
The Ro dropped

This is going to be my first fan fic. The main character Jack Saber after dying at an early age of 18 will get another chance at life when he is reincarnated by a God of unknown with a system and some wishes to live his newly found life to his hearts content. P.S the worlds the MC goes to range from worlds like Danmachi and Fairytail to Pokémon. This being the case because I want to make it like that however I might just make separate fan fics like a series from world to world. But we will see how it goes.

JackbladesFF7 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Loki Familia

Jack and Bell being lead by Chloe and Syr make it to the big table clearly meant for more people. They then ordered a lot of food as they both regularly ate a lot. They also ordered two pitchers of Mias fruit liquor which is the main drink people come for. As they were enjoying their dinner they talked for a bit. Bell was shocked to hear that Jack was a level 4 who was a part of the Hephaestus familia. He was even more shocked to hear he just came yesterday. Jack would play it off like no big deal. Jack explained how much he liked fighting and being a part of action so he has to be high level for better fights. Bell then started to talk about himself and Hestia familia he was a part of and the only member. While Bell thought Jack might not like him as much after he said this. Bell could tell that Jack did not really care about that and kept talking about themselves. Jack really liked Bell and even told him after he solos the dungeon for a bit he would join Bell every once in a while.

Then they hear a lot of noise coming from our side as a group makes their way in. Jack had a huge smirk on his face and thought show time. The Loki familia was coming in. First there was Loki, then Finn Deimne, Riveria Alf, Gareth Landrock, Ais Wallenstein, Tione Hyrute, Tiona Hyrute, Bete Logna, and Lefiya Viridis. Loki has Red hair and red eyes similar to Hephaestus but lighter in color. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a shirt and jeans that you would usually see on a male her eyes were also slanted. Finn was a very short pallum at only 119 cm. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Despite his small and childish look he is 40. Riveria was I high elf with green hair and green eyes. Despite her elegant look she is 99 years old. Then there was Gareth a dwarf who was 56 with brown hair and eyes. Gareth was the embodiment of a tank. Then there was the beautiful Ais Wallenstein who everyone looked at with gold hair and gold eyes Bell could not keep his eyes off her. Then there was the twins Tiona and Tione. Both were amazonesses of 17 years of age with black hair and brown eyes the only thing to tell them apart was Tione had big boobs and Tiona was flat. Then there was Bete he was part of the werewolf race with light grey hair an amber eyes. While many people do not like Bete Jack wanted to be good friends with him especially after knowing how tragic Bete's past actually was. Then finally there was Lefiya she had golden yellow hair with dark blue eyes she was an elf but only 15 years old. They are all level six with the exception of Loki who was a Goddess and Lefiya who was level 4.

Bete started to walk past Loki as he saw that people were at their table. Bete angrily yelled "Hey what are you two doing at the Loki familia table!" Jack did not even look at him and kept drinking while Bell was extremely scared of the situation. Seeing Jack was ignoring him Bete got really pissed and then looked over at Bell. "Hey Ais it's that wimp who ran away like a bloody mess after you saved him." Ais came over and tilted he head a bit with an expressionless face and said "Yeah." Bete started to talk some more trash to Bell and then finally moved on to Jack telling them to get out. Jack still not responding or even looking at Bete. Bete decided to shove his shoulder a bit and Jack finally turned around with a big smile on his face. "Hey what you smiling about" Bete said really annoyed at this point. "Nothing really don't worry about it. Hey how about we make a bet." Jack said trying to lure Bete in. Tiona and Tione were real close now listening in. Even Finn who was not paying that much attention looked over after his words.

"What's the bet?" Bete said eager to know. "If I can block one attack from you with my hands you have to pay our bill after we eat with all of you. If I lose I pay for all of your bills." Jack said while showing his Alucard gloves were on. Tiona and Tione got really excited even Ais who was usually expressionless showed a faint smile after talk of a match. Finn, Gareth, Riveria, and Loki were surprised at Jacks challenge. While Bete was thinking it over Jack also added "Also if I win I want the chance to talk to Loki in private for a bit." Loki was very interested now that when Jack said that he gave a smirk that even the trickster Goddess was caught off guard by. Begs thinking there was no way he could lose agreed to his bet after Loki gave a nod since she was involved. Mia then yelled "You better do this outside!" Everyone nodded in response not wanting to make her mad. Chloe asked Mia if she could go out to watch with which Mia nodded. The whole Loki familia, Jack, Bell and Chloe stepped outside. Chloe wanted to see how strong Jack was as she took and interest in him. Jack said "Okay you get one swing and if I block it I win. If you hit me in any way you win. Got it?" Bete pulling out his sword said "Got it." As he thought there was no way to lose as he is a level 6. "Chloe would you please say start for us to begin." Jack said winking at her. Chloe gave a slight blush and nodded her head in confirmation. As they both got ready they nodded at Chloe to let her know they were ready. "Make sure to go all out." Jack said to Bete. Bete just nodded in his head he was thinking about wiping the floor with this guy after he ignored him for so long. Bete hates weaker people and wanted to show Jack how weak he was compared to him.

Chloe yelled "Ready and Start!" As soon as she said that Bete activated his Úlfheðinn, Fenris wolf and Solamni. These three skills in order the first one boosts all his stats under moonlight the second one increases his speed and the third one increases his strength and speed. Seeing Bete go all out the whole Loki familia we're about to step in when Jack put his hand back telling them not to interfere. Bete then charged at Jack with his sword in what seemed like an instant. Jack was barely able to see his attack but was high enough level to follow it at least. Bell being level one could only see a blur. Just as Bete started his swing over Jack. Jack activated his menace and with split second that Jack got from causing Bete to flinch caught the blade with his Alucard gloves stopping the attack. The force from the swing caused dust to kick up off the ground covering him. Everyone thought Jack had been seriously injured and felt bad about it as they could not see anything. But then as the dust cleared they all opened there mouths in shock as they saw Jack had caught Betes blade.

