
The Salvation : The legend of the westland

In a world of wars and betrayals, a world of racism and injustice, a world that applies the law of the jungle, a world ruled by force, only the strong write history. Religions and beliefs multiplied, and there were many gods, each sect believes in the god it deems powerful. The strong been worshiped and the weak waits for someone to protect him ,All this has produced for us one belief that has become one of the pillars in all religions. Most religions adopt the idea of ​​the "Savior", which claims in short that the world will remain full of evil and corruption until the appearance of the "Savior" who will fill the earth with justice and equity... Perhaps our problem on this earth is that most people are waiting for someone to come to fix their societies, instead of doing it. This is the story of the man who came from the western land and became the "Savior" only to destroy this belief. The man who thirsts for power reached its highest levels, and there he found the absolute truth behind what is called good and evil. How did he transform from a hero and king looking for justice to a man thirsting for power and revenge, from an innocent man to a man who might stain his fists with the blood of the gods if necessary, from a weak man to a man who rules the heavens and what is below.

T_mido · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

The island of the immortal tree

Ahmet and the crew prepared to go out to sea on a trip aimed at the island of dragons. He made a final tour in which he bid farewell to the kings, boarded his ship and set out at sea, the island of dragons was in the far west, but to reach it, one had to pass through the ruins of the lost city. There was little information about its coordinates. The ship sailed at sea for months before the first island appeared to them.

Ahmed ordered them to approach, the ship docked near the shore, after they disembarked from the ship they were surrounded by masked people, a group of ninjas asked them to surrender, Ahmet released his aura and made them unconscious, when they regained consciousness, they found themselves tied up, and their masks had been removed. Ahmed asked them: "What is this place and who is the races lives here?".

Their leader answered, and he was a female elf "This is the island of the immortal tree, and in addition to our race, we the elves the dwarves" , Ahmet stood up and took the mask out of his bag and asked her: "Do you know what this is? " Her answer was "sorry, but I have not seen such a mask before, but the Kingdom of Dwarves may have some information".

Then she told him, "can you honor me with your name your majesty ?". He turned around and told her that his name was Ahmed and that he wanted her to take him to the kingdom of dwarves , she told him that she wanted to host him in the kingdom of the elves before guiding him to the dwarves, he told her that he and his crew would accept her invitation.

She led the way in front of him and turned and told him that her name was Tania, her eyes were admiring eyes, she was looking at him like a shining sun, with his strength, prestige and handsomeness, it was like an unbelievable dream.

They arrived at a magical circle in the middle of the forest. This was a direct transport circuit to the capital of the elves, and they found themselves in the center of the capital , The city was beautiful, peaceful and full of life , The elves were looking at Ahmet and his companions in amazement. Years passed, they had not seen people of other races, Glory was very annoyed by their looks. She approached Ahmet and grabbed his hand. He turned to her in astonishment, but when he saw that she was disturbed by their looks, he understood the matter and pulled her to him.

This aroused the jealousy of the leader of the elves, who thought that they could be lovers. She could not be patient, so she approached Doom and asked him: "Is this girl your leader's lover?!", Doom looked at her and told her that if you want to talk about our king, speak with honor, our king is not interested in love and feelings things , She was relieved a bit after hearing this but she didn't look at Glory angrily.

They arrived at the palace. The leader asked Ahmet and the crew to wait to tell the Queen of Elves that guests had arrived. After a few minutes, she came out and asked them to enter,the door hot opened for them.

Then they were led through a long corridor towards the throne hall. They entered the hall. The crew bowed to the queen to greet her, except for Ahmet . He greeted her standing, put his hand on his chest and said to her: "We are guests who came from afar and will go far , your country is a crossing for us ,we did not come with a bad intention. I hope you will accept us among you for days".

The queen sensed a powerful aura from within him that was like a black hole capable of swallowing up the world. She knew that it would be best for her to extend a hand of friendship , she stood from her throne and said, "Welcome to the visitors of our kingdom. Welcome to the one coming from afar, may he become close, and perhaps the unknown one day become an ally."

Ahmet knew that she tried to sense his strength and that she knew what he was hiding, and this made her talk more diplomatic, he smile and tell her "who extends the hand of friendship, we shake his hand, and whoever extends the hand of others, we cut off his hand". she took off the veil from her face and went down the stairs and stood in front of him and looked him in the eyes and then said to him: "This is the hand of friendship that we extend to you" , She asked them to join her at the dinner table, and they agreed and thanked her for her generosity.

Her eyes did not budge from Ahmet , looking at him with a look of admiration for his handsomeness, strength, humility, a look of fear and confusion from the horror of his anger.

She asked him who you are ?! where you came from ?! and where you are going?! .

He answered her :" some people consider me a king, some a hero, and some an idol, but I am nothing but a man named Ahmet . I came from the east from the land of the seven races and headed to any land of dragons". She said to him "and what is your goal", he answered her "revenge".

Then he asked her, "Do you know anything about a strange sect who have masks?" Then he took the mask out of his bag, but she did not recognize him, and told him that the only one who might know something is the legendary blacksmith Danvel in the kingdom of dwarves.

After talking to him, She learned that he is a dangerous person and should not be angered, despite her admiration for him, but protecting her country is more important than her feelings, while the leader had another opinion , her mind and heart resided by him, and he did not leave her imagination the whole night.

The night passed peacefully and in the morning Ahmet asked the queen to allow the leader to take them to the kingdom of dwarves, she accepted .

A new arc new islands , the queen of elves was very beautiful i did not describe her because that would take a paragraph to do it

I hope you enjoy it

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