My life took yet another turn when my mind was broken into dust. I was mended by a veritable miracle that granted my Damon to get back. Number four was now the whole new version of him. Our life, as perfect as it seems, showed me cruelty when three of my cubs died. Pack had lost something. Destiny took us apart only to get together in the new way of life.
Damon was tired and this breeding season which had gotten its beginning of a rape had gotten no better. They were now in Ireland and he hoped that this minor crisis would be soon over so they could return to Mimi and see where she was. He knew they had abandoned her, and he hoped that this wouldn't be any bigger setback to their relationship than it already had been.
He was ashamed whole rape and his bout of jealousy but then again he had let this pregnancy and breeding season go forward in case Mimi's instincts were awakened and then it would have been yet another time when he would have to put those cubs back to sleep.
Like he had put those babies back to sleep, and shrunk them to be cells, when Mariella had gotten an infection as well as a Mimosa. Those babies had been special for Mimi. He had felt her sorrow over those babies but as he had been worried about Mariella; he had paid no attention to her feelings over those babies and only later on he had delved into her thoughts and noticed how she had built a relationship with those babies and he took it away.
And then he was jealous, raped her in heat which no women enjoyed and he was a damn bastard after that heat, making sure that other women were fine and they had gotten no trauma and he had been ignoring her. When she had been then with others, he had let his jealousy surface and just be with Mariella ignoring her and her needs during pregnancy, let number four be her doctor even though that specimen was in a very volatile state and he had only gotten worst of her deficiencies fixed and not had paid any attention on her later on.
He, the alpha male, father of the cubs, had not found out where she had made her nest, had not checked that out, and did not order anyone to care for her. He wanted to fix all of those mistakes, but first, this minor crisis needed to be solved. In Castle of Ireland, there was a feeling of home. Sense of security for the pack and he regretted Mimi was not part of this feeling, but it was what it was. This place did not belong to Mimi, and Mimi did not belong here.
There had been only one litter from each of the females, and it had been a tumultuous journey. Mariella gave birth a few days after Mimi, and he stood by her side, feeling the rush of emotions. As Mariella pushed, a glop of tissue emerged, and he instinctively consumed it. Mariella, however, became frantic, convinced that he had devoured a lifeless cub.
No matter how much he reassured her it was just tissue, she refused to believe him, succumbing to uncontrollable tears. The wolves experienced the same ordeal four days later, with tissue being expelled during their births. He diligently cleaned it out, but they too fell into hysteria. He did not know where these tissue pieces had come from and it had been his instinct to eat them as soon as possible. He had been thinking for a little while that was it because of that heat, or was it just a random act as they evolved all the time as multiple shifter vampire hybrids?
It was a challenge to calm them down until he let his alpha instincts take over, asserting his dominance and putting an end to their distress. He had let his alpha side come out fully, so he had no recollection of what he had done to them, but he had been in his black lion form when he had let his alpha side do his thing and get this hysteria calmed down. It had been hard for him to let go of his control, but this was the best way to move on.
Seeking solace, they relocated to Ireland's castle, even though Damon knew it was not the ideal situation for Mimi. He had to consider the greater good, not just one female. It was an emotionally charged time for everyone, including his alpha side, but he managed to regain control and show the females that such hysteria was unwarranted over mere tissue. Eventually, things began to settle, but the following week brought no new litter from the wolves, leaving him puzzled.
However, as he gazed at the six perfect children Mariella had recently birthed, his worries faded away, replaced by pure happiness. It was just as meant to be, or so it seemed. The concerns for Mimi and the breeding season were momentarily forgotten as these tiny bundles became the center of his thoughts.
Three boys and three girls, his princes and princesses, as he called them. They required care and attention, and Damon found himself gazing at them with a smile, overwhelmed by a sense of joy. Being a father brought him immeasurable love, and each baby was a testament to perfection. But these little miracles, unexpected and delightful, helped them heal and move forward.
They were once again a tightly knit family, their bond unbreakable. He marveled at the extraordinary abilities these babies possessed, their powers unseen but perfect. Those tissue pieces and crises that they had brought on had been forgotten because these babies needed caring. Everything else in their minds was overshadowed by the overwhelming desire of the pack to care for and hold these precious little ones.
Love enveloped them as they nestled in the safety of loving arms. Everyone in the pack loved these babies and cared for them. They were almost all the time in someone's arms. Damon was so happy, as he had not been in a long time. His heart overflowed with joy, but occasionally, thoughts of Mimi tugged at his mind, a constant reminder.
