
The Rise Of The Demonic Sword

While he was trying to keep his soul from disintegrating and disappearing in the endless darkness, suddenly the memories of his previous life attacked his mind. In his previous life, he had finished the game in impossible mode and activated the secret mode, creating Liam Johnson with his own personality, but then when a sudden blue light captured him, he found himself in this unique darkness. Then, this endless darkness dispersed with blinding light and he found himself in a place he did not recognize. But the problem was that the character he created was Liam Johnson.

fishercrackman · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Escape (2)

As Paul was screaming Liam made a face as if he was annoyed by a mosquito and kicked Paul and with the force of the kick Paul moaned "Ahhh, Dad save me..."

Michael was still shocked and unconscious as Paul begged, he didn't think Liam would hurt his own brother but as Paul's screams grew louder Liam said "Brother your eyes have a beautiful color, I've always been bothered by the color of my eyes...Can I borrow your eyes?"

Liam put Paul in a position where Michael could see him and Michael yelled "Don't!" Liam just smiled and whispered in Paul's ear

"I knew I had a brother who loved to share"

It was in the form of a whisper, but in a tone that Michael and Eve could hear. Liam then stung his fingers into Paul's eyes. Paul let out a painful moan, his whole body trembled and he began to struggle on the ground. "Ahhhh DAD HELP ME IT HURTS AHHHHHHHH. DAD SAVE ME!"

Blood poured from Paul's right eye Michael couldn't take it anymore he was about to attack and Liam spoke "If you do what I think you're going to do he's dead."

His voice was so emotionless he sounded like he was talking about killing a mosquito or a pig but it was a human being he was hurting!

"How can you harm your brother? Or your own kind? How can you pretend to harm something insignificant? Are humans insects or cows in your eyes? How can you? Are you human?"

Liam said this with a smile.

"Would you react the same way if you were born as a cow and another species killed your brother, child and wife in front of you? If you were born as a bear and your skin was displayed in mansions or they were tolerant and normal about wearing your skin?

You are behaving like this only because you have harmed your own species. I think I should skin my brother like the bearskin displayed in the guest room of our dukedom. In this way, the bear's soul can find peace. Tell me, father, don't you think every living creature deserves to live?"

Liam then pulled out Paul's crushed eye and grinned ecstatically as he looked at him Father, don't you think we belong to the same circle of life, too? Why do we kill species from the same circle of life that also deserve to live, without any remorse or guilt?"

Michael, as if he hadn't heard any of Liam's words, had a pale face. While Paul's screams continued, Michael leaped towards Liam, seething with anger. "You bastard!"

Michael was so furious that he hadn't even used his sword; instead, he tried to attack Liam with his fists. However, Liam seemed to anticipate this and leaped towards Michael, swinging his sword. His face filled with madness as the two clashed, and just as they were about to collide, Liam hurled Paul, whom he had been dragging behind him, in the direction of Michael's attack.

It all happened so fast that before Michael realised what had happened, his fist had smashed through Paul's body, and Liam appeared in the back in front of the house, Paul was looking at his father with his eyes wide open, "Dad..." he said, losing his life right there.

It all happened so fast that before Michael realised what had happened, his fist had smashed through Paul's body, and Liam appeared in the back in front of the house, Paul was looking at his father with his eyes wide open, "Dad..." he said, losing his life right there.

Micheal's face was completely white and his body was shaking. He started muttering, "No, no, no, it's not real, I'm in a dream right now." His face showed a terribly insane expression.

However, Eve had never anticipated such events; her wrist had been severed, rendering her unable to rise from her position or rescue Paul from Liam's grip. Yet, the only thought racing through her mind was how an eight-year-old child could behave in such a manner?

Eve began to move crawled; she had never activated her internal energy until now, but she had done so. Her wrist wound healed rapidly. Eve rose to her feet and started to move toward Liam.

Just as she was about to reach him, a voice came from the building behind her.


Marry's cry echoed, her face contorted with a horrifying expression of disbelief. She couldn't accept the truth and was tearing at her hair with her hands. Liam smiled, "Father? Why did you kill my brother?"

Liam's sobbing and choked voice reverberated, illuminating the silence of the night, causing the guards in the vicinity to rush towards the source of the sound. Initially, orders had been given not to leave the premises under any circumstances, but when the Duchess's voice was heard, the guards panicked and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

And the image they saw was that the Duke had killed Paul, his son, whom everyone saw as the heir, and in the most brutal way, his fist had split Paul's body, his internal organs exploding out.

And there they saw the Duchess, crying like crazy and Liam, who was sick. Liam was screaming like crazy.


