
The Sassy Billionaire

He's her bodyguard and driver. He got that features that made every girl drool. Raina Williams is a twenty three year old lady, who has everything she wants. She's what you'll call a grumpy and rude brat as she's popularly known in the Sunshine city. She was avoided like a plague not until she employed Jasper. Jasper also hated her for the fact that she's to rude. Not until he found our her darkest secret. What really changed her from the Angel she was to the demon she is today. Will Jasper be able to stay despite the harsh treatment from his grumpy boss? What do you think made her change?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · สมัยใหม่
153 Chs


"Raina? Hey wake up!" Someone tugged her, she stirred awake. Her eyes opened and met with her sister's evil smirk. She jerked up, wasn't she just in Jasper's room? She has been dreaming all along?

"What are you doing here Freida?" She asked. 

Freida sat on the bed, "You have to gist me about what happened between you and Jasper. You only came home yesterday and you slept off." 

Then she remembers it wasn't a dream. She was indeed with Jasper last night. They had a romantic evening and shared kisses countless times. They both officially confessed their feelings to each other and decided to keep their relationship a secret for now. Raina left after spending a few hours with him, she was elated. She came home and slept immediately, the first time she slept peacefully in a long while. 

"I have nothing to say to you. I have work to go to, you should try working too. Then you'll have less time for all these trouble." Raina said getting up.