
The runaway daughter of Duke with her hero brothers and sisters

Yuna, escaping with her fellow siblings because of the black curse, and now, those siblings turn out to be the hero that will save the world from the evil god "That being said, I am Yuna, your eldest sister, and I will not let any of you die!"

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 6: The Devil

"Please, send this message to Mira, " [Yuna]

With that, the ice bird that I created from my magic flew away, bringing with it letter regarding our current situation. Watching it fly away, we embrace ourselves to enter the dungeon

Charlotte and I take a step forward, entering the underground dungeon, our first reaction

"Cover your nose properly" [Yuna]


It stinks. Most importantly, it stinks of undead. The air is putrid, with dark mana residue in the air. It isn't anything strong, thus, any chances of high level enemies is unlikely, still, that isn't an excuse to get careless, more so when I am entering this dungeon with Charlotte

"Big sis..." [Charlotte]

There's a juncture up ahead, and as if guided by something, she simply chooses the far left entrance. With nothing else as a guidance, my instinct is telling me to follow Charlotte's guidance. It's telling me, it's better than a shot in the dark

"Are we getting closer, Charlotte?" [Yuna]

"Yes. Yes, we are" [Charlotte]

"And to what exactly?" [Yuna]

"I... I don't know, but it's something of utmost importance" [Charlotte]

As we descend further and further downward, we encountered more and more undead. Most of them are the simple brainless zombie type of undead, so it isn't much of an issue for me, but I still kill them from a safe distance, and still covered Charlotte and myself with protection magic. Their rotten fleshes carry maggots, their blood carry disease, their miasma cause nothing but displeasure to minds and bodies. One isn't an issue, but when you have an army of them, things will definitely get ugly

"Huh?" [Charlotte]

"What's the matter... What!" [Yuna]

The Black Curse mark that's been suppressed by my home made brew, it suddenly flares up, and not in a bad way. It's becoming whiter, before leaving itself from Charlotte's body, maybe once and for all.

While the process is still ongoing, and with me focusing solely on Charlotte

"Kyaaa!!" [Charlotte]

"Charlotte!!" [Yuna]

A goat like creature. Body of a human, head of a goat, with the wing of a giant bat, tail made out of snake. It wears an ancient armour. It's big. 4m. Almost twice from my height. From the way it carries itself, I can tell that this creature, it's a high ranking one, even among its species.

"What do we have here, aren't you the..." [?]

"Stay away from her, you devil!" [Yuna]

Without missing a beat, I use my great sword, enhance it with all my ice magic and swing it with full upper body force. I even let gravity's magic enhance my great sword to deliver additional power. As a result, not even the armour that the devil wears protect him. The devil's right arm and wing, detached from the main body. I just realized, the arm resembles more like a gorilla than that of a human

"You wretched woman! Just because you are a..." [Devil]

"Still find yourself time for a talk? That's arrogance for someone that's about to die by my hand" [Yuna]

I am not sure as to why a devil find itself here, and if I am by myself, I will subdue the devil and interrogate him further, but alas, he makes a big mistake of snatching Charlotte away from me, and that's a grave sin that he committed.

He's about to use his magic to turn the table around, and judging by the quality of the mana, it will be nothing but devastating, even for someone like me, more so for Charlotte, but alas

"Worthless" [Yuna]

He's wide open, and that give me plenty of chances to deliver the killing blow, decapitating his head. To be on a safer side, I thrust my great sword into the hollow neck

"Ice age" [Yuna]

I release a high tier ice magic, freezing the headless body to every last cell, before shattering it in an instant as I withdrew my great sword from its cold lifeless body

"Are you alright, Charlotte?" [Yuna]

"Yes, I am. Big sis sure are strong! " [Charlotte]

"You do realize I am an S rank adventure right?" [Yuna]

"I am, but seeing as how effortlessly you dominate the fight, it's a sight to behold!" [Charlotte]

That's a relief. There's just a mark leave behind by the devil as it forcefully grabs Charlotte, otherwise, Charlotte is relatively unharmed

"Do you really think this is the end" [Devil]

""!!"" [Yuna, Charlotte]

The devil, taking the opportunity from my carelessness, finish chanting a different spell. A summoning spell, and from it, a figure of giant elephant quickly emerge from god no where