
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

HAKDurbin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 1

"So, we meet again. I've been waiting. Have you found an answer yet?"

Serena plays with her fingers nervously. She tries to keep herself together with her eyes glued to the screen on the video phone, revealing Palermo's face.

It's been almost a month since Serena lost to Aria at the Master Class. Since then, she has been thinking about Palermo's offer to become her personal trainer for performances with no success in reaching a final decision. When Palermo offered the position shortly after Serena lost, she refused because she wished to continue her journey with Bonnie, Clemont, Pikachu, and Ash.


He was the reason she left home and went out on her journey in the first place. She went to Lumiose City to retrieve her Fennekin and traveled to Santalune City just to see the boy who helped her when she was little. She didn't know what she wanted to do after finally seeing him again or how to react when she learned he didn't remember her apart from acting like she wasn't disappointed. But when the moment came to decide where to go next, it was Ash who offered Serena to come with him, Pikachu, Clemont, and Bonnie, and she knew in her heart that she couldn't refuse the opportunity. Since that day, Serena, Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, and Bonnie have gone through many adventures, challenges, and made all sorts of friends.

Along the way, Serena became interested in Pokemon showcases and so began to pursue her dream to become Kalos Queen. The path to the Master Class was long and hard, but it helped Serena grow as a person in ways she never thought she would. In the process, she captured a Panchum and an Eevee that evolved into a Sylveon, and her Fennekin became a Braixen. Together with her Pokemon, Serena won three princess keys and made it all the way to the finals for the Master Class, and despite her defeat against Aria, she wouldn't trade her experience as a performer for anything.

Despite all of that, however, Serena has been unsure of Palermo's offer. Ever since the offer was made she cheered for Ash at the Kalos League, she helped defeat Team Flare, and now her friends are getting ready to disband with Clemont and Bonnie staying in the Lumiose Gym and Ash going back to his home in Pallet Town in the Kanto region. So with her companions going their separate ways, Serena is left to figure out what to do now. She doesn't want to go back home to her mother, Grace, and as much as her feelings for Ash have gotten stronger, she has no reason to go with him to Kanto apart from just to stay by his side. So it seems like Serena really has no other choice but to accept Palermo's offer to further pursue her dream to become Kalos Queen.

But even though she still wants to achieve her dream, there is a feeling inside her that implies that she wants to do more. She wants something more meaningful than simply becoming Kalos Queen but hasn't been able to figure out what it is. Luckily, after having a battle and a helpful conversation with Ash, it became clear to Serena. She realized that when she was performing for Kalos Queen or held a performance to cheer up the people of Lumiose City after Team Flare was defeated, she felt very happy to see so many spirits lifted from what she was doing with her Pokemon, and so realized her real dream.

But Serena is nervous to tell all of this to Palermo. She's worried that the woman who was once Kalos Queen will disapprove of what she has to say. And yet she knows this has to be done for herself and her Pokemon.

With her three Pokemon, Braixen, Panchum, and Sylveon standing behind her for support, Serena nods and says, "Yes, Ma'am. I sure have."

"Alright, what is it?" Palermo asks.

With all the courage Serena can muster, she shuts her eyes, bows in front of the videophone, and lets it out.

"Forgive me, ma'am, but I can't go with you!" She confesses before facing the screen again. "Aria helped me. She really taught me that my smile can give other people strength. I experienced that for the first time. Even though they've been through so much, people smiled when they watched my performance. That's what made me decide. I want lots of different people to see me perform. That's what I have to do to really grow. If I were to study with you, I'd depend on you too much. That's not what I need."

Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon take a couple sets closer to Serena, who turns to look at them as she continues.

"You see, they're my friends," she says. "I wanna see lots of places with my Pokemon. Other regions. And I'm certain we'll all experience things together that will really help us to grow and mature."

"Braixen!" Braixen says happily.

"Pancham!" Pancham says, holding its fist up in the air.

"Veon!" Sylveon says cheerfully.

"It's probably not what you expected, but I made my decision," Serena finishes.

For a moment, there is silence between Serena and Palermo. Then the woman on the screen gives Serena a small smile.

"Well, that's a shame. I want the best for you too. You're the very first person who has ever turned down an offer of help from me," Palermo says. "Have you decided where you'll go?"

Serena hesitates and says, "Uh, no, not yet."

Palermo nods in understanding and says, "Why don't you try competing in Pokemon contests?"

"Pokemon contests?" Serena asks.

"Yes, they are different from showcases," Palermo says. "I think competing in them are a great way to gain good experience. They are available in the Hoenn, Sinnoh, Johto, and Kanto regions."