Tiona, Ais, and Chloe came running up to Jack as he let go of the blade and wiped the dust off himself. "Tiona and Ais asked Jack if they could fight him. While Chloe just wanted to make sure he was okay. Jack started to laugh and told Chloe it was no big deal and that they should talk later tonight. Then Jack turned to Tiona and Ais and said "Maybe another day I have some stuff I need to do." Tiona and Ais were persistent though and asked about "Right now." To what Jack replied "No sorry I got to eat and drink more now that he is paying for my tab. They looked a little sad but they looked forward to the opportunity to fight Jack. But they didn't look nearly as sad as Bete who actually looked so angry that some tears were coming out his eyes as he could not believe what just happened. After the Loki familia gathered together again. Jack introduced himself and then elbowed Bell who was standing next to him to introduce himself as well. They all then started to head back in and sit down.

As they say down everyone started to give their orders to Chloe and Syr as they were still responsible with the table. They then left to get everything for everyone. As everyone was talking and enjoying themselves Bete slammed on the table and looked at Jack. "What level are you." Finn then hit Betes head and told him that was inappropriate to ask after just meeting them. Finn then apologized about his teammate. However Jack could tell everyone was intrigued so Jack sighed and said "4." Everyone was shocked especially Loki. Who then asked "So you ready to talk." To which Jack replies " No not today I will come over tomorrow." Loki was a bit upset as she wanted to learn everything about Jack now. Jack did not pay much attention to Loki's expression. Then Jack looked at Bell who was being quiet and just staring at Ais. Jack was actually interested in Ais himself but wanted to help Bell our and let Ais decide who she would rather be with. Jack nudged Bell and whispered " just act normal she is still a girl and talk to her." Bell gulped down another pint of beer and looked at Ais and said "Ais thanks for saving me and sorry for running from you." Jackin his head was like there you go way to man up. However Ais simply just nodded her head. Jack leaned over and whispered in Bells ear again and said "Good luck."

For the rest of the night everyone kept talking to each other about their experiences and the dungeon. Then as it was getting late everyone started to leave. Jack and Bell turned toward Bete and thanked him for paying. Bete was very upset and he could barely afford the amount that Jack and Bell got. Jack then said bye to Bell who was leaving who stopped him for a second to let him know that he should go to the dungeon right now and grind "Especially if you want to go with me or

A I S" Jack speller it out to taunt him a bit. Bell nodded his head and ran toward the direction of the dungeon. While Bell was leaving a certain Beautiful Goddess had her attention caught by him.

Jack then turned toward Chloe who thought he forgot to talk to her after all. Jack could see her excited expression as he started to come toward her. (Jack was a big fan of Nekos in anime before he died.) Once Jack was fun in front of her he stared at her ears for a bit. Noticing his stare Chloe blushes and put a sly smile on her face. "You know if you keep staring at my ears people are going to think your weird." Jack smiled at her comment and said " Its fine people can think what they want. More importantly you want to go out on a date later this weekend? Maybe Saturday?" Chloe a little shocked looked over at Mia who gave a thumbs up with a head nod. "Nya your a pretty straightforward kind of guy." Chloe said as her neko came out. Jack hearing her say that blushes and said "True but life is to short to waste time waiting for a better moment." Chloe agree with what he said "What time and where nya?" "How about at noon over by the clothing shops." Jack said with a smile. "Its a date nya." As Chloe kissed him on the cheek Jacks red hair streaks and eyes lit up with a brighter as his blood rage activated for a second. No one really knowing what happened just giggled figuring it showed how excited he was. Jack blushed a bit and started heading out telling Chloe he will see her then or when he comes back here.

As he left Chloe turned around and started cleaning tables in a happy mood that was easy to tell from her tail and ears. Syr came over and nudged her. "So he the one." Syr asked as Chloe rarely was interested in anyone. Maybe Chloe said blushing a bit. Wanting to get back at her she asked Syr about Bell and she blushed as well. "We will see Syr said but looks like he has eyes on someone else right now." Syr was a little sad at what she just said.

As Jack left he realized he still did not have anywhere to sleep. He ran over to Hephaestus workshop again. The guards let him through right away recognizing him from yesterday. Jack came up and knocked on the door to Hephaestus office she opened it a little dazed as she was just falling to sleep. " Hey Jack what you doing here?" She asked with a smile as she started to wake up a bit happy to see Jack. "Uhh I still do not have a place to stay so wanted to crash here again haha." Hephaestus held the bridge of her nose and said "Fine." Showing off a slightly reluctant look. Jack walked in after Hephaestus and locked the door then Hephaestus started laying on the couch. Jack saw her and couldn't help but ask because of how beautiful she is "Can I sleep with you tonight." Hephaestus said "No of course not. Not until you show me how your going to stop me from being lonely with smithing a master weapon or armor for me." Jack sighed and was about to start sleeping on the floor when Hephaestus pulled out a blanket and pillow for Jack. Jack looked up and said "Looks like you were ready for me haha and after you have such a fake reluctant look." Hephaestus turned around to hide her face and said "Goodnight." Jack wanted to tease her a bit more so he said "Goodnight you look beautiful by the way." Hephaestus started to blush and didn't respond. As they both went to sleep.

(A/N Hey thanks everyone for the support was wondering if you guys preferred Ais with an s or Aiz with a z I have seen both used. So I guess it's on preference.)