
The Rule Of The Voider(Dropped check out new novel dropping soon )

You have been chosen to participate in the Universal War. But before I could ask any questions, the AI continued speaking, explaining the rules and objectives of the game. The goal of your mission is to triumph over your rivals and become the absolute champion. However, heed the warning: the battles will test your stamina and push you to the limit. But if you succeed, you will win the admiration of everyone who sees your victories Follow Rowen on his journey of conquering Universe(Multi?)

Supreme_Slaughter · แอคชั่น
10 Chs

Chapter 9( trial chapter)

"Captain, forces from every universe have gathered, including the royal guards of the Emipre as well. Shall we send them in?"

"Order them to enter, but be at the very least cautious; whatever lurks in there has the capability of destroying them with ease if they don't have their guard up."

[Gathering of forces at the time of entering Rowens Base.]

As the forces gather outside Rowens Base, the tension is palpable as they recall past battles and losses suffered at the hands of its defenders. The leaders from each universe must put aside their differences and work together to devise a plan that will give them the best chance of success against the formidable stronghold.

The fate of their worlds depends on their ability to cooperate and strategize effectively. With the weight of responsibility heavy on their shoulders, they steel themselves for the impending battle ahead.

The air hums with anticipation as the leaders confer, their eyes reflecting the determination and resolve needed for the task at hand. Each one knows that this battle will be like no other, and that their unity is the key to victory.

With a final nod, they raise their weapons and march towards the imposing walls of Rowens Base, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way. The fate of their worlds hangs in the balance, but they are prepared to do whatever it takes to emerge victorious.

When they enter, they see a mix of alien symbols and blood, blood of a human who was jere long time ago.The fact that the blood did not dry up sybolizez how much power this deity had causing the blood to not dry even to this age.


Within a moment, the entire army follow thru with their orders, attacking with precision and determination. The sound of battle fills the air as the soldiers fight fiercely against the enemy, determined to protect their worlds and ensure victory. As the deity's power begins to wane, the tide of the battle turns in favor of the Empire, their strength and unity shining through in the face of adversity. Victory is within their grasp, and they will stop at nothing to achieve it.

Suddenly, they see unique creature with a horn on his head.

"Dare to attack this base and damage it? Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.

The unknown being spread his arms, causing almost 70% of the army to explode, causing the nearvy area painted with blood as they were filled with fear. The surviors were riducled with injuries and they had a limited moblity.

The unknown being didn't spare a single person and killed almost all of them except one person,

The royal commander, who deflected all his shots and charged at him

with all his might. The two engaged in a fierce battle, each determined to emerge victorious and claim dominance over the land. The outcome of this epic clash would determine the fate of the kingdom and its people.

As the clash between the royal commander and the unknown being continued, the ground trembled beneath their feet from the force of their blows. The sound of clashing swords echoed through the once peaceful landscape, now transformed into a battlefield. The fate of the kingdom hung in the balance as the two warriors fought with unmatched skill and determination.


Hello there, i tried something new but it is quite awkward. I love constructive feedback

Supreme_Slaughtercreators' thoughts