
Chapter 97

Linnea Lindberg

"I can't believe you got married without inviting me." Logan said as he shook his head.

"He dragged me to church the day after he proposed, Logan." I said and Logan gave me a hug.

"At last, you're happy. I'm in peace now." He said and I smiled.

"Why are you in peace?" I chuckled.

"We both suffered a lot. I got my happiness and I was waiting for yours."

"You got another happiness now." I said as I pointed at his wife who's holding his first son, Leonardo.

"Right! Well.. I always pray for your happiness, Linnea." Logan said as I nodded.

"Did I miss something?" Isaac slipped his arm around my waist.

"Just telling my ex-fiance that I'm happy for her." Logan said, completely teasing Isaac. Isaac looked at him annoyed.

"What? You want to punch me on your own wedding?" Logan smirked at him.

"I'm holding my punch."