Serena looks at Palermo, intrigued by hearing the last place Palermo mentioned.

"Did you say there are Pokemon contests in the Kanto region?" She asks.

"That's right," Palermo answers. "In fact, I think Kanto is going to start its next contest season in a month starting with a contest in Cerulean City."

Serena freezes in place for a moment before she lowers her head in thought. The way Palermo is describing Pokemon contests, they sound like a perfect way to learn new things, meet new people, and eventually come back to Kalos stronger and more experienced than ever with her Pokemon. It also occurs to her that even though she doesn't know what Ash is going to do after he comes home to Pallet Town, it does sound like she will be able to spend a little more time with him if they fly to Kanto together. A smile emerges on her face; the more she thinks about it.

"I take it you are interested in going to Kanto?" Palermo asks with a small smirk on her face.

Serena lifts her head to face the former Kalos Queen on the screen and happily says, "Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Palermo gives the honey blonde girl a small nod of approval.

"Very good," she says. "When you return, maybe you can show me everything you learned while you were there. I'm looking forward to seeing all the way that you'll grow."

Serena looks at Palermo, confused which makes the woman smile in response.

"Didn't I tell you? My dear, I'm a big fan of yours," she says warmly.

Serena's eyes widen in surprise for a moment before a big smile enters her face.

"Thanks," she says. "I promise I'll come back."

Palermo chuckles while Serena gives her another bow.

"Safe travels," Palermo replies before the image of her disappears.

For a moment, Serena doesn't do anything. Then she turns around to look at Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon with a bright smile.

"Well, everyone, it looks like we know where to go to pursue my new dream," she says.

"Braixen," Braixen says in agreement.

"Pancham, cham," Pancham says with a smirk.

"Sylveon," Sylveon says gleefully.

Serena nods to her Pokemon and says, "Well, then I guess all that's left is to tell everyone else tonight."



It's later in the day, and Serena just announced her plan to Clemont, Bonnie, Ash, Dedenne, and Chespin, who are shocked.

"You're gonna leave us too?" Bonnie asks.

"De, ne, ne," Dedenne says while Chespin just cries hysterically.

"Yeah. I realize I need to learn a lot in order to grow as a Pokemon performer, so I gotta go," Serena says with a smile. "There are so many places to see, and it sounds like the Kanto region is a great place to experience Pokemon contests, so I'm going there first."

Clemont is shocked by this news while Bonnie looks sad. Ash, on the other hand, is smiling and walks over to Serena with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"That sounds great. Good for you," he says encouragingly.

"Thanks, Ash," Serena says happily. "I'm not sure where it will lead me, but I'll do my best. We'll do our best."

Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon let out cries of agreement.

"And who knows?" Serena continues. "Maybe we can help lots of other people find their dreams. I think - no, I'm sure I can do that."

"Yeah, go for it," Ash says with a nod.

"Pika!" Pikachu says, pumping its fits in the air.

"I will," Serena says. "Starting with a contest next month in Cerulean City, I'll begin making brand new experiences."

"Great. So when will you leave for Kanto?" Ash asks.

Serena's confidant face stumbles, and her cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Well, Ash, I bought a ticket for the same flight for Kanto that you're taking," she admits.

Ash looks at her, confused.

"What will you do before your contest, then?" he asks. "You just said the contest is in a month, and it only takes a couple of weeks to get from Viridian Airport to Cerulean City on foot, so what will you do with that extra time?"

"Uh...well," Serena manages to say while scratching the back of her head.

Ash sees her struggle to give him an answer, which tells him enough. He smiles and makes a decision without thinking about it.

"Why don't you stay with me in Pallet Town?" he asks.

"W-what?" Serena asks, trying hard not to blush. "Y-you mean come with you to your home?"

"Why not?" Ash asks cheerfully. "I'm going to be there for a while until I figure out what I'm going to do next anyway, and I know my mom doesn't mind when I bring my friends over to stay at our house. Plus, we can visit Professor Oak, and you can meet Tracy and all of my other Pokemon. What do you say?"

Serena hesitates and thinks for a moment before she gives the boy she likes a bright smile.

"Sure," she says, giving Ash a wink. "How can I say no to an offer like that?"

"Great!" Ash says. "I'll call my mom and let her know."

"Okay," Serena says as Ash walks away.

"Well, I'm glad to see that is settled," Clemont says cheerfully.

"Yeah," Serena says.

But as she's smiling, her thoughts are on what will happen during her time in Kanto. Serena wonders what kinds of Pokemon she will see or how hard it will be to perform in contests compared to showcases or what kinds of people she will meet.