Liam was on the floor screaming as if his flesh had been ripped off, crying hysterically and Eve was looking at him with shocked eyes, while Liam was still screaming, Mary had fainted from the shock and various female servants were gathered around her, clearly visible through the window.


Liam was squeezing the grass on the ground with the palm of his hand and screaming with his head bowed to the ground, countless tears falling as he kept his head bowed.Eve didn't know what to do because Liam was guilty of Paul's death, but he hadn't killed Paul.

She couldn't do anything to Liam because everyone had witnessed it with their own eyes and she was horrified by Liam's acting and she looked at Liam with wide open eyes.

Liam then grasped the edge of Eve's dress and said, "Are you really someone who can command the Royal soldiers? Why aren't you arresting the culprit while my brother is dying? Why, why, WHY?" Liam, his face flushed from crying, looked at Eve. If Eve had not witnessed this event, she would have believed Liam was completely innocent and even felt sorry for him, thinking his brother had been killed by his own father.

"Royal soldiers?"

The guards behind them all muttered in hushed voices, whispering among themselves as they stared at Eve. Eve, taken aback, coughed and replied, "I will handle it..."

Then Liam pointed his finger at his father "The Duke is a murderer, he killed my brother, he's a murderer MURDERER MURDERER, MURDERER..." Liam was now snarling and breathing heavily, his face was covered in a crazy rage of anger, hatred, hatred and sadness.

Seeing this, the guards looked at Liam with pity and sympathy, even all the servants were watching the incident through the glass, they all felt very sorry for Liam because it was really traumatic for Liam to lose his brother like that.

Michael was finally startled by Liam's words and looked at Paul's body, his whole body trembled as he slowly removed his fist from Paul's body and looked at Liam with a mad expression on his face "You..."

And before he could finish his sentence he lunged at Liam, Liam was still crying hysterically, Eve stepped forward to protect Liam, if she didn't she would probably be a professional disqualification, she had a murderer in front of her, but the real culprit was the eight year old boy crying in the back.

As Eve repelled Michael's attack, Michael looked at her in disbelief "You're protecting him even though you know the truth? You're betraying our friendship of how many years?"

Eve bowed her head without saying anything "Micheal Johnson, a warrant has been issued for your arrest for the murder of a human being, please put down your weapon and surrender calmly, don't give me any trouble."


As Micheal laughed manically, his words sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the vicinity. According to him, this sickly Liam had caused the death of the Young Master. It sounded like a joke, but if they hadn't witnessed it themselves, they might have believed it. Moreover, how could someone who was suffering so much for his older brother be a culprit? Besides, his older brother had received martial arts training, while Liam had received none. The mere possibility of such a thing being true It had to be a big joke.

The Duke had gone further, accusing Liam and leveling false charges against him. Unable to bear Liam's humiliation any longer, a few guards stepped forward, forming a protective barrier around him. One of them spoke up, "If you want to harm the Young Master, you'll have to get through us first!"

Several more guards followed suit. The heir had already died, and the Duke had become the murderer. The next in line to become Duke was most likely Liam, so supporting him now seemed like the right thing to do. In fact, it might be wise, as if Liam became the Duke, holding grudges against them would only make matters worse.

Liam looked around gratefully and pleaded and knelt down, "Please, judge my father. Please! Let my brother's death not be in vain, please..."

Liam's voice carried a tone of supplication, stirring even more sympathy among the guards. Some of the servants couldn't help but cry. What a profound display of brotherly love it was!

Michael's whole body trembled and he began to use his internal energy. He hadn't used it when he fought Liam because he despised him and didn't want to hurt him, but he felt he had to kill this demon disguised as his son.

Eve also noticed that Michael was using internal energy, so she did the same. Her sword was enveloped in a blue light, while Michael's fist radiated red energy. Liam watched with fascination, his heart filled with the desire to one day use internal energy himself."One day I will use internal energy too!"

As Eve and Michael lunged at each other, a collision was heard, "Bam!" and an intense gust of wind and heat swept through the area. The clash of colors resembled fireworks, but all the colors were the same and even more vibrant.

With these explosions, the guards' bodies trembled, and the servants, who lacked internal energy, had already fainted. Furthermore, those without internal energy had blood flowing from their ears and noses.

Liam, though not fainting, was disturbed by the bleeding from his ears and nose. However, he quickly regained his vitality by consuming the soul of the guard trembling beside him, sparing him from significant harm.

As the guard continued to age, Liam began consuming his soul to prevent him from dying. Finally, a terrifying explosion occurred, and the shades of red and blue merged into one another.
