
The Rise of The General

Henry Wick, is a loser, literally a loser, orphaned since he was just a baby, and attending one of the finest military academy in the Jraga Empire, bullying and discrimination never missed him, even one day. After he helped an Old Man, his life began to change

Zankoeqq · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Jraven City

Good thing my neighbour used a Wyvern to travel to Jraven, thus it only took an hour or two, I arrived to Jraven City, The Capital of Jraga Empire, the buildings were way sturdier and more beautiful than my hometown, Jracus, I carried my belongings and said thank you to my merchant neighbour and bid farewell, my neighbour is a rich merchant, he can afford a wyvern, which were expensive, usually used on scouting missions during military campaigns, so they are fast and agile, he said good luck to me while waving as we part ways.

While carrying my belongings, I saw the surrounding scene, it was beautiful, just what would you expect from the most populated city in Jraga Empire, I saw many species, from Elves, Dark Elves, Humans with animal features, I think they're called Jadis, Dwarves, Dragonewts(Dragons aren't classified as animals on this world, they are considered an intelligent being that have their own tribe, so they're classified as a mythical creature that exist years ago and evolved into Dragonewts, as humanoid form are much more comfortable to move around), Demons(Human body but with additional features such as Horns and wings, 1 horn is normal, 2 horns are soldier demons, 3 horns are noble demons, 4 are Royal Demons, the wings also determine how strong a demon is, 1 set to 4 sets of wings, scale the same as the horns) and humans. Technically Humans are the weakest species but the current emperor is a human, seized the throne using purely skills and ingenuity, he is one of my source of Motivation.

Right and left are stores that sell goods that aren't available on my hometown, from clothes to food, it's unique here, sadly they're all expensive, and dad didn't gave me much money, I know our Orphanage's condition, so I didn't dare to ask for more.

Finally after a long walk, I arrived to the Military Academy, Jraga Military Academy, Just from seeing the gates I felt a proud feeling on my chest, A giant gate and on it, engraved the symbol of the Empire, currently there are 2 guards standing by the gate and 3 officials from the Academy, there is a line there, apparently those are the new students, there are 2 lines for me to choose, the one who are queueing dressed fancy, and carrying their luggage that looks expensive, it looks like all of them are made using the finest leather, while mine is only an Old bag(similar to a camping backpack), I was instantly felt inferior to these guys, although I got in because of my achievements and my dad's connection, still these guys are superior than me, I saw Elves, Dark Elves, Jadises, Dwarves, Demons but I didn't see any Dragonewts, or high level demons that has 3 or 4 horns, well as far as I know they can conceal their wings but not their horns, and Jadises are very variant here, Cat ears, dog or wolf ears can't tell the differences, harpy type, even the rare Snake type, they usually live on warm places that the weather doesn't change much, the Capital's weather change from cold to warm in a year on a 4 period, each period is 3 months.

It looks like I am the only human here, then I sighed when looking at the sky, while thinking, can I really do this?, I mean if I know something about self defense then I would have a little confidence but I don't know anything about self defense.... Ai... I guess I won't make it.

While thinking about these things a loud voice can be heard,

"MAKE WAY FOR THE ROYAL GROUPS, Clear the path", suddenly when I look at the source of that voice, it was from the opposite direction of the gate(His back), A Stunning carriage with extravagant aura on it can be seen, there are a total of 6 Carriages and they differ from each other, One had a crimson color one it, another had a light blue color, Green Color, Grey color, White and Black, I'm not from around here so I don't know anything about this, it passes by my face and I was astonished to see it, never on my life I've ever seen something so beautiful and extravagant, then all of the student made way for the carriage to pass, Still stunned on wondering who could that be?, I overheard the people around me then I know who they are, They are Royals from the major species, Crimson is the Dragonewts, Light blue belongs to the Jadises, Green is from the Elves, Grey from the Dark Elves, White from Dwarves, and Black is from the Demons, they said this year of freshman features the children of future leaders of each species, oh I forgot to tell the readers, the Empire is currently at war with the Dynaxus Kingdom, home of the mighty Lizardmen and Orcs, these are the main species of this Kingdom, there exists Troll and Goblins, their army invaded the Empire 2 years ago and we lost 4 cities, which are cities that located on the outskirts and near the border, Oh nice, I broke the 4th wall well this is much easier to explain things going on here, so continuing to the story.

