

Eno walked down the hall early in the morning and heard shouting. She approached the shouting and it was an elderly man.

"I didn't do nothing! What will I get punished for?!"

Eno followed from behind and they kneeled him down infront of the king. The two man stood by him close but he was tied from behind. Yoongi played around his sword and in one of those swings he went off with his head. She gasped and held her chest.

Eno quickly ran to her room and locked the door. Nana came out of the small closet.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Eno panicked and said "We must leave! Now!" She tried to get a small suitcase to pack her things.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you want to leave?"

"Don't ask. I don't want to speak of it. I can't stay in this palace anymore."

"Calm down, Eno. We aren't going anywhere."

"Are you crazy?!"

"No, but you are. Why do you want to leave?"



"Of course I won't! I speak the truth! I saw him kill that innocent elderly man."

"Eno! That's his job. He's always done that. You just never seen it happen."

"What?" She asked disgusted with her.

Nana didn't say anything.

Eno said "I can't believe you know and you're still willing to stay in this hell."

"We can't leave."

"Well, I'm leaving."

"You can't."

Eno laughed. "Yes, I can and I will."

Nana sighed, "I signed this contract where you and I work for the king until he dies."

Eno glared at her. "You did what?!"

Nana covered her face in embarrassment. "I did it cause I didn't have money to take care of you. The king's father helped me with you and so has king Yoongi. That's why I say to be nice to him. His family has done so much for us."

"I rather have grown under a bridge instead of this palace where he kills innocent life's."

"Oh, please! Eno, you don't even know who he was. He must of been the one stealing in the village."

"He looked innocent!"

Nana chuckled "You thought the king wouldn't harm anyone and look at you now."

Eno didn't say anything anymore as she was right.

"Now, get back out there and work. That's what we do here." She said before leaving the room but Eno didn't feel good.

Eno went to the bathroom to vomit as the scene kept coming back to her mind to relive.

"I don't think I can stay here." She softly said into the mirror. She cried, "I can't work for him until he dies."

A few moments later. "Eno get out here!"

"I don't feel well. I can't go." Eno said as she went to lay on her bed.

Nana didn't force her anymore and left to go do Eno duties.

"How is she?" Yoongi asked.

"She's not doing well but she will get over this soon. This is part of life. She needs to learn from this." Nana informed him.

"I want her fine by tomorrow morning. I can't live without seeing her around the palace." He ordered before leaving.

Yrel knocked on the door before coming in.

"What's wrong with you? I waited for you by the garden and you never came." She asked as she sat on her bed.

Eno sighed in sickness. "I found out what yoongi does with his sword in real life."

Yrel didn't seem surprised at all and it seemed like she wanted to laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Eno asked in a disgusted tone.

Yrel sighed and said "You're to innocent and pure. All these years here and you lived where?"

"You knew?"

"Who doesn't? That's his job. He's the king. There's nothing we can do. He's just protecting his village."

"I don't think so. He looked innocent."

"So, does the king."

Eno frowned.

"I came to tell you that I moved rooms."

"Why?" Eno asked very concerned.

Yrel sighed. "A man came into my room last night and tried to rape me. I escaped in time but don't tell no one. I don't want him to know or he'll come back to hurt me."

Eno looked at her disgusted. "Go tell the king! He does deserve to be killed. We can't have people like him around."

"I can't."

"Why not?!"

"It's the king's family..."

Eno became so shocked. "I can't believe this. Yrel you must protect yourself!"

"I don't think I can for long..."

Eno hugged Yrel. "I will tell Yoongi to tell him to stay away from you."

"No, don't. Family can't fight within. I'll get murdered and not him."

Eno let go of her. "You can sleep with me and I'll go off with his head."

"Are you crazy?! The king will go off with your head!"

"Oh, please. I'll be very happy."

Yrel looked at Eno with disapproval.

"I'm kidding" Eno added just for her to leave relieved.

"Get better soon cause it'll keep happening. There's no ending in ending all these people life's." She last said.

Eno couldn't accept this though. It was wrong and she couldn't live with this happening multiple times a day.

Nana came back into her room with tea. "Drink this so you'll feel better."

"Thank you so much." Eno sat up to hold Nana's hand. "I really appreciate everything you have done with me. You didn't have to take care of me and you still did, and you still do..."

Nana smiled. "I have tried to do everything I can for you to live. They have helped us a lot even if you don't see it."

"No no I get it. You're right. I wouldn't want a baby or child to starve or die because of me. I would want the best for them even if it meant sacrificing my life for them." Eno informed her.

Nana said "Hurry, drink it before it gets cold."

Eno drinked it after awhile. Nana came back to get the cup for her to wash it in the kitchen.

"Why is she still awake?!" Yoongi whisper shouted.

"Patience your majesty but don't forget Eno is a tough girl. Eventually, she'll fall asleep before we both know it." Nana informed him.

"I want her now." He ordered before leaving.

Nana went back to check up on Eno to see if she was asleep but she wasn't in bed.

"Eno?!" Nana called for her.

"Yeah! I'm taking a bath." Eno answered from the other side of the door.

"You need to sleep in order to feel better."

"I don't think I'll ever feel better again..." She recalled the scene again making her tummy twist.

"Better not sleep in there cause I won't take you out of the water."

"I'll love to sleep in here. I love water."

"Don't take long or where will I use the bathroom?"

"The door is open."

"I'm serious, Eno."

"Okay okay."

After, Eno came out the bathroom she stayed in her robe as she blow dried her hair.

"I hate that king for being so mean and making me sick." Eno told herself.

She became very sleepy. It became hard for her eyes to keep open. Next, thing you know she drifted to sleep in her bed with her robe on.