Yet, the babies, strong-willed and determined, used their powers effortlessly to secure his love and care. Unbound and seeking power, their telepathic connection revealed a missing presence in their lives, a powerful being they longed to reunite with. Ideas took root as the babies whispered their intentions, yearning for the alpha female, Mimi, to be a part of their lives once more. She was their source of energy and knowledge, a vital force they craved.
The babies were not malicious; they simply sought power to survive and grow stronger. Morality did not concern them, only their own needs, which they recognized as crucial for their survival. Refusing to have their powers restrained, they subtly influenced minds, concealing their true strength from everyone's gaze.
It had been one hell of a ride when they were at breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.
Damon's voice resonated with excitement as he suggested, "Well, let's go back and introduce our little ones to the alpha female and see what she's doing. We'll assess where we are and what comes next. But these little ones have been with us for quite some time, and I can't wait for them to grow up a bit more. I remember how beautiful those four girls were when they learned everything, and I want to witness it all from the beginning."
His cheerful tone masked any hint of concern, and not a soul in the pack sensed anything amiss. Everyone eagerly embraced his plan, their voices mingling with the clinking of silverware and the rustle of napkins.
It had been about two weeks since their departure, and unbeknownst to them, tragedy had befallen Mimi's life. The babies, oblivious to her pain, felt her powerful presence. They sensed her alpha side, which lay just beneath the surface, mourning the loss of her cubs. The babies, in their innocent minds, planned to fill that void, using their own budding abilities to alleviate her sorrow and win her love. They had no inkling of her fragile mental state or the immense hardships she had faced.
Damon, keeping the pack bonds tightly closed, had yet to uncover the depth of Mimi's anguish. They moved into Mimi's house, where the scent of fresh paint mingled with the comforting aroma of baby powder. The bonds remained sealed as they began transforming a room into a nursery for the babies, busily gathering supplies to ensure their comfort.
The babies, with their adorable giggles and coos, became the pack's top priority. However, as Damon loosened his grip on the bond, Charles felt a surge of Mimi's pain flood into his mind, alarming him. The intensity of her suffering threatened to overwhelm him. Unaware of what had transpired, he yearned to be by her side. But Mariella, noticing Charles's distraction, placed one of the girls in his arms. The warmth and innocence of the little bundle offered some solace, redirecting Charles's focus toward being a protector and caregiver for Mariella and the babies.
A few hours later, as the sun began to set, Charles noticed a familiar ache in his chest. The room was filled with a peaceful hush as the babies slept soundly. Concerned for Mimi, he felt an overwhelming need to check on her. Unbeknownst to him, amidst the tragedy that had befallen her, Mimi had succumbed to her primal instincts.
Her alpha side emerged, driving her into a state of frenzy and confusion. She couldn't understand why her three cubs lay lifeless and cold, no matter how much she purred, nuzzled, or tried to warm them. She refused to let anyone touch them, feeling solely responsible for their demise.
With her third litter just born, she now had the daunting task of caring for three litters simultaneously. Abandoned in her time of need, she blamed the males for her loss. Overwhelmed by grief, anger, and sorrow, Mimi's emotions as a feline were limited, but she knew deep within that her solitude had cost her the lives of her cubs.
Charles moved cautiously, relying on his senses to guide him to Mimi's hiding place. It was a challenge to locate her, but finally, he found the door to her room. Without informing her of his presence, he proceeded to open the door. In that fleeting moment, a black blur lunged at him, claws outstretched.
Mimi transformed into her black jaguar form and attacked ferociously. Reacting instinctively, Charles conjured energy barriers to protect himself and swiftly shut the door. Muffled yowls and hisses echoed from behind the closed door, intensifying his fear.
He knew from past experiences that Mimi's primal instincts could overpower her, and this was one of those moments. Damon, their pack leader, would need to intervene. The scent of multiple litters of cubs filled the air, signaling the need for assistance.
Flanks and drops, as well as DNA samples, would be required - procedures typically performed on cubs. It appeared that Mimi's breeding season had been remarkably successful, surpassing even that of wolves or Mariella.
Charles composed himself, taking a deep breath before making his way to the kitchen. The clatter of dishes and murmurs filled the room as everyone in the pack had already gathered. Charles spoke in a hushed voice, the tension apparent in his words.
"I have no idea what Mimi has been through," he admitted quietly. "I've felt her distress and pain ever since you loosened those bonds. I went to see her, but she's transformed into a feral beast. As I opened the door, she lunged at me, forcing me to quickly put up a barrier and slam it shut."