But then her mind turns to Ash, and she wonders about how she should handle her feelings for him. For all she knows, she only has two more weeks or so to still be in the same place as him before he likely goes to some new region that neither he nor Serena has heard of before. She knows that he is a dense boy, and her feelings might fall on deaf ears, but in her heart, she knows she must try.

Someday, somehow, she will muster the courage to confess her feelings and be with him forever.

Maybe she will get a chance in Kanto where it all began.


*Meanwhile, at the Indigo Plateau*

"Altaria, let's finish it with Dragon Pulse!"

Lance, the Johto League champion, watches with a determined look in his eye as his Altaria shoots out a large red beam. The beam hits a Poliwrath attempting to use Bubblebeam, and it flies into the air upon impact and crashes into the ground with swirls in its eyes.

"Poliwrath is unable to battle," the judge declares. "Altaria is the winner."

Lance grins while his Altaria lets out a call to celebrate its victory. He turns to look at the other side of the field where his opponent is standing. A 28-year-old man with brown hair, blue eyes, and wearing jeans and a gray shirt with a white "H," a purple "A" and a black "K" on the center frowns and takes points at the Poliwrath with a Pokeball.

"Poliwrath, you've been great. Return," he says.

A pink beam comes out of the Pokeball and sucks the Poliwrath inside.

"So we're both down to one Pokemon left, Timothy," Lance says boastfully. "Do you think you have the means to defeat the rest of my mighty dragon Pokemon?"

The man named Timothy merely shrugs in response before he puts away Poliwrath's Pokeball.

"I don't know. I'd say I have a few good tricks up my sleeve," he says before turning to the Raichu standing next to him. "What do you say, pal? You think you can handle three dragon Pokemon and win this thing?"

"Raichu!" The Raichu answers, grinning with sparks coming out of its yellow cheeks.

Timothy smiles before he points at the field and shouts, "Alright, Electchu, let's do this!"

The Raichu nicknamed Electchu runs into the field with a battle-hungry look in its eyes. Lance smirks at the mouse Pokemon and turns to Timothy

"So it's all down to your partner," He asks mockingly. "Let's see how long it can last. Altaria, Dragon Pulse!"

"Electchu, dodge it!" Timothy shouts.

Once again, Altaria shoots out a large red beam, and Electchu jumps just in time.

"Now, use Thunder!" Timothy orders.

Electchu shoots out a large bolt of electricity, and it hits Altaria straight on the chest. It sets the Pokemon flying into a wall resulting in it falling on the floor with swirls in its eyes.

"Altaria is unable to battle. Electchu wins," the judge announces.

Lance frowns and bitterly puts Altaria back in its Pokeball.

"Alright, if that half-sized ball of fur is that strong, let's see it handle this. Go, Salamence!"

He throws a Pokeball, and a Salamence comes out. Lance then takes out a necklace revealing a keystone.

"Two minds become as one! Mega evolve!" he roars.

Timothy and Electchu cover their eyes as several bright beams appear from the keystone and the Salamencite on Salamence's necklace and connect with each other. With a bright flash, Salamence roars triumphantly, having mega evolved.

"Of course, he would have at least one Pokemon that can mega evolve just like the Elite Four," Timothy grumbles in annoyance before turning to Electchu. "Let's not waste any time, pal. Hit it with Thunder!"

Electchu nods and fires another giant bolt of electricity.

"Oh no, you don't. Dodge it!" Lance shouts.

Mega Salamence flies into the air before the ice beam could make contact.

"Now, use Earthquake!" Lance shouts.

Mega Salamence flies down and slams to the ground, causing the ground to shake. Large pieces of debris hit Electchu, and it lets out a howl in pain, but the damage does not seem to hurt it terribly.

"Now Salamence, use Flamethrower!" Lance shouts.

"Electchu, quickly counter it with Thunder then knock the debris back using Iron Tail," Timothy shouts.

Mega Salamence lets out a powerful Flamethrower while Electchu responds in kind with Thunder. The two attacks collide, creating an explosion, but Electchu immediately follows with its tail turning into iron and uses it to knock the debris from Earthquake back to Mega Salamence. The large rocks fly through the smoke from the explosion and hits Mega Salamence, causing it to roar in pain. One of the rocks hit Mega Salamence's right wing, and it struggles to stay airborne, worrying Lance.

"Now, Electchu, Thunder one more time!" Timothy shouts.

Electchu shoots Thunder again, and Salamence's eyes widen, realizing it can't dodge it in time with the state of its wing. The beam hits the dragon Pokemon, and it falls down to the ground and turns back into its normal form with swirls in its eyes.

