
The Sadist System

[The Sadist System has been activated!] [You will now get points for causing beautiful women to suffer, men to grovel at your feet, and for killing anyone who gets in your way.] [Thousands would beg to be in your position, but you're the lucky bastard who will be making those thousands suffer while taking revenge out on their wives!] [Does the sky have limits, yes?! Do you, NO!] Lin Fan smiled as he sat down in front of the Fan Sect and smiled as he put his arms back and observed the clouds. He saw all the women he'd now get because of the Sadist System, and all the revenge he'd make those who treated him badly experience. There were thousands of planets in Horizon, and Lin Fan's planet was just one small planet in that ring of planets that led to eternity. However, he could see himself conquering the entire universe with his system... "Excuse me sir... Would you mind please telling me what happened to my daughter last night... She keeps smiling and saying your name..." "We... we earned some points... Let me describe it to you so I can earn some more..." Lin Fan grabbed the man's shoulder and guided him over to his daughter so they could both tell him the story... "You... you what!" + 10 sadist points.... All Lin Fan described was a nice back massage... What was so wrong with that?

Her_Shadow · ตะวันออก
180 Chs

A Big Happy Perverted Family

Three long and reckless and perverted and sadistic months after the Forbidden Tournament...

New Years celebration at the Fan Sect started with a parade only for Lin Fan with every single girl in his family marching to the sound of Mimi Fan's custom made [Fire and Ice Drums]. The reverberations caused the dresses and kimonos on Su Fan, Gue Fan, Princess Mane and her three sisters, Na Ran, and Yan Ran to move gently in the wind as if a man was trying to take off their shirt.

Lin Fan had been waiting for three months and accumulating his strength as well as his understanding of various laws. He now understood thirty percent of the law of metal, fifteen percent of the law of fire and the law of lightning, ten percent in the law of water and in the law of wood and five percent in the law of space and the law of time.

"So... Chicken Man, which Night Queen are you going to take into your room first... You had to wait six months to convince them that you were a good man... Are you going to enjoy the blonde or the brunette first..." Mimi Fan said as she sat down next to her father in a kimono as a few Fan Sect members wore blindfolds and played a few games at stalls.

Lin Fan thought about her question for just a moment before he pointed to the red headed Night Queen, Princess Pan, who had a florid pattern on her transparent dress and a ruddy skin tone that matched her curled up pink lips. She had her black bra gently and beautifully exposed through her kimono as a vapid gust came from a few unsuccessful attacks hitting the new [Blaze Fire Generator]. He'd spent quite a few hard nights working to make the [Blaze Fire Generator] a nearly impenetrable defensive shield and had made quite a successful blueprint after a few hours working on penetrating new ideas. The elves appreciated the generator as they played some games run by bunnies that were doing their best to earn Lin Fan some points. Overall, it was just a normal day in the Fan Sect Minis the blasting war horns and the cries of dying soldiers.

Lin Fan had got in the habit of sending out twenty [Silver Heart Mimics] a day to assassinate soldiers who were trying to sleep soundly at night. The best part was he had thousands of tons of Eight Vein Metal given to him by Radiant Palace a few months ago to try and coax him to join them when he reached the Demi-God Rank. It was an eventful few months, but what he did most days was pick a girl to bring into his room and earn Sadist Points of them from dusk to dawn.

Earlier today, as he was talking with Princess Mane, he finally heard the news he wanted to hear.

"My sisters... They were watching you earn points with me in the Fan Sect Workshop, and finally agreed to baptize you if you promise to never forget about them..."

"I don't know if you know this, but it's really hard for Night Queens to have children... We live for ten thousand years at the Mortal Stage, but have one child at most every ten thousand years..." Princess Mane blushed as Lin Fan started massaging her back as she was pushed into the table in his study... "However, it gets worse... We have to be loyal to the first man we baptize... Usually, most night queens never baptize anyone and prefer to stay alone, so... you'll have an entire races survival on your hands..."

"There are more then four Night Queens, right?" Lin Fan was confused as he put his hands around Princess Mane's neck and gently squeezed as he moved aside her straps to reveal her shimmering shoulder. "How could there be only four of you? Wouldn't your genes be effected by that?"

"Well, the good news is our genes change every few years, as does our looks... In ten years, I'll have red hair and probably a saccharine voice with larger breasts... You might even enjoy bending me over more in the middle of the night..."

"Fair... I get it, so your genes don't have any recessive genes right?" Lin Fan nodded his head and gently slid his hands down Princess Mane's body, getting closer and closer and closer to her legs as he gently kissed her neck... "That means... Wait? Your genes are always dominant? Doesn't that mean I won't mater in the equation?"

"You... you are seeing why many people hate having children with our race..." Princess Mane blushed and began to turn red as Lin Fan kissed further and further down her back before he went back up and pulled her in by the cheeks. "You... you are going to be the father or children that have nothing to do with you... They'll only have your name, the experience you give them, and.... Are you going to throw us out too?"

"I have enough people to spread my genes too... Let's just worry about how many times we'll have to do it in the next 10,000 years to have kids..." Lin Fan pointed over to the bed before pushing off the other sleeve strap on her red and brown dress... "I promise... I promise to never give up.... I'll try and find a way to have 20 children with you in the future! For now, for now... Let's just focus on making a percentage..."

"Lets' see... that means one out of every 365,000 days you'll have a kid, so if I do the math correctly, the odds are .001 percent you'll have a kid any year, and .00003 percent chance any day... You... you realize what this means?"

"Just shut up and stop teasing me... My red headed sister, Princess Pan, asked to have you first tonight... "She was the one that Han Zhou so ruthlessly tied up against the wall... She wants to baptize you... However, we have a few hours till then..."

"It is your day of the week..." Lin Fan made a swooping motion with his hand and revealed a white bra and panties set before he pushed Princess Mane hard against the bed and jumped on top of her... After kissing her chest, he smiled before working his way up to her beautiful pearl lips...

"I think... I think this will work out... Your family and mine shall be the best of friends... Who needs a vibrating machine with odds like that..."

"Just take it easy on me today..." Princess Mane kissed him on the lips as her cheeks turned rosy as they seemed to sink together as Lin Fan's hips pushed against the fabric between her legs... "I'm almost broken... Anymore damage and I'll be out of commission for an entire month..."

"I guess your sisters will have to do..." Lin Fan smiled and nodded his head before the events began that left him with a smile for three hours.

Mimi Fan sighed and hit Chicken Man on the back of the head as Princess Pan finally approached him and sat down on his lap...

"Let's... let's go... let's go connect..." She winked at Lin Fan as he gulped and nodded his head.

Mimi Fan sighed and looked over at a male bunny chasing after a dozen female Fan Sect Bunnies as she shook her head... Just like her father to make the most perverted, fecund bunnies on the entire continent...

"Well, here we go again..." Mimi Fan smiled and got up before she stretched and walked towards the blacksmith shop to start working on some new designs... "Time to put on my headphones..."