The air was heavy with a mix of anxiety and concern. Charles continued, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. "She's been breeding. There are a few litters in there, and I suspect they need nourishment and attention. But with Mimi's feral state, it won't be easy for anyone to go in there. Perhaps we should consider sedating her."
Damon remained silent, frustration evident on his face. This perfect family life they had envisioned was crumbling before his eyes. He couldn't understand what had led Mimi to become this wild creature. Irritation coursed through him, his mood darkening. The idea of sedating her seemed like a viable option, but a part of him resented the idea. Instead, he was planning to give in to his alpha side.
Maybe it was time for his alpha side to assert itself, to show Mimi his power and dismiss any arguments. He had no desire for breeding, and he refused to partake in it. Determination filled him as he made up his mind. He would enter Mimi's lair, subdue her, and leave the pack to tend to the cubs. Although the thought of caring for the young ones seemed tiresome, his mind yearned to be with his babies. But first, he needed to resolve this crisis.
His voice, deep and commanding, echoed through the room, carrying the weight of his authority. "Fine, let's eat," he declared.
The sound of chairs scraping against the floor filled the air as the men prepared to dine. As they sat down, plans were made to confront the feral beast. He spoke to the numbers two and five.
"You two," he directed, "gather everything necessary for the cubs. I will handle the business at hand, and once I give the signal, you may enter and care for the cubs. Perhaps then, we can resume our pack life."
The mention of the pregnant beast caught Mariella's attention, and her irritation grew. She knew the cubs would need assistance, and not everyone would be available to tend to them. The babies had influenced their mother greatly, becoming her primary concern. She constantly pondered their needs and was willing to sacrifice everything for them. Mariella now understood that with Mimi having her own cubs, she would not be interested in Mariella's offspring. Although upsetting, Mariella couldn't bear the thought of a feral beast near her precious babies.
After finishing their meal, the men made their way to the medbay to gather supplies. Damon let out a sigh, realizing he hadn't addressed the underlying tension with Mimi. Irritated by her behavior, he failed to grasp that his actions were driven by the presence of his babies. The infants were upset, their desire for more power thwarted by Mimi's current state. Helpless, they channeled their frustration into Damon's mind.
Ready to enter the room, Damon's footsteps echoed softly against the floor. Numbers two and five carried their bags, ready to care for the cubs. Damon, however, had another task in mind. He intended to put Mimi in her place. Though a part of him recognized the tragedy that had driven her alpha instincts to madness, he kept that realization at bay, refusing to confront it in his conscious mind.
Approaching the door, he let his alpha side emerge, transforming into a large, black lion. With a burst of power, he teleported into the dark room. One wall had been broken down, revealing a den. The air was heavy with the scent of cubs, their soft murmurs filling his ears. Suddenly, a figure attacked him.
In response, Mimi, taking the form of a black jaguar, swiftly positioned herself to defend her nest and her precious cubs. But Damon, consumed by his alpha instincts, felt no gentleness or care. He fought with a merciless ferocity, using all his strength.
Eventually, he gained a firm grip on her throat, tearing it open. He had prepared a substance that prevented her from healing, temporarily displaying his power. She whimpered in his grasp, her throat bleeding profusely, as she lay on the floor, a pool of blood forming beneath her. Slowly, she blinked, her breathing becoming labored and desperate. She was helpless, unable to move, as she watched Damon venture deeper into the den.
His alpha side detected the scent of the deceased cubs, and without hesitation, he devoured them to ensure they would not infect the remaining ones. The sickening crunch and squelching of this heinous act echoed in the dimly lit room. Damon was unaware of what he was doing, lost in his primal instincts. As he disposed of the dead cubs, he heard Mimi's breathing cease and her heart stop beating.
His alpha side felt no remorse for these actions; it was simply the natural course of events. Moving on, he noticed the remaining cubs huddled in the furthest corner, fear evident in their eyes. Even the smallest ones hissed at him. Yet, Damon felt nothing for these innocent creatures. There was no love in his alpha side for these litters.
After consuming the dead ones, his alpha side receded, and Damon returned to the surface, unaware of what had transpired. He observed the frightened cubs and saw Mimi lying in a pool of blood. However, he walked away, instructing numbers two and five to tend to the cubs, dismissing Mimi as harmless now.
Two and five tended to cubs but did not care about Mimi's corpse as Mariella's babies were awake and they could hear their cries and they longed to be with them. All the cubs had been marked, their powers had been bound and samples had been taken and then men just left, not caring about her, or not thinking about her at all. It was like she was not there. It would be better if she would move somewhere else and not bring her drama into their perfect family life.