
Chapter 18- The old farmhouse.

The trio walked in and scanned the area for any enemies. They wandered around the living room, checking out each and every corner. In the living room, there was a long table with several chairs on each side that could easily fit ten people. There were several wooden supports around the table holding the roof up.

At the left side of the farmhouse was a sofa and a television that didn't work because there was no electricity there. They headed over to the lounge with several bookshelves.

Then they checked an old desk, which had a wrench on it and a pile of components. Collin grabbed both of them. The pile contained about five screws and ten basic components. He was more intrigued by the wrench, as it was the standard weapon of a Robomechanic, so he checked it out.

Old Man's Wrench



+3 ATK

+2 DEF

+1 minion slot

Level required: 5


The old wrench of a farmer before his demise. He most likely left it behind after the world started to change.

This was great! He could equip this weapon in his next level up already, which only required two more exp. As a result, he would get a big stat buff, with one extra minion slot on top of it as a bonus. He opened his inventory and checked his components bag. It now contained 17 magic screws, 30 basic components, and 2 ancient screws, so 49/50 spots were filled up. The cow head was in his inventory.

They did one last scan around the farmhouse. "Sorry Collin, but I can't really find anything around here, sadly," Maya said while she was looking around the upside of the room. "Nothing here either, Collin. I think we looted everything here already. We might need to move on to the second floor now," Samuel told Collin. Collin agreed and looked for the stairs and found one door with walls that went all the way up. So they opened up the door to what they thought were the stairs that would lead upstairs. However, it turned out to lead downstairs instead, so they went down to the basement. It looked like it was a beer basement where they brewed beer from the wheat they farmed. There were five rats who jumped up when they saw the group going downstairs. All of them seemed to be about level five, so everyone prepared for this next battle, taking extra care because this might mean they got their stats overhaul too. The group saw at the end of the hall another set of stairs going back upstairs again, so they had to defeat this pack to continue.

After all, they were aiming for the golden clearance reward now. The group of rats went ahead first, and each of them targeted one of the members of Collin's group. Collin ended up losing 3 HP, Snuggly about 5 HP, Chirp-a-lot also about 3 HP, Maya lost 5 HP, and Samuel lost 4 HP. Collin started off with tossing his wrench at one of the rats, which, thanks to the improved ATK stat, now did about 5 damage to the rats because of their lower defense. Snuggly jumped on that same rat and used bite on it, which did 4 damage and then about 1 damage each second. Chirp-a-lot went for an air raid onto one of the rats who still had full HP. They grabbed the rat, flew as far as they could because of the lower platform, and then just tossed the rat onto the ground, dealing 6 damage.

It was now Maya's turn. She raised her staff and pushed it into the ground, dealing 5 damage to all of the rats, which led to the demise of the two damaged rats, leaving three rats standing.

Samuel tossed his knife onto one of the three remaining rats, dealing about 4 damage.

The rats started panicking but tried to regroup anyway. They nervously started using bite on all three of the tribe members, which dealt five damage and afterward one more damage each second as long as they stayed on the targets.

Collin was struggling to push the rat off himself. While he was in this struggle, one notification kept popping up, even though his head was stuck in the mouth of the rat.

1 damage

1 damage

1 damage…

This repeated until he finally managed to throw the rat off after losing a total of 13 hp.

The other two weren't doing too well either, with Maya losing 10 hp and Samuel even 15. However, all was still well! It isn't that easy to get rid of the golden chance after all.

Now it was the tribe's turn once more. They were going to make sure the fight ended this turn!

Maya once more did her aoe attack simply because it has more effect when there are three or more left on the battlefield, dealing 6 more damage to each of them.

Collin ordered Chirp-a-lot to air raid one of the rats and toss it onto another, which ended up dealing 6 damage to each of them, destroying the one Chirp-a-lot tossed. Snuggly bit the other rat, which destroyed them too.

Samuel went ahead and did a backstab on the last rat, hitting 6 damage. When Collin tossed his wrench, hitting a lucky critical hit of 5 damage, it obliterated the final rat.

The group received 125 exp, splitting it through the group, resulting in 25 exp for each member.

Collin leveled up to level 5.

Samuel leveled up to level 5.

Maya leveled up to level 5.

Chirp-a-lot reached level 5.

Minion has been stat overhauled because the bond is close enough!

At that moment, Pillow sprinted downstairs, ready for the battle, but it was already over before he arrived.