
chapter 1

The wind whipped through the pines with an eerie cry. The cold bit at his cheek as it had time after time. Slowly he pulled back on the reigns and came slowing into his landing spot. The reigns felt heavier this year, a strain he was beginning to notice as the years went on. 

"Another wonderful Christmas in the books sir" stated Timothy his head elf and director of operations. Chris stepped out of the sleigh and checked each of the reindeer, hoping they wouldn't be a waste like last year's batch. He stared into the stars hoping his bed came soon. "Sir" Timothy said over the wind, "you are urgently needed for an update on project Rudolph." Project Rudolph was their reindeer research program that incorporated genetic modifications into their DNA and made them stronger and faster. Last year was a disaster, 22 of the experiments escaped and only 14 had been recovered. "Do we have any more located?" Chris wiped the snow off his face as he entered the research facility. So much for sleep. "Yes sir we located 2 in Minnesota this morning. They attacked a hunter." Chris looked around the room at the shock that sat on the elves faces. He knew what he had to do. 



Outside St. Paul Minnesota.



Chris landed in a large field a few miles from where the attack took place. The only downfall of his fast travel is the limited time for rest. He looked at the paperwork before him and saw that the 2 reindeer he was looking for were R14 and R19. Each reindeer in the project was given a different mixture of modifications and the goal was to reach the ultimate match of spewed and power. R14 was modified with a strength enhancement and was stronger than an elephant. R19 was modified with speed and agility and could move faster than a cheetah and slyer than a fox. Together they were such a deadly combination. Chris began packing his weapons and had to take an assortment because they had not reached the weakness part of their assessments. Mistletoe and candy canes were the most predominant but also gingerbread bullets were quite useful. Knives made of candy canes and mistletoe grenades as well as his gingerbread rifle should do the trick. The apple cider was for him to help his stay awake.


As Chris drenched through the fresh packed snow he heard sirens wail in the distance. He hopes that it wasn't another attack but there was no way for him to be certain. The trail led him into a clearing and he saw officers in the distance searching in a grid pattern, one yelled "freeze". Wondering if they thought he was the attacker, Chris raised his hands in the air. "Who are you and what are you doing on my crime scene?" A burly man in a sheriff's uniform approached him with his gun drank. Chris had to respond quickly because he had learned from the past that being shot was not a feeling you forget. Christmas of 86, but that's a story for another day. "I'm here to help" Chris stated " I know what you are looking for and how to rid your town of it, let me take over and I will have this cleaned up before the weekend." The sheriff chuckled and shook his head. "Well that would be helpful if I knew who you were or what agency you are from." Chris hated explaining what he does and how he does it. "Sherriff I am here to make your life easier and that's all you need to know. I cannot tell you further because who I am and what I do is classified and above your pay grade. I will tell you that if I need help I will call you and that I can have this sorted I just don't need the questions just to be allowed to do my work." The Sherriff contemplated what the man said, and as much as he wanted to fight it, he also needed to get home so his kids could open their presents. "All right then, boys let's move out and give this gentleman the crime scene. What is your name sir?" The sheriff handed the man his card as they entered the tree line. "My name is Chris and I promise I won't stir up any more trouble in your town." The laugh that erupted from the sheriff made Chris jump and then Chris laughed as well. "Son I'm done with trouble, just find who or what did this and leave. I have a case file on what we have gathered and the information on the dead hunter."