
The Royal Decree

The sweet orphaned Kyra's life changed forever when she had a chance meeting with royalty. love and hate enterwinds. All she wants is a job to survive. But all he wants is to make this girl bend to his will. "Disobey me again and I will whip you. For the world to see. No one can defy me. Especially not a peasant as yourself." "Take your best shot." her glare matched his as she uttered those words. And he did as she dared.

EccentricLove99 · ย้อนยุค
3 Chs

Chapter 2: The devil with pretty hair

This is such a nuisance Kyra thought as she was dragged along into the woods. She was sure that this is how she was going to die. He was taking her into the woods so he could murder and feed her carcass to the wild hogs.

'well, I was too good for this world anyway. It's fine, I lived a short but terrible life. I shall die soon and be done with it.' she thought solemnly.

As she was coming to terms with her impending doom, the man suddenly stopped, making her bump against his tall frame from behind.


She rubbed her nose and looked up at him and then peeked from behind him to see why he stopped.

'honestly God. why must you create men to be so tall? if us women had the same advantages there is no way on this earth they can push us around like this.' He thoughts halted because what took her by great surprise was the place they were at.

There was a waterfall with water blue as turquoise. she could see giant golden fish swimming in the clear water in abundance. The place looked serene, as if though they were in a fairy tale.

'well then, if this is where I shall die then so be it. I don't mind the view.' she pondered.

However, what was even more shocking was how this man dared to walk casually towards the water only to start stripping his clothes off.

Kyra panicked and looked away. But then another thought struck her. This was her chance to run.

She quickly turned around.

"Do not even think about it peasant. I will hunt you down myself and trust me you will not appreciate the outcome."

Well, then there goes that plan.

She swallowed and didn't move an inch, her back was turned towards him but she could feel the threatening glare burn through her skin.

'Controlling bastard.' she muttered underneath her breath.

"Now come. I want you to help me wash."

"Excuse me?"

"I smell like a brothel. I cannot go back like this. Thats why you're here. now hurry without wasting my time."

The nerve of this man! who does he think he is? to order random strangers about like his servants? yes, he's a noble but even they aren't that arrogant.

are they?

Yet if she complied she may live to see another day because she has aptitude for sensing danger and this man exuded just that.

Coming to a decision she turned around only to see him half immersed in water. His lean body glistened in the sun. Kyra was sure that women would die to see this view if they had the chance.

Too bad God creates pretty people with rotten personalities.

She stalked towards him. Her only goal was to get this over with and run away fast.

"You know you can't go around dictating people?

you cost me my job." Kyra muttered as she laid her hands on his scarred back. She wondered if he'd been at war. Maybe that's why he broods so much.

"It will cost you your life if you don't shut up," he says in return. The nerve! This is the second time he threatened her.

Grunting she went back to washing his hair. albeit, being harsher than necessary. He had long black hair that flowed around him and she wondered how he had such a feminine feature yet managed to project such intense masculinity at the same time.

"Besides little boys shouldn't be working in places like that. Find a better job." Kyra paused at what he said.

"You don't know the first thing about me." nor what it means to be poor. She thought as she tugged and scrubbed at his hair harshly which was a bad idea because he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip.

"Unhand me!" Kyra yelled for the hundredth time that day.

"Someone should teach you manners. Know who you are speaking to." He says standing up. She managed to yank herself away and just as she was about to run, her footing slipped from the rock she was perched on.

The next thing she knew she felt herself falling into the crystal blue water right in front of the devil himself.