
Chapter 120 School Vacation 4

             🎄 SEASONS GREETINGS 🎄

A black Limo stopped at the entrance of the Willow's cooperation, with the help of the Benzoyl's, George's business had gotten to a better height. He was on the news again, as one of the prominent business tycoons in the city. 

Four pairs of shoes got out of the car. Goerge got out with his beautiful wife beside him, they walked into the 24 storey building proudly. Her black heels clicking the floor making all the workers pause their work to look at the proud couple.

It's not everyone who has the opportunity to see the elite people walking among them. Most people admired her beauty while others frowned at her presence as the woman was not kind in her means of approach.

They got to the office after their meeting with the board of directors concerning the growth of the company. "I hope this time you'd handle the company with care!" Her scolding began and Goerge only sealed his lips ready to take the insults from his wife.

Their business was not doing well before Liam arrived and after he stopped their foreign investors from investing within minutes, their business degraded even more. "You don't know the humiliation I went through for this, until your business is stable, don't get into any fight with anyone!" Florence warned sternly.

After her little warnings, she left the office which held George. Now their life was back on track, she had no problems except taking out Elsa, once that is achieved, Bianca wouldn't be a problem.

The Anakin's only daughters wedding was coming up, and as usual, the cards have been sent out to the most prestigious people in and out of the city. The elite of the elite were invited. The marriage was meant to be a bump as it was the marriage of an Anakin and the chun's.

After this marriage came the marriage of the only heir of the Anakin's empire. Ethan Anakin. To his little wife Jesse Black, that was the only way he could get hold of his inheritance. He wanted the marriage to be held as quickly as possible, cause he had alot to do. 

Since his family wanted him married to a Black to seal their friendship for more business opportunities ahead, then he had to and fast.

Not only was it about sealing friendship, but they needed the Blacks protection against Lydia. With Jesse being a member of their family they knew they would always be protected by the beast.

Elsa kept poundering over what her best friend told her. They were already done with school and the next step for her best friend was getting married at 18?

Her marriage with Liam was out of some circumstances which she is gratful, to have been married to him.

"I thought Dad said you can't see him until you're 22?" Elsa asked.

"Hmm, but mum said Ethan is turning impatient as he wants to get married after his sister's marriage, which means I might not be here for our trip!" She said gloomily.

"But you can at least talk to him to wait a little more!" Came Elsa's words that came as a whisper, scared that someone might eavesdrop on their conversations. Getting married after high school or in high school was not every teenage girls dream.

They wanted to go out on dates, have their first kiss in the most romantic way possible. Explore around the world, experience their first break up and more. But thinking about kisses, she could recall her first kiss with Liam. It was a wierd one, but it was romantic. The thought of him taking his time to suck her lips sent butterfly in her tommy.

Jesse sighed, she wished her parents would not give her out to anyone. She was scared, every relationship can not be as perfect as Liam and Elsa's. Ethan was a totally different person from them. She was not just ready to go leave with any man yet.