
Chapter 225 LEAVING 3

       **NOTE: This chapter contains some intimate scenes or sensual content and some strong language.**


          Laid on the bed Elsa stared at the man who rested beside her, Liam had his fingers moving around her body that tickled her. She's never seen him act this way before, he was totally different, so gentle and so sweet. Somehow he managed to calm her down, "I used to think they were made with real gold."

         "There is fake gold, mine." She met his gaze, Liam stared at her cute face, he couldn't get enough of this cuteness, he could sit all day and night watching her and not get tired one bit. "I'll miss you." "Why'd you punish me when you knew you'd leave soon?" "So you'd not forget what I'm capable of when you go against me."

        "Th... The things we do, d... Do you do it to others?" "Are you jealous, love?" She blushed at his words averting her gaze from his, Elsa couldn't take it anymore, she just couldn't stop her cheek from heating up. She stiffened when she felt his finger trace her skin from her shoulders down to her cleavage, poking her nipples before resting his wandering hands on her belly.

         She shouldn't ask such questions, it might make her look losed, but she couldn't help it. The thought of what Liam would do and who he'd do it with while she's not there couldn't get off her mind. The last time they were together, she just learned how to please him which she wasn't yet good at, and she knew she was terrible even if Liam tells her she isn't just to please her.

         She wanted to be with him all the time, but here they are...

         "You shouldn't get jealous, I belong to you." He whispered the last sentence just for her hearing. Elsa could feel her heart hitting against her chest again, she pulled his head to hers and captured his lips. Their tongues entwined together playing tit and tat as they kissed.

       Liam's hands went to her chin, lifting it as he took over the kiss, his dominance drove her crazy as the tingling feeling between her legs got back. They were yet to do a thing yet he could tell how wet she's gotten. His skillful hands found their way to that warm area, it hasn't been twelve hours since they did it, and they already crave each other this much.

        Her little moan drove him nuts to the point of diving into her, but he was quick to pull out licking his wet hands. "Did you take the pills I gave you?" He asked his voice hoarse as they were still trying so hard to catch their breath. Liam had to pull out cause he knew if they start now, they might not stop, and that might be an issue for his angel. He couldn't explain how he became a sex addict since he met her.

       "Hmm, what is it for?" "So you don't get pregnant while we're together." He said calmly lifting her off the bed.

       "Come, I can't leave you if you don't practice what I have to teach you. You're a Black now Elsa and my wife, your self-defense should be good." "By the way, you did good shooting Raf." He held her hands and walked her out of the room.

         "That's bad advice to give to anyone, you shouldn't encourage killing." "Did you enjoy the torture and sufferings you went through?" She said nothing else. "Life is going to beat you up, it wouldn't be fair if you don't throw some punches." He smiled as they got into the elevator. "Did you throw punches when you lost your mum?"

          Elsa wanted to know more, since the day they both visited the country, she hasn't forgotten about the woman. She wondered what she was like, what she did. She wanted to know if Liam was this way while she was alive, and what his life was like while a kid. She wanted to know everything about him, the few she's heard were just not enough, it was sad she knew nothing about the man she was married to.

        The silence that filled the elevator was enough to prove he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe she did something wrong, maybe she shouldn't have asked, she blamed herself for getting upset even if Liam's face held no emotions. "I'm sorry if I offended you..."

        "I couldn't throw any punches, I was a kid." He took her to the shooting ground holding her hands tenderly. The same fear from before gripped her but the thought of impressing the man beside her chased it away. Putting on her ear cover, Elsa picked up a gun, "Aim at the dot on the mannequins." She heard his voice from behind her.

           Liam guided her on how to hold the gun, before letting her shoot the mannequins, after her third shoot, Elsa got used to it and she wanted to continue. At every shot she screams her victory, she was loving this, this is cooler than anything she's done. "Oh, how our very own Mrs. Black has grown." A familiar voice ringed in her ears, standing beside this person was another familiar person. Elsa frowned.


        "I've been awaiting your presence for hours now." She said to the man stepping in with a lady in his hands. "Is this your wife Ethan? Don't tell me you skipped all the ladies in the city for this ugly thing?" He glanced at the little girl in the lounge, sizing her with his eyes before walking away.

        She thought she could stand up to them, but it turns out she can't. Jesse cleaned her tears stepping out of the mansion hurriedly, there was only one place she has to go to which was definitely not her mother's mansion. The scolding she got the previous day was unbearable for her, she was tired of this life and everything involved.

        She just couldn't imagine what they would be doing in there at the moment, Liam was right, she shouldn't have gotten married to Ethan. He deceived her pretending he was in love with her cause he only wanted shares in their company, he only wanted their support for his business and his inheritance.

         She got into the car giving the chauffeur the description of the place she wanted to be. The pain she felt was intolerable, all she wanted to do was talk to someone, cause that's how she gets to calm herself. She stared at the streets that has turned blurry due to her tears-filled eyes, what has she done to deserve this?

          All she ever tries to do was stand by the truth, but she gets disrespected and abused as a reward. She's loved Ethan more than she can love another but she didn't know she was making a mistake. Jesse let her tears pour down her eyes as her sobs filled the car, her heart was heavy and she struggled to breathe.


         "You never told me your wife has grown into such a beautiful woman Liam," Greg said stepping in with the girl beside him. "You usually don't care about that, are you high?" Liam cut in walking close to his friend. "Mr. Black." Camela greeted smiling sheepishly.

       It's been so long she saw this face especially after being banned from the mansion, it was only recently she found out about Greg being Liam's bestie and she decided to find him. She went ahead to make the man fall in love with her so she could get close to the one she loves.

        She felt relieved to see him in person and know he was okay after that deadly accident, all Camela wished for more than ever is to be with him. Which she doubts will be possible anymore, not after the stupid stunt her father pulled, forcing Liam on her was the height of it. She still wonders what he was thinking at that point.

       "What are you doing with her?" Liam ignored her greeting deeping his hands into his pockets, "Camela is my girlfriend Liam, she insisted I made this introduction so it's not a surprise later." 

         It irked Elsa the way Camela stared at her Liam, he is hers and should not be raped by another woman's eyes. She tried gulping down her anger when the witch gazed at her, both women glared at each other before both smiled. "Let's go in," Liam suggested, holding his wife by the hands as they got in. 

      They all got to the wine bar, which had different wine and drinks, "Liam mixed his favorite liquid in two glasses mixing a much better one for the ladies. He placed them on the counter where they all sat and each person picked theirs. "I attended your birthday party which you didn't attend yourself, Mrs. Black." Greg started.

          It's the first time he'd be talking to his best friend's wife, the little girl he saw broken that day has become a woman overnight. She's finally taught his friend in her way what love feels like, for the first time in years he saw a smile on this man's lips while staring at her. He doubted she had any idea how much his friend loves her, they've come a long way and he's happy about their growth.

        "Something more interesting came up." She blushed, her 18th birthday was the best she's had, though the aftermath was sorrowful, she enjoyed herself more than anything. "I don't see any maid in the mansion." Camela cut in stopping the conversation about Elsa, she could already see how Liam stared at her and felt irritated.

        It doesn't necessarily have to be Elsa, she shouldn't be the theme of their conversation.

         Still, on their conversation, someone ambled into the wine bar.