
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · แฟนตาซี
280 Chs

Chapter 5 The Path of the Celestial Beast!

At this moment, Jia Yan was inside the opponent's spacecraft. What could he do if he didn't agree? If they threw him outside, he would die.

Thinking about it, Jia Yan felt it was better not to dwell on it too much. He had gradually come to understand what was happening on Earth, but knowing all this now didn't change anything. Moreover, if what Dafuni said was correct, aside from the threat of the metal monsters, there were also the matters involving the other three civilizations!

Although it was just about getting their so-called "exploratory ship" back, based on the tone, this exploratory ship was definitely not as simple as it sounded!

Perhaps combat capability could play a decisive role on Earth!

"Why worry so much? Right now, I have no room for resistance in front of her! I'd better take a look at this so-called 'Evolution Beast' first!" Jia Yan's compound eyes relaxed slightly. This period of time had been quite difficult for him. After all, this was the first time Jia Yan had felt so helpless since being reborn!

Although Dafuni seemed relatively friendly, Jia Yan couldn't fully trust her.

Jia Yan stretched out one of his forelegs and picked up the book in front of him.

The book was obviously freshly printed, with some text written in Chinese on it. However, there was no cover, just an introduction and explanation.

"'Evolution Beast,' Empire Biological Sequence No. 38, Threat Sequence No. 97!" Jia Yan read the first line.

This information was obviously translated by Dafuni based on some material, and then handed over to Jia Yan.

What was the Empire? What were Biological Sequences? And what was Threat Sequences?

Jia Yan focused and continued reading.

Meanwhile, this miraculous spacecraft was flying slowly but steadily in the deep and mysterious charm of space.

Although it was described as slow, in reality, its speed was gradually increasing!

Faster and faster.

While Jia Yan was reading the information, he slightly raised his head, but then his compound eyes froze!

Then, a look of shock appeared in the usually calm compound eyes of the giant mosquito!

He saw on the video screen on the metallic wall of the spacecraft that Earth was gradually getting smaller, turning into a circular object the size of an orange. And nearby the spacecraft, a huge celestial body appeared in the video!

It had large and small gigantic meteorite craters, and under the distant bright sunlight, the meteorite craters were illuminated brightly!

This is...

Jia Yan's heart trembled slightly.

This was the Moon!

How fast was this spacecraft going!? In such a short period of time, he hadn't even felt any significant acceleration, yet they had already reached the Moon?!

This was something that humans could see every night, the Moon that they looked up to!

Jia Yan felt that what he was experiencing right now was simply too much like science fiction. It was almost making his head spin!

Previously, he had been gradually changing step by step without feeling any practical sense.

But now, with just a glance, he saw something he had never dared to imagine before—the Moon, which he could see up close! This made him suddenly realize that what he was experiencing right now might become a legendary event in the future!

However, after looking at the rapidly receding Moon beside him, Jia Yan's gaze returned to the book in front of him!

He had also wondered where this spacecraft was heading, but at this moment, he didn't have the ability to ask questions or resist. Perhaps this spacecraft was heading for that so-called signal relay base.

Anyway, when they arrived, they would call him.

Jia Yan didn't think too much about it and continued reading.

At this moment, almost all of his body and mind were attracted by the description of the so-called "Evolution Beast" in front of him!

He didn't know where this information came from, but the "Evolution Beast" described in it was surprisingly similar to some of his characteristics!

This kind of Evolution Beast was a type of life that could appear on various planets with life in the universe.

At first, Jia Yan wanted to sneer at the phrase "various life planets." After so many years of searching for extraterrestrial life, humans hadn't found any clues. Yet, this article mentioned "various life planets" as if there were many planets with life!

But he suddenly realized that this information was given to him by Dafuni!

The background of the other party was a civilization with powerful technological capabilities. If this civilization said there were many planets with life in the universe, then it was highly likely. Perhaps Earth couldn't find any extraterrestrial life simply because its means were not strong enough...

So Jia Yan took the description above about the existence of many life-bearing planets in space as accurate.

Next was the depiction of the so-called "Evolutionary Beasts".

These evolutionary beasts appeared randomly on various planets, and there were many possibilities for their development. However, among these possibilities, the one thing that couldn't be lacking was their powerful devouring ability!

Some used basic oral consumption, some used certain unique organs in their bodies, and some even used fusion!

The evolutionary process of these beasts was extremely rapid. Some, in the initial stages, if they devoured excellent resources, would undergo a rapid and substantial development! The most representative among them were the evolutionary beasts that devoured "stellar condensate" on planets!

For an evolutionary beast that had just evolved, if it wanted to develop a certain combat power, it needed a considerable amount of time. However, during this period, if an evolutionary beast encountered fortuitous circumstances or was given stellar condensate to consume, as long as it could withstand the powerful energy agitation caused by the stellar condensate, there was roughly a one in ten chance of surviving and experiencing a direct leap in combat power. Furthermore, if they were properly trained and learned some abilities of evolutionary beasts, their combat power could rise to the forefront!

At that point, these evolutionary beasts would be qualified powerful evolutionary beasts. With further tempering or prolonged evolution, they would ultimately become the ultimate form of evolutionary beasts, transforming into another life state!

That was――the Stellar Giant Beast!

The article didn't provide much detail about the Stellar Giant Beast, only mentioning that even the weakest Stellar Giant Beast posed a great threat to the so-called "Empire". If not resisted with all one's might, it might even be possible for several administrative stars to be destroyed at great cost before it could be eliminated!

In reality, among these so-called Stellar Giant Beasts, there were some extremely powerful ones. While the Empire had only encountered a few, other civilizations had recorded instances of destruction by these powerful beings, some even stronger than the Empire!

So, the combat power of the Stellar Giant Beasts was terrifying to the extent of instilling fear. In the Empire's danger ranking, they ranked third, only below the two archenemy cosmic civilizations!

Although the strength of the evolutionary beasts was not high, and their danger level was not very high, they had the potential to evolve into true Stellar Giant Beasts in the future. Although the chance was as slim as finding a needle in a haystack, as long as this possibility existed, the study of evolutionary beasts had always been considered an important matter by the Empire!

They not only wanted to study the powerful mysteries of the Stellar Giant Beasts but also wanted to control this force in their own hands. Even if they couldn't turn the civilized races in the Empire into beings with the power of Stellar Giant Beasts, they at least wanted to be able to control a powerful Stellar Giant Beast. By then, when facing the two opposing archenemy empires, they would have greater confidence!

"These evolutionary beasts are formidable! But even more formidable are the Stellar Giant Beasts! And it seems that I may also be on the path of so-called 'evolutionary beasts'! Could it be possible that I, too, have the potential to become a lifeform feared even by the Empire, as depicted on the paper?!"

Jia Yan read through all the documents without stopping, word for word, before finally letting out a long sigh...

The gleam in his compound eyes was fiercer than ever before!