
The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World (Hiatus)

Silver, the best assassin of the world was betrayed by the very organization he worked away his life for. However, his soul survived and reincarnated in shinobi world thanks to a miracle. Now with the memories and skills of his previous life, he strives to leave a peaceful life since he is given a second chance. However, in this new world he must become stronger to live a peaceful life. So, he starts his journey to become the best shinobi of the world. However, fate plays a cruel twist in his life. Witness, the story of Kura Yuji, the Rogue Demon of the Shinobi world, hated and feared by the entire world. ---------------------- The story is about a villain cum anti-hero. The MC will kill anyone regardless of their identity, if they stand in his path. The story progression is very slow, so expect another lengthy novel of around 500 chapters. I don't own any rights to Naruto or related characters. My MC is my original creation and this novel is under creative common. ****I don't own the cover and if the original owner wants me to remove it. Please leave a message.**** Check out my patreon for advance chapters:- www.patreon.com/ForgottenLife Join my discord:- https://discord.gg/VB75gxpvyU

ForgottenLife · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
66 Chs

42. Tsunade’s Worries

A/n:- If you are enjoying the story so far, leave a rating and review on the story. It helps immensely with the popularity of the book.


In the Konoha Hospital,


"How long has it been?" Tsunade inspects the body of a comatose Yuji.

"Umm… Tsunade-sama, it has been almost over a month." Keiko remarks.

"Still, no improvement, huh!" Tsunade lifts Yuji's eyelids and inspects his lifeless eyes.

"I was able to save his body, but the damage to his spirit was quite severe. Unfortunately, there is no medicine or medical technique to cure the damage to the spirit. Still…"

Tsunade takes out a small vial from her pocket.

The vial contains a deep violet solution. She pries open Yuji's mouth and pours the solution into his mouth.

"This kid better be obedient and diligently repay me in the future with his income as a shinobi." Tsunade grits her teeth and empties the solution.

"This concoction costs a hefty sum to prepare. Most of its ingredients are from the Shikkotsu Forest, with the main ingredient being the sap extract of special ginseng grown exclusively by the Yamanaka clan. I have to pester Katsuyu for days to gather all those rare plants from the depth of the Shikkotsu forest. Not only that, the head of the Yamanaka clan only agreed to my request because of the continuous pestering of his son. This kid better be grateful to his friends once he wakes up or else I will punch him back into a coma."

Tsunade applies a medicinal paste on Yuji's forehead.

"Even though he agreed to supply the medicine, I have to pay an outrageous amount for it. Now, I don't even have enough money to spend in a gambling den." Tsunade grumbles.

"Ehehe…" Keiko has a helpless smile on her face.

"Take care of this kid for me!" Tsunade pats Keiko's shoulder and leaves the hospital.

"Grandma Mito is about to return from her trip to the Uzumaki clan. So, it's about time, huh!" Tsunade sighs.

"I don't want Kushina to shoulder such a burden, but… but… I can't stand against the decision of the two clan elders." Tsunade helplessly shakes her head.

"Why it has to be her, of all people?" She clenches her fists.

Slight tears flow from Tsunade's eyes as she flickers toward the Senju clan district.

"I… I already lost my parents. Now, even grandma…"


Tsunade enters the Senju clan district and silently walks through the streets.


Kushina's voice pulls her out of her thoughts.

"Kushina!" Tsunade turns towards the voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Grandma Mito is back. So, I bought some groceries to prepare a feast to celebrate her return. She returned after so many months, after all."

"Yes… yes… we will hold a feast to celebrate her return." Tsunade pats Kushina's head.

"So, what do you plan to make today?"

"I will make a fish dish which Yuji-kun taught me. I hope grandma will like it." Kushina speaks in excitement.

"But Yuji-kun… will he…" The smile on her face disappears.

Tsunade ruffles her hair to calm her down.

"Don't worry, he will wake up in no time. Also, since Grandma is here, she might have a way to wake him up."

"Yes, if it's grandma Mito; then she might be able to do something about Yuji's condition." Kushina nods in agreement.

"Hehe… I can't wait to prepare food for Grandma."

Soon, the two return to their house.

Haah… Haah…

Clang… clang… Bang… Whoosh… swoosh…

Minato and Nawaki are sparring against each other in the backyard. Sweat trickles down their forehead as they exchange moves with each other.

"Grandma, Nawaki Nii-san, and Minato Nii-san are so cool!" Hana is sitting beside Mito while cheering for both Nawaki and Minato.


Mito raises her head and turns towards the entrance. A few seconds later,


Tsunade and Kushina enter the backyard.

"I am back, Grandma!" Kushina drops the basket and dashes toward Mito.

"Hoho!" Mito hugs her in her embrace and ruffles her hair.

"Welcome back, Grandma!" Tsunade also greets her.

Mito notices the slight sadness in Tsunade's voice.