"Salamence is unable to battle. Electchu is the winner," The judge declares.

"Just one more to go," Timothy thinks in his mind. "All I need is that one last victory, and I'll finally accomplish part of my goal."

Lance frowns while bringing his Salamence back in its Pokeball.

"It seems I completely underestimated his Raichu," he thinks. "Whatever I do to stop Timothy and his partner, I better do it quick."

He takes out his last Pokeball and throws it.

"Dragonite, I choose you!" he shouts.

The Pokeball opens to reveal a Dragonite roaring loudly, showing that it's ready for battle.

"Dragonite, use Outrage now!" Lance shouts.

Timothy becomes uneasy from hearing his opponent make that command. Even though Outrage is not super effective against an electric type Pokemon, he knows Electchu has already taken some damage, and Dragonite's attack involves attacking the target multiple times, which might be enough times to take down his Pokemon.

"Electchu, deflect Outrage with Iron Tail quick!" Timothy shouts.

Electchu takes a defensive stance with its tail turned into iron again, ready to take on the attack. The Dragonite swings its fists repeatedly, but the Raichu uses its tail as a shield to blow every single blow. Timothy's heart begins to sink the more Dragonite hits Electchu's tail, knowing any blow could be used to knock his partner's defense away. Finally, Dragonite raises its paw to prepare for the final blow, which gives Timothy an idea.

"Electchu, jump, and hit it in the face with Iron Tail now!" He orders.

Electchu jumps up and with a spin swats Dragonite in the face with its tail. The dragon Pokemon takes a step back and starts wobbling in confusion.

"Oh no," Lance says in realization. "Dragonite, snap out of it."

"It's too late, Lance," Timothy says with a grin. "Electchu, use Thunder one more time!"

Electchu releases another large bolt of lighting, and it hits Dragonite, causing it to howl in pain.

"Now or never, Electchu!" "Timothy shouts. "Finish it with Hyper Beam!"

Electchu grins and creates an orange ball of energy from its mouth before firing a beam from out of the ball.

"Dragonite, get out of there!" Lance cries desperately.

But it is no use. With Dragonite still lost in a daze, the dragon Pokemon stands helplessly as the Hyper Beam hits it hard and sends it flying high in the air. Dragonite crashes into the ground and groans as it lies down with swirls in its eyes.

"Dragonite is unable to battle!" The judge announces. "Electchu is the winner, which makes the challenger, Timothy Durbin, the winner!"

Timothy stands still for a moment before he gets down on its knees and shakes his fists in the air in relief while laughing hysterically like a lunatic. Electchu runs over and jumps into its partner's arms, laughing as well.

"We did it! We really did it!" Timothy shouts happily as he squeezes his friend. "After all our hard work, we've finally defeated a champion!"

"Raichu!" Electchu shouts victoriously.

Lance sighs sadly and returns his Dragonite back in its Pokeball before walking over to Timothy.

"You battled well, Timothy," he compliments in a defeated tone. "It's not very often that anyone comes close to defeating me much less succeeding. I assume you're planning to replace me as the official champion of the Johto region?"

Timothy and Electchu look at Lance smirking before the man in the "H.A.K" shirt breaks their hug and stand up to face the defeated dragon Pokemon trainer.

"Thanks for the offer, Lance, but you can keep your position," he says. "As much as I worked hard for this moment, the truth is I want to defeat the official champions of every single region. Defeating you and the Johto Elite Four only completes a fraction of my dream."

On the inside, Lance is sighing in relief, but on the outside, he just nods in understanding.

"So what will you do now, then?" he asks.

"I don't know," Timothy answers honestly. "Logic would dictate that I head to another region and fight the league there, but the fact is I already have the badges of every single league. The Johto League is the only one that I've won, thus giving me the chance to face you and the Johto Elite Four. So I guess Electchu and I will just head home and figure things out from there."

Lance nods again and says, "Well, wherever you're going next, I hope you'll give it your all."

"Thanks," Timothy says as he shakes the Johto champion's hand before he walks out of the battle arena with the judge.

Timothy shakes his fists in the air again, feeling giddy inside for winning the battle. He then takes out five Pokeballs and tosses them into the air, and they open to reveal Poliwrath, a Snorlax, Gengar, Gardevoir, and Lucario.

"Great job, everyone. All our hard work has finally paid off," he says with a friendly smile. "We defeated Lance, the bi-regional champion!"

All six Pokemon, including Electchu, cry out happily in joy.

Timothy nods to his Pokemon before looking down at the ground with a fond look in his eyes.

"Well, I guess we better get going," he says. "We've got a long way back to Pallet Town."