After I got my identity checked and received my room, I hurriedly went to my designated dorm and while on my way there, I passed by the Building for the Head of Academy and Teachers or instructors, they have a building of their own for Academy purposes, it is a tall building with the Jraga Empire symbol on the front of the building, then I saw the previous carriages that carries the Royal executives, well I think it's better to hurry up rather than watching and waiting for something to happen.

I arrived on my dorm, it's on the corner of the academy, the very corner, almost feels like isolated from the rest of the dorm, I finally noticed that there were less people here than other dorms, My dorm is relatively small compared to others, the dorms are located on an area specifically for dorms, so I saw other students dorm, each dorm are divided by their species, and each dorm has a name of their own, Elves are called Lagellas, Dark Elves are called Munair, Dwarves are called Grytor, Jadis are called Treyar, Demons are called Radyeyar, Dragonewts are called Ragnir, while the last but not least, Humans... the dorm's name is Linceton, these names are picked from great heroes from each species, these heroes played part during the Great War 1, where each species are hostile towards each other, the war results on the Demons, Elves, Dark Elves, Jadis, Dragonewts and Humans to form an alliance, thus ending the war, Currently it's Great War 2, against the Dynaxus Kingdom, which ruled 45% of the continent which Jraga only 30%, 25% belongs to other small countries but the Jraga is trying to form an alliance with them to counter the large and expanding military power of Dynaxus.

I went inside the dorm, but it was empty...

"Hello, excuse me... anybody here?", I asked with a loud voice but not using an angry tone, yet no answered... so I went inside, put my shoes in the shoe locker, and continued to walk inside, it was pretty large dorm, with only 2 floors and only 9 Rooms, I searched the building, yet found no one, well it's quite scary, and I though I maybe lost my way or something, then the Main Door opened with a loud noise, I hurriedly check on who it was, it was a Beautiful Elf with long blonde hair, her height is about 170, a little shorter than me, with excellent curves and large mountains, I was stunned to see a gorgeous figure in front of me, there was a 5 second time where I said nothing but only looked at the Elf, then she smiled and said,

"Hello, you must be Mr. Henry Wick, Correct?"

"Yes that's right, and who might you be Miss?"

"my name is Develine, A Teacher on this academy, The Academy Head asked me tell you this, you are the only human here on this academy, no seniors above you that are a human, so you will be living here alone." she said while smiling yet I felt that her smile got a sinister aura in it, I was confused so I asked

"Wait... are you serious?...", even though I asked with a panicked face, she still said nothing but smile and said

"Yes, I am", God does she know how to have a little sympathy for me,

"this can't be serious, but is there any caretaker here? so at least I won't feel lonely"

"nope, there are no human staff on this academy, so there won't be any caretaker", After hearing this, I don't know what to say... are humans really that trash? that not a single human is here... Dad must have an amazing connection that allows me to apply here, but I'll ask him when I have time.

"if that's all the question available, then please gather at the Academy Hall for the ceremony and don't forget to wear the Academy's uniform, well then I have other thing to attend to", she then left me here and closed the door with a loud noise also, seems like she despises humans for whatever reason there is to hate humans, then I picked a room that is nice and clean to sleep in, tidy my things and change my clothes to the Academy's Uniform, for your information, the Uniform for the ceremony and the Regular Uniform are different, I am currently wearing the regular uniform, Mom forced me to wear it, she said it looks good on me, after changing into the Ceremony uniform, I went to the Hall.