"Sigh… Tsunade is so old and I have yet to see the face of my great-grandkid. At this rate, I might die before I could…"

"Grandma!" Tsunade dashes towards Mito and covers her mouth.

"Don't say such embarrassing things in front of the kids. Also, I have yet to find a suitable man…" she murmurs the latter part of the sentence.

"Hoho! I was just joking! Joking!" Mito smiles and pats Tsunade's head.

"Time sure flies by. I still remember the day when you were a little girl and now…" Mito sighs and turns her attention towards Nawaki.

"Huff… I am so exhausted!" Minato raises his hand.

Huff… Huff…

"Let's call it a day!" Nawaki also retreats. Both of them wipe their sweat with a towel and return to the rest of the group.

"Tsunade Nee-san, where is Yuji Nii-san?" Hana tugs on the hemp of Tsunade's robe.

Tsunade picks up Hana in her arms.

"Your Yuji Nii-san is such a sleepyhead. He won't wake despite all of nee-san's attempts. Maybe next time Hana calls him, then he might wake up from his sleeve." She ruffles Hana's hair.

"Then Hana will wake up Yuji Nii-san." Hana nods her tiny head.

"Alright, everyone! Go wash yourself. Both of you stink." Tsunade orders Nawaki and Minato to take a bath.

Kushina and I will make preparations for the dinner.

"Hana will help too!" Hana jumps in excitement.

"Yes… yes… Hana too!"

Tsunade smiles at her.

Later at the night,

"So, the princess finally met her family and after which she lived a long, happy life." Tsunade narrates a fairy tale to Hana to make her fall asleep.


"She is finally asleep." Tsunade stares at the tiny face of Hana.

"Kids sure are troublesome. But I won't mind some trouble if it's as cute as her." She strokes Hana's head.

After a few minutes of making sure that Hana and Kushina are asleep, Tsunade heads out of the room.

She gently knocks on Mito's room.

"Come in!" Mito's frail voice greets him.

"Grandma, your condition!" She notices the wrinkled face of Mito.

"So, you saw through my disguise!" Mito removes her transformation to reveal a heavily wrinkled face.

"Grandma you…" Tears flow from Tsunade's eyes as she notices the lack of vitality in Mito's body.

"I lived a long life. Long enough to see my naughty little girl turn into such a beauty." Mito smiles gently as she wipes Tsunade's tears.

"All these years I shouldered this responsibility as the Hokage's wife, as the princess of the Uzumaki clan, and now I have to pass this burden to my granddaughter. I… I am a failure of a person to pass my burdens to a child." Mito sighs. She turns to Tsunade.

"Tsunade-dear, I don't have a long time to live. There are many lingering regrets, but my heart is finally at peace. I only hope for you, Nawaki, and Kushina to live a happy life." Mito strokes Tsunade's face.


Tsunade wipes her tears and stares into Mito's eyes.

"Gg… grandma… how… how long do you have?" She musters her courage and asks these words.

"I will hold for another six months at most. After which I…" Mito closes her eyes.

"I… I see!" Tsunade clenches her fists and suppresses her tears.

"I will cherish these next six months." She mumbles.

"Yosha! Yosha!" Mito pats Tsunade's head.

"Now that's enough of the gloomy talk. Tell me everything that happened in the village in these past six months. I don't want to see the lifelong dream of my husband crumble after my death."

"Yes, grandma!" Tsunade narrates the entire series of events, big or small to Mito.

"Hmm… Hiruzen, that kid made lots of mistakes as a Hokage but the village prospered under his leadership as he stood his ground. He didn't break the trust of his predecessors. I hope that the village continues to prosper under his leadership for the next few years until a suitable successor replaces him."

Mito turns to Tsunade.

"Don't you think so!"

"Uhh… me!" Tsunade points at herself.

"No… no! I don't have any interest in becoming a Hokage. I think I am not suitable for the task. If someone is suitable, then it's none other than Orochimaru." Tsunade denies her.

"Orochimaru… that kid, huh!" Mito recalls Orochimaru's profile.

"Hmm… although that kid is a prodigy with various talents. He isn't fit to be a Kage." She shakes her head.

"Rather than Orochimaru, I think the other kid, Jiraiya, is more suitable."

"Jiraiya? Hokage!" Tsunade is surprised to hear Jiraiya's name from Mito's mouth as the candidate for the position of Hokage.

"Jiraiya… he doesn't have any redeeming quality. He is an idiot through and through…" Tsunade refutes her claim.

"Haha… that's what you and others think? But these eyes of my mine have seen a strong will, passion, and most of all determination to protect his friends. Even though he looks like an idiot to you and the rest, mark my words, he will surpass all of your expectations." Mito remarks.

"Oh!" Tsunade is surprised by the high assessment of Jiraiya.


Check out my patr eon to read some advance chapters of this series and read my other series Reborn In Naruto as Madara's Grandson.

www.pat reon.com/Forgottenlife