
The Ruler of Ethor

Amory was an orphan who was chosen by death himself to be his successor. He comes to hate this Evil and corrupt country called Ethor, so he's in an endless spiral to purge it or save it.

Caronii · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Headless Man

A vivid light radiated, causing Amory's eyes to blur. Leisurely, a face took shape. A boy became visible. He wore rags as clothes and cheap glasses on his face. His skin was light while his hair was black, with a concerned expression on his face.

He shook Amory, making him come back to reality. He saw they were in a small run-down room built out of wood with beds scattered everywhere, as many children slept there.

"You've been sleeping for hours now. I'm sure you don't wanna miss breakfast again, Amory." Amory rubbed his eyes and got off the bed he was resting in.

"Morning, Everett," Amory gently uttered as he gave off a yawn.

He was just an ordinary orphan in the kingdom of Esnad. Nothing special seemed of Amory. He was just thought of as a useless spec in this world.

He opened the door to see a rundown area with children playing and old wooden tables where they sit to eat. There was one table with a tray of old stall bread and cups of water. He strolled through the running children, took a singular slice of bread and a cup, and sat next to Everett.

He stared at his friend, and silence filled the air for a while. "Hey, Everett, do you think life will ever get good for us or the whole orphanage?" Everett looked at Amory with a confused face "Did you hit your-". A loud bang echoed throughout the orphanage. It continuously happened. They heard dreadful and shrill screams coming from outside.

A man covered in blood ran into the building. He instantly shut the door with fear in his eyes while his body trembled. The orphanage became silent. No one moved, no one said a word.

They heard slow but loud footsteps outside the door. The steps didn't sound human it sounded like an enormous beast. The noise suddenly stopped, and the man gave off a relieved sigh, but instantly the wall smashed into pieces, making a boulder fall upon him. His blood splattered everywhere, making the children scream in fear, but what was in front of them was worse. A 10ft green beast, it had sharp teeth more like tusk, red bloodthirsty eyes, with blood dripping from its mouth, and an axe in his hand.

The children started screaming louder, agitating the beast, making it let out a loud roar. Amory snapped back to reality and pulled Everett back, making him come to his senses as blood splattered everywhere from the beast attacking other kids.

Both of them crawled across the room trembling, with their bodies on the verge of collapsing. They arrived across the room, but it was just a run-down wall with no windows or doors. With nowhere else to go, they accepted death.

The orc turned towards them, hearing their cries for help. It seemed as if the world quaked with every step the beast took. Time moved slower as the beast walked towards them. He raised his axe and set out to strike with his axe. They closed their eyes, prepared to die, but nothing happened. Amory opened his eyes, with Everett still trembling in fear next to him. He saw a black horse. The person who rode it was a headless man. Where his head was supposed to be was a bright blue flame floating there, while he wore all black, covered by a mysterious cloak.

Before Amory could process what was happening, he and Everett were suddenly in the forest outside the Kingdom of Esnad. While Amory tried making sense of the situation, there he stood. The headless horseman with the flame used as a head crackling in the endless silence of the forest.

He turned his flaming head and what looked like he was staring at Amory. Everett, who had passed out as he saw the horseman, laid in Amory's hands. Within all the silence, a single cricket chirped, making Everett shoot up in fright.

But everything went silent for a second, until Everett gave off a loud shrill scream, even scaring the horseman. He collapsed to the floor and started pulling Amory away with tears in his eyes. "Pl-, Plea-, Please don't hurt us" His high-pitched voice shouted.

Through the sounds of flames, you could hear the horseman give out a sigh. "I'm gonna hurt you, child." "I am Ewen, Ruler of the underworld, and I am here to see you Amory Drewitt," He said in a deep voice pointing towards Amory.

"Wh- Why me? What did I do for you to want me? Do you want to collect my soul or something?". With a confused but frightened expression on his face, as he thought of the reasons‌.

Ewen, even with no facial features as it was only flame, gave off an expression of frustration. He gave off a sigh once more. "Kids," he whispered under his breath. "Amory Drewitt, I have chosen you as my successor and continue my position as the ruler of the underworld". Both Amory and Everett's faces went pale and filled with some confusion. "But first I need you to stay in this world. " His deep voice rambled on.

"But why him? Why do you even need a successor? And why didn't you choose me?" Everett blabbered out questions.

"I will explain everything at a later date. There are things I have to attend. I shall leave you two weapons for protection." He snapped his hand as two swords fell in front both of them. "Amory, I have transferred a fraction of my power to you, as your body can't handle anymore. I recommend you try to make a flame at first. Just imagine a flame for as long as you can"

Ewen snapped his fingers once more and disappeared like dust. Amory and Everett turned to each other and nodded in agreement. They don't know what the hell to do.


Both boys gathered wood to make a fire. Amory remembering the words Ewen told him as he put out his hand and tried thinking of fire. He concentrated, but nothing seemed to happen. Time passed as nothing happened. He just stood there with his hand out.

Until you could hear a flame, Amory opened his eyes with excitement just to see Everett had lit the firewood using rocks. A dumbfounded expression-filled Amory's face as he stared at Everett smiling.

Both of them sat down on the floor staring at the fire as the night sky came out with the stars shining bright.

Thank you for reading The Ruler of Ethor. Hope you're loving it.

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