
Chapter 29 Family Reunion 3

*************The Blacks Resident*********

Elsa finally got out of her room after a million begs from all the staff in the house. She walked out with a livid face, to the formal dining room. She looked at the food before her. "I don't want this food!" Elsa crossed her hands above her chest with an outraged face.

She could finally speak cause her stomach was a little less now. "Tell us anything you want miss Elsa we'll get it right away!" A maid with a honey brown hair spoke, her eyes were gray which caught Elsa's attention, she should be around her age too. She was bored of having no one to talk to, besides it's nothing wrong if she makes this girl her personal maid right? 

"What's your name!" Her bright blue eyes flickered with excitement and curiosity. "Hazel miss Elsa!" She said looking down, not daring to look at her Miss's face. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Elsa commanded making hazel jolt in fear. This words made Elsa remember her first day here, maybe Liam felt what she's feeling now.

Wadsworth knew from the beginning that this girl was the female version of his boss. He cried inwardly cause he knew what couples like this would do. "You're my personal maid from now on!" Elsa said.

After her lunch was changed, Hazel gave Elsa a tour around the house. She couldn't walk for long cause of the pain she felt. "How long have you worked here?" Elsa took the orange juice from hazel, they were having fun in the garden together. Hazel was exhausted after the dangerous hide and seek her little madame just played with her, she even got Wadsworth, the bodyguards, and all the staff in the building involved, but non was able to find their little Miss.

After what seems like forever they saw a beautiful white figure running towards them with the brightest smile ever. Her smile was heavenly, so pure and innocent, and they were all relieved she was okay. "Since I was a kid, my mum's the head chef here, she prepares all the dishes!" Hazel said with a sweet smile. "I'ld love to see her sometime!" They both looked at the sundown together smiling. At some point Elsa would remember her parents but try not to cry anymore.

She knew they were in a better place now, even if she felt like she was better than any other place they were. 'Dad wouldn't want me crying if he was here, If there's anytime to be strong it's right now, she thought to herself.

She was distracted by the convoys that drove in, as trails of bodyguards ran out of the convoys to open a black Limo, and four people got out.

They looked engrossed in a serious Argument. "I've told you before Dax I don't have anything to do with her!" Jesse exclaimed, "Welcome back sir and madam!" Wadsworth welcome them formally along with all the maids.

"Dad tell Dax to leave me the f**k alone!" Said Jesse "Language Jesse!" Maisha yelled and wadsworth smiled, finally this mansion would be lively and the little Miss will no longer bully them, cause she'll be too busy with their second little Miss.