set aside her plate, unable to finish her meal with him so close. She lifted her water glass again, this time with both hands, just for something to do.

He glanced at his d"lab"r and rose to his feet. "Well, I must go. I only meant to check on you. To make sure things are going okay." He moved closer, peering down at her from his great height. "If you need anything or have any problems at all, please contact me through H"non. He will know how to reach me. I am Casinailable to you whenever you need me. Do you understand?"

Unsettled by his close proximity, she tightened her hands on the glass. "Y-Yes," she stammered, nervously peering up at him.

"Good." With that he turned to replace the chair at the table. "I"ll see myself out. Have a good evening."

She frowned at his departing back as he exited. Then she rose up to hurry to the window, but he had already disappeared from sight.

La"ara immediately returned to clear the table. "Would you care for dessert, my lady? And some merida?"

Disappointed the commander had left so soon, Casina dropped the curtain she had lifted to peer out the window and turned. "Um, yes. That would be nice. After that, I think I"ll call it a night."

"Long day?"

"Yes, actually." Then, as La"ara hurriedly cleared the table so they could have a piece of rich Kathian d"shata, a sort of pie, Casina slowly returned to her chair. Tapping her fingers on the table, she fell morose, wondering at her unusual feelings. As many times as she had let the aliens know how much she despised them, it was unexpected now that she was coming to regret her words. Especially to the commander. She wished he had stayed longer and was only now starting to realize how much she really missed his company. Sometimes, it surprised her at the intense longing she still had for the time she had spent in the Saagernon with him.

"Here we are, my lady," La"ara said, returning with a tray laden with two large pieces of d"shata and a pot of hot merida. Casina nodded, then spent the next few minutes just picking at the delicacy that La"ara had spent all afternoon baking. Realizing that La"ara was now staring at her oddly, she gave herself a mental shake, quickly finished her food, and hurried off to bed.