
chapter 3

Chris hated cars and was not used to driving them. He had to rent a car when he arrived to blend it, couldn't exactly fly the sleigh into town. He had rented a Toyota Camry and almost drove it into the ditch leaving the lot. When he arrived at the scene the sheriff walked out to greet him and asked "Find anything at the last crime scene or anything you want to share? "Nothing noteworthy, honestly I had barely started looking when you called."


As Chris walked into the house the aroma of the recent meal filled his nostrils. What a strange time to be hungry but he hadn't eaten since Christmas Eve. He shook the thought of food from his mind as he entered the dining room and saw the devastation before him. The scene he saw was sickening and made his gut wrench. No person should endure a fate such as this. Blood was splattered across the ceiling, walls and carpet as if it had rained blood and it had. The faces of the three people sitting around the table were unrecognizable as they laid on the carpet the blood still trickling from the openings where they were struck. The Sherriff handed him a pair of gloves and said "there's something I need to shoe you." As he stepped around the body they approached an evidence bag containing what looked like fur. "We found this hair on the father and want to run DNA analysis to help understand what happened here. It's not human that's for sure but I'm not familiar with this type of animal hair. Would you care to enlighten me since you came to help?" Chris took the scene in, the carnage and damage crafted into a scene out of a horror film. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you and I don't have time to go into it currently. Just know that they are extremely dangerous and unpredictable at this point." The sheriff wore a puzzled expression and started to ask a question when his deputy spoke. "Still no signs of how the attacker gained entry door was locked when first officers arrived, no sign of forced entry. There is a large amount of ash stirred up by the chimney but their fire is still burning so we ruled that out as an entry point." Chris recalled having the fireplace suppressing chip installed in the experiments and immediately was flooded with regret. He looked down at what was left of the face before him and noticed two faint letters that he recognized right away. The capitol R on one side and P on the other, the brand left on the hoofs of all the experiments.