
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs


A few songs passed and we all needed another round of drinks. Bex grabbed the glasses and started walking towards the bar, "waiiiit," I grabbed his elbow and pulled him to me, "I have something for you." I grinned at him, "how about when I come back?" He gave me a flirty smile back, "promise?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He leaned down and quickly kissed the top of my head, "promise," and walked away towards the bar.

Fern shot me a glance, it wasn't a bad look, rather one of slight surprise.

"Okay c'mon like you weren't expecting it to happen at some point."

She giggled, "honestly was expecting it a bit sooner." With that I winked at her and pulled a pill bottle out of my pocket, "are you taking any tonight?" I raised a questioning brow at her and she nodded with excitement. I poured two pills out into my hand, "whole or half? I'm sure Theo would split it with you if you want."

"Yeah half works, he's always down."

I split both pills in half and gave her two pieces, she was bouncing up and down with excitement and turned to Theo, "ooooh Theoooo, guess what I haaaave!"

She made her way over and her voice trailed off into the music. Bex returned with perfect timing and handed me a Whiteclaw, "thank you!" I smiled at him and took my half of the pill with a quick swig.

He raised a brow at me, "so, what is this thing you have for me?" I gave him a smirk and took the other half of the pill and held it between my teeth. "Oh? Is that an invit-" I cut him off with out thinking, pulling him to my face. Our lips met and he slid his tongue into mine, taking the pill from me. Bex pulled away for a moment to take a drink of beer and quickly downed the pill, he pulled me closer to his waist and crashed his lips on mine again.

My wolf growled in my head, but I ignored her. The King didn't want us. Why did she care so much. Did he formally reject us? No, but that isn't something I cared about right now.

Bex slid his tongue into my mouth again and swirled it around with mine, I grabbed the back of his neck as if I was pulling him closer to me. Suddenly the music stopped and we release each other, both on high alert.

The lights stayed off, and soon the music started again, it started with a piano like sound that had some bass bumping in the background. The Gunner by MGK, interesting change up.

That's when it hit me, his scent. The intoxicating evergreen and whiskey aroma.


Bex looked at me, questioning my realization. I gave him a soft smile, not wanting to give away my secret.

The doors opened and Gabriel walked in, a small part of me excited. Maybe he wanted to see me here, maybe he actually came because he found out I was here. He was tall, and fit, his build was very athletic with broad shoulders.

My wolf almost purred in my head, but that's when I saw her. Harlow. What the FUCK was she doing with him. I could feel my wolf wanting to take control, she was enraged.

Gabriel must have caught my scent, because he made eye contact with me. I gave him an icy, cold glare and turned to Bex, "want to see if everyone wants another shot?" My expression flipped back into the flirty single girl having a good time.

He put his arm around my waist, "anything for you birthday girl." I slammed the rest of my Whiteclaw and grabbed his hand, he spun me around and we walked up to Fern and Theo.

Fern winked at me when we reached the two of them, "hey you two." She smirked and I rolled my eyes, "we're here to do shots."

The nice bartender came over and smiled, "did I hear someone say shots?" She wiggled her eyebrows at us, "yes please!!" I squealed, "can we actually just get back to back rounds of tequila shots?"

She nodded and grabbed eight glasses, "want a lime for after the second shot?"

"Yeah that would be perfect, thank you," she gave us each two tequila shots, and a lime, "cheers everybody!" We clinked glasses, tapped them on the bar, and finished the first one. I grabbed the second shot in my other hand and tilted my head back. I swallowed the burning liquid and then bit into the lime, it was sour but refreshing.

"How many of those have you had tonight," Gabriel's stern voice entered my head, but I ignored him.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick, and then we should go dance again." I smiled and walked towards the back of the club and to the women's bathroom.

I was washing my hands before heading back out to my friends when I heard foot steps coming down the hall. They were a man's, and he wasn't walking very fast, in fact the Men's bathroom was in the opposite direction.

The footsteps stopped outside the door to the women's bathroom and there was a silent pause. I turned the water off and dried my hands, the door opened and I wasn't shocked to see Gabriel standing before me. He was quiet, mysterious, his eyes watched my every move. I walked over to the mirror and reapplied my lipstick, Gabriel locked the door behind him and took the three steps up to me. He towered over me and for a split second, I really looked at us in the mirror. We were perfect.

"Who's scent is all over you?" His voice was possessive and I looked at his eyes in the mirror, they were completely black as I assumed, his wolf was mad, ready to fight. I kept my mouth shut, he didn't have a right to suddenly decide I was his for the taking.

Gabriel let out a low growl, "don't make me ask again. I can smell him all over you."

"Hey are you alright in there?" Fern's voice came through my mind link now, "ran in to a friend, be out soon," I answered her back.

I slowly turned around to face Gabriel's 6'7 figure and looked him in the eyes, challenging him. My heart was racing but my breathing stayed even, my wolf wanted me to give in and submit to him for our wrongs, but I wasn't going to do that. I was an alpha, and a queen at that.

He took a step closer, pushing me against the sink, I let out my own growl and he growled back, I didn't remove my eyes from his.

"Kai... what is his name?" Gabriel moved his hand up my outer thigh and too my waist and then the small of my back, pulling me into him.

"His name is Bex, and he is the next in line Beta of my pack." I snapped at him, "good, and why is his scent all over you." I looked the King directly in the eyes without a ounce of fear, and reached up to the collar on his dress shirt, "because.." I pushed myself up on to the counter as Gabriel lifted me simultaneously, "someone else's.... isn't." I gave him a small pout, toying with his emotions like he has managed to toy at mine in one day of knowing him.

"Do you know, Kai," his breath was hot on my neck, "that your wolf will only be happy with me?" He started kissing my neck and my I tilted my head back, he was unfortunately very right. My skin sparked at his touch, my wolf purred and wanted to break out every time he looked at me. His scent engulfed me, and he kissed the spot on my collar bone where he would leave his mark. If he actually planned on leaving one, but I had relaxed and a small whimper escaped my lips.

He stopped in amusement as if this was a game and met my gaze again, a sly smirk across his face. I clenched my jaw, "and did you know, Alpha, that your wolf will only feel this sense of authority and arousal with me?" As much as I wanted him to keep kissing me, to hold me up against the wall, to take me home with him, I had friends to get back to, "but for now, why don't you go keep playing little games with your dumb girlfriend, and I'll just get back to my friends."

Gabriel stepped away from me, almost like he was shocked by my words. I got down from the counter and walked towards the door, he kept the stern look on his face. His voice gave away his emotions, "please, let me take you somewhere to explain everything..?" I could hear the defeated.

"No." It was a simple answer, I unlocked the door and began opening it, but his large hand pushed the door shut again, "please Kai."

"If you don't let me out right now, your chances of ever taking me anywhere will plummet to zero." I raised my voice, my words came out almost as a dominant snarl, and my wolf felt powerful. Something was changing, I would never dare talk to an alpha this way, let alone an Alpha King.

"As you wish." His voice was stern again, harsh and cold. I could tell he didn't like the challenges I was throwing at him, but for some reason, he fought them in his mind and didn't retaliate with me.

The door opened and I left, to join my friends, not taking another look back at him.