
Chapter 264 SNUB 1

         Elsa stepped out of their apartment with eager steps after hearing a few sounds from outside. No one needed to tell her her friend had arrived, she wanted to scold Jesse for scaring her the whole night. She could strangle her friend if she had the strength to, but getting out to see Liam's car leave turned her entire body into feathers, like it could be blown away by even the softest wind. (The early morning breeze).

         She was stuck at a spot as she watched his car leave, "You're back, who brought you back?" She asked Jesse just to confirm what she saw. Maybe she was seeing things again, there's no way Liam would arrive and leave without seeing her, no matter how severe their fight was. He was always the first person to settle things with her even if she was at fault.

        "Brother Liam," Jesse said with a smile, she seemed to be really happy. "I'm sorry if I scared you last night, I was almost kidnapped." Jesse's words brought her out of her trance and she met her gaze. Elsa sucked in her breath trying to keep her emotion at bail. If war is what he wants, then she would give it to him. He's just another annoying scum bag. Words cannot describe how much she detests Liam at this point. If he thinks his action would move her a bit, well he's failed.

          She would learn to live without him, she's been doing it for two days now and nothing much has changed in her life. She doesn't even miss him that much, she was willing to lie to herself to feel better. Liam would beg to see her, she would make sure of that. She gulped down a big ball of saliva to patch her dry throat, bottling up her emotions the best way she can, she forced a smile in a way that made it look genuine. "What? Does Liam know about this?" She held Jesse's hands in hers as they both stepped into their house.

        "I think so, good thing Greg was there to save me. Ahhh..." Jesse rushed in leaving her friend behind. The embarrassment, and shame, that came with her action consumed her, she didn't know how to face Greg ever again. It would be best if she avoided him cause he would always remember all of the memories from last night.

          Jesse screamed falling on the sofa as she covered her face with any possible pillow she could find. Her entire body had turned red in embarrassment, she didn't know how to tell her friend what had happened between them. She had literally begged Greg to kiss and touch her and he did.

        Thinking about it now, her face flushed more in embarrassment. She screamed inaudibly cause her face was buried into her pillow, curling her body further into the sofa, "What happened? Come on bestie, don't leave me in the dark." Elsa begged to hold her hands. But Jesse just couldn't bring herself to say a thing, she shook her head countless times unwilling to say a thing. She was too embarrassed to speak. "Fine take your time, I'll get the tea anyway. Did you see Preya? I've been trying to reach her but still can't."

        Jesse met her friend's gaze meaningfully as she finally sat up, "We danced together and after some time I couldn't find her too." She confessed.


         While on his way out he glanced at her once before returning his gaze to his cell phone. Liam fought the urge to turn the car around and meet her. He could already envision her sad blue eyes in his head, the ones that is filled with tears. He held himself closing his eyes as he tried to think about something else to distract him from her, he wouldn't see her, not this time, not until he wanted to.

         He's spoilt her a lot and now has to make her Concentrate back on the reason she's there. He cannot be her greatest distraction when all he wishes for is for her to go to school.

        He arrived back at the hotel where Greg was, the man was almost done with arranging his bag to travel back home. He must really despise him thinking he's destroyed his deal with Langford, Liam thought stepping into Greg's suite. He saw the man sitted on the bed but frowned slightly when he stepped in.

        Greg didn't want to say anything cause everything Langford must have gotten from his friend, he deserves them and more. If he had his way, he would have punched the man hard and maybe never let him go until at least two teeth have fallen. But Greg was no fighter, infact he couldn't hurt a fly but will do anything he can to save it from dying. He was the exact opposite of Liam, that's why most people wonder how they're best friends.

         It was obvious who the bully was, the Ruthless man. Liam found his way to the couch as he watched the man before him lazily like he was watching a movie. "What do you want now Liam? Your sister's not here. The last time I checked you hated to watch me 'cause I'm displeasing to your eyes." Came Greg's words to see his friend chuckle.

        "You're not going to sign the deal with Langford or should I find someone else? That would be easy." Liam asked casually, "You must have beaten that man to a pulp if I'm not mistaken, or killed him even. So tell me how the dead can sign a deal?" Greg asked back. "He's not dead Greg, he didn't touch my sister he only thought and attempted to," Liam stated.

       To Greg, his words felt like they were for him, it felt like there was hinted threat beneath it. He knew how this man talks, he barely says anything straight unless he's very upset. "I didn't touch your sister, I saved her." He clarified just to still be on the safe side. It's not like the thought of Liam's reaction hasn't been in his mind if he ever finds out he likes the girl.

        He was yet to see the man's reaction, who knew one day he'd pray for things to go back to the way they were. Who knew one day he'd wish Liam never cared for the girl, but that is wrong. She is his sister after all, and his only sister to be precise, his woman's best friend. "Aurgh......" He screamed inwardly, this little girl would be the end of him.

        No matter how hard he tries to get rid of his feelings, it's just stuck In his heart. It annoyed him to his bones why he was feeling this way, this is something he hasn't felt before, this feeling is new. Yes, he gave Liam advice like an expert, but it turns out he was also a novice in this. No one can pass the school of love, you'd never know what awaits you, all you need to do is love. Just love.

          "I know, she was all over you cause of the substance given to her," Liam said calmly. He recalled her swollen lips and knew something must have happened between Greg and his sister, not hitting him is his thank you gift for saving his sister's dignity. Greg got rid of the thoughts immediately, Greg was human and a man, and reacted like how every other man would.

           "The deal with Langford are you taking it?" He asked again. He didn't kill the man cause he thought his friend could still make good use of him, but if Greg is to change his mind, then he would kill him off once and for all. Forcing the man to be his street dog was a piece of cake, he didn't spend a full night torturing someone for nothing.

       He was pleased his wife was smart enough not to get into trouble this time, but he has to teach his sister some lessons, to remind her who was in charge of her now. "I don't need him anymore, I'll be grateful if you could find someone else, at least repay me for saving your sister," Greg said feeling somewhat relieved Liam didn't suspect a thing from last night.

         The knock on the door distracted both people as they watched a small man step in. Carlos moved his glasses above his nose as he stepped further in with a blue file in his hands. Both people already in the room knew what his presence signified. Work O'clock. "Good morning Boss. Mr. Greg." Carlos greeted both men.

          "Carlos," Greg responded but Liam didn't, he only stared at the man waiting for him to sing out his work for the day.


       Beeping sounds of machines could be heard in a white private room that held a familiar figure. A heavy gasp could be heard as a pair of green eyes came into view. Florence stared at the ceiling, her visions were blurry as she blinked many times till she got used to the light...