
Chapter 242 College 1

           The next morning came as fast as anyone wouldn't have imagined. Both girls were excited at the same time nervous at what awaited them, they've both talked and heard from their parents and they were both happy about that. It was shocking Liam was the one to call his wife so early in the morning that had her smiling sheepishly the whole morning.

           "We could use some time to learn how to drive, we can't keep getting driven to school all the time," Elsa suggested to see her friend agree immediately. "We might be the only ones being escorted or having drivers around you know." They both smiled, just as they've been smiling since their arrival. Both girls had dreams and their dreams were to be the best in whatever they were doing which they would work on.

         "First day of college we need to take pictures, Elsa." Both girls took pictures before stepping into their separate cars for lectures. Arriving at school, both girls stepped out of their cars on their different faculties, Elsa was agape seeing the students step out of their cars too. Most people had their drivers while others drove their cars. Some were on foot but they could be numbered, from the looks of things it was obvious they were under scholarship.

         "Hello, you must be a freshman?" She met the gaze of the person speaking, he was extraordinarily handsome and quite built-in muscles and height. "How did you know?" "I could tell from your looks, welcome to Campbell's college." He said bringing out his hands for a handshake. "Thank you." She shook his hands, "what's your name, sweetheart?"

         "Elsa, E... Elsa Black." He chuckled lightly, "You can call me Dante see you around." He smiled and walked away, Elsa could only find herself staring at him till his figure was almost varnished from the entrance of the school. "Like what you see don't you?" A voice came from behind and she only turned around to see a blonde girl behind her.

          "I... I have no idea what you're talking about." She said with a smile, "That's La Dante, he's a prince and one of the hottest and most popular guys around here, you shouldn't be seen around every girl's man." She smiled for Elsa to return hers awkwardly. "I'm preya shabeeb and a freshman too don't get me wrong I happen to know everyone in here before stepping in, we could make a good team, come on let's find our course mates." Both girls stepped in.



        Standing before the floor-to-ceiling mirror, a tie was hung around his neck, that little woman was all there was on his mind. He's fallen so in love with her but still didn't know how to say it even if she's now very far away from him. Their little face-timing today was the best and her repetitions of 'I love you made his heart skip each time he thinks about it.

          He thought women were only open to these thoughts and feelings, but here he is feeling this way and smiling at himself when nothing about him seems funny. He wasn't told twice to get himself together which he did, that little woman really is the key to his cold heart. "Sir, breakfast is ready." The knock on the door distracted him from his thoughts and he had to dress up quickly.

         "If you can talk to him, please do, I know he takes you as a father too," Donovan spoke softly without an idea his son was right behind him. He regrets his actions and words toward Liam, Dax, and Rafael almost killed him and they almost succeeded if that bodyguard wasn't present to save him. Rather than cautioning his other sons, he got mad at the one who was only angry and trying to defend himself.

          He admitted they all wronged Liam, and his last illness made him realize how much damage he's done to his family and to his first son. Liam did not wanting to be part of their family or his inheritance was unbearable for him. He's made it clear to all of them that he is barely a member of their family. "I already told you I'm not part of that, I don't need it or anything else." His deep voice was heard from behind as he sat on the only available seat on the table which was next to Bianca's. The smile on her face was quite evident and Maisha returned it.

        They already had a plan together, especially now his wife was not around. They would do anything to separate them from each other, the heartbreak would come from him or her. Whichever way, they just had to separate. "You don't have to be that way Liam, no matter what family first..." Breitbart stopped talking when they saw two bent teaspoons on the table.

         "If this would be the conversation of every gathering do so not to invite me." He got up and walked away, "You're out early sir." Carlos walked up to him, "Get the jet ready we're leaving." Not everyone needed an inheritance to be worth billions or trillions of dollars. He was happy to have been privileged, but then not all the privileged ones get to make it without their parents.

         Liam was already at a stage where his parent's money and wealth are useless to him. Liam stepped into his car and oscillated out of the yard.

         "Mr. Breitbart, don't you think it's only right our children get married to each other without delay?" Maisha decided to start up the conversation, she cared less about Liam's feelings. Anger is something that cannot last forever, with time, it would capsize and his heart will be empty again. "You should have confirmed from Dax before making such conclusions honey, he's old enough to make his own decisions." Donovan cut in to see his wife laugh out.

        "No no dear, I wasn't referring to Dax, I meant our Robust son Liam. He needs a more mature and experienced woman in his life, not some trash who lives off of his money." Maisha sounded irritated. "What are you talking about? Liam is already married, I don't remember him divorcing his wife." Donovan stated.

          "If only that was possible, I would love to keep Liam closer as a son-in-law but as your husband said, he's married," Breitbart responded with a smile. "We're far relatives Breitbart, besides it's not written in any law that they can't be together. It seems Bianca is yet to tell you everything about them." "She told me everything Maisha." Brietbart knew what he saw the previous night and his daughter was yet to answer some questions.

         Both people talked, but they were like total strangers like they haven't met before. Liam only saw her as a relative, cause his eyes on her were different from the ones he uses on his wife. He talked to her like he talked to every other person which was weird according to what his daughter had said they were. "But what you've suggested is impossible." 

         "But..." "That's enough mother, you know how attached Liam is to his wife, why come up with all of these. You choose Elsa for him." "And that mistake I still regret to this day." She said.

        "And why's that?" Dax asked. "She's not fit to be a Black, her entire family lives off your brother, they might kill him someday with their wretchedness." She stated clasping her fork to her plate violently. 

          "You should stop this, or better still, find something interesting to do in your free time rather than deciding people's lives. No offense ma" came Dax's reply. All he was trying to do, was stop the stupid thoughts that has clouded his mother's head and mind. His mother was very aware what she was getting herself into was an impossible thing. Liam is no longer that child everyone bossed around, he's a boss himself. A commander of an army, his parents were yet to understand the kind of power that man possessed.

       Liam being the most powerful man in the city was not mere words but an actual truth. A truth people were blinded to see. 



       "I've told you a thousand times, I'm not into Dante we just met today. I'm a married woman for crying out loud." Elsa said a bit frustrated by preya's words. "Y... You're married? Tell me, is it one of those contract marriages?" She asked for Elsa to nod coily, she could already feel her cheek burning up from the thought of him. "Oh, cool, you're even cooler than I thought. Who's he, I want to see his picture real quick. Do you have any?" Preya asked curiously.

       Elsa brought out her phone and opened the only picture in her gallery, which was Liam's picture, she took it while he was asleep beside her. Before fully opening it, Preya snatched her phone away, only to accidentally erase the picture in there. "There's nothing here, your gallery is empty." She said suddenly.