
chapter 5

Chris began by telling the sheriff his back story and ultimately who he was. As he spoke the sheriff just nodded or agreed or just listened. When he had finished explaining his true identity, then he began to tell of the Rudolph project and how it had become the issue they were dealing with today. When Chris finished speaking there was silence in the car. The sheriff started to speak but was interrupted by his radio. "Sherriff how far away are you, there is a witness and she is pretty distraught. Only wants to talk to you." The color seemed to drain from the sheriff's face as he answered, "We are about 5 minutes away." 


When they arrived at the scene they could see a mass of uniformed officers gathered around at an area that had been taped off. As they approached the area they caught the stench of death and rotting flesh and it burned their nostrils. 

Chris noticed the sheriff kept his distance from him trying to process the information that was he had shared. When they approached the source of the odor Chris knew immediately that this was a separate attack and possibly unrelated. The body laying before him was ripped to shreds by the looks of it a bear. He sighed with relief and saw the sheriff look his way. "Not one of the others is it?" Chris nodded and was very relieved not to have another death on his conscience and as tragic as it was it wasn't his fault. "No this looks more like a bear attack than the other", the sheriff nodded in agreement and told his deputy "call animal control and the game warden this is obviously a bear attack. From the looks of it took place about four or five days ago." The deputy looked confused, "Sir I thought all the attacks had been bear attacks. That's why I called you for this one to see if they were connected. We're the others not bear attacks?" The sheriff looked at Chris, and then back at his deputy." We are unsure of what the cause on the other attacks were, but this one is obviously a bear attack." They walked together to the car not speaking again til they had long left the scene. The sheriff broke the silence "I realized I hadn't introduced myself and for that I am sorry.my name is" right there Chris cut him off. "Your name is James Harvey, you grew up in this town and moved to Philadelphia when you were nineteen to attend college. You came back after you graduated to join the police force." James chuckled and had a large smile on his face like a kid on Christmas morning. "You really are Santa."