
Chapter 65

Linnea Lindberg

I got up because I heard someone knocking on my apartment like a crazy person. I quickly put on my robe and walked from my room to open the apartment door.

Who the hell dares to interrupt my beautiful morning?

I opened my door and guess who? It's none other than Raphael. He brought his security team and gestured them to go inside. He looked at me coldly and I walked towards my living room crossing my legs as I looked at people trying to inspect my apartment.

One of them brought the man that I slept with tonight out of my room completely naked.

"Baby.. who are they?" Greg asked me as he looked at all of them confused. Raphael gestured to the guards to get rid of him and I rolled my eyes. I leaned my body back to the sofa and Raphael looked at me angrily.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you seriously going to behave like this?" He asked me and I got up from my seat.