

A story start with a teenage boy. Who was going to school but he has no interest in study so he was looking for something interesting. Let see what we happen in the story

01_Wicked_Heart · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

Chapter-01 Start of a new life

Looking in the mirror was the first thing I do after getting up

(MC)> Hello guys my name is Wayne.

I am just an ordinary teenage boy,

My brand new day is going to start.

Lili: Break fast is ready

Wayne: She is my cute little sister Lili.

Ohh... no..

I am going late for the school,

on the way to the school

Peter: You are late bro we are going to be punish in the by the homeroom teacher.

Wayne: yeah..

He is my best friend Peter,

We are friends since childhood

The first period was the period of English and It is taught by our homeroom teacher Mr. Albert,

This period sucks

Peter: Hey Don't say this loud otherwise He will hear you.

Mr. Albert: Wayne you stand up and answer my question

Wayne: Sorry sir I don't know

Mr. Albert: This is why you always be a loser. You don't even the answer of this question.(All students laughing loudly)

(Ikumi)> Don't be down . you can answer another question .

Wayne: She is also my childhood friend that I liked since elementary school .

But I never told her about it ,

And today is the day when boring life is going to end

Wait.... what's happening.....


Students: A... A portal is opening .

Wayne: That day an portal open when me and my My friend apart from eachother,

I am sucked inside the portal,

I fainted after I entered the portal

When I wake up , I see a vast field with a dense forest in my sight.


Hello Anyone here

First I didn't find anyone out there and also I am not in the earth because their are two moon here after walking into the forest I didn't see a end and due to hunger and tiredness I fell on the ground.

(Elena)> Are you awake traveller

Wayne: Who... Who are you

Elena: I am a ordinary hunter. BTW(By the way) what is your name .

Wayne: My name is Wayne,

(Wayne's mind)> wait what did you say hunter , In this world women are also hunter wait this is like a dream come true.

Elena: What are you doing in this forest and In very bad condition in this forest, I never seen you here.

Wayne: Ohh... Haha....

I am also warrior. I am collecting some herbs which is for my friend

But What are you doing here

Elena: I am going to slay some monster which are wondering in the forest near the devil's mountain. Can you accompany me.

Wayne: Hmmm...Okay

Written by 01_Wicked_